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odd time meters in Sad Lisa

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Topic: odd time meters in Sad Lisa
Posted By: Icarium
Subject: odd time meters in Sad Lisa
Date Posted: February 27 2011 at 15:29
just wondering,since their are no drums in it but the meters seems to be something else then straight 8/8, their are some 6/8  there,
i tried once to play drums to it myself by fooling around, but i fell out every time becouse of the strange time sigs, or abrupt changes between verse and couruse
it is the song Sad Lisa by Cat Stevens


Posted By: seventhsojourn
Date Posted: February 27 2011 at 16:19
Great song, one of my favourites! Clap
Mostly 4/4, with some 2/4 at the beginning of phrases.

Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: February 27 2011 at 16:24
Originally posted by seventhsojourn seventhsojourn wrote:

Great song, one of my favourites! Clap
Mostly 4/4, with some 2/4 at the beginning of phrases.
but their are counter melodies ( or something like that)
the piano plays in another rythem then the core melodie, and the singing and the string arangement is ofen differen
are their some counterpoint in the song


Posted By: seventhsojourn
Date Posted: February 27 2011 at 16:42
It's mostly quavers in 4/4. From the top try counting 1&2&3&4& for most bars. The first 2/4 bar comes in when he sings ''Tell me'', so count 1&2& leading into the next 4/4 bar that continues with ''what's making you''.  The 2/4 bars are at bars 14, 17, 20, 23 for the first verse.
Sorry, I've probably just confused you!

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