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Most Pop Album/Merch switch

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Topic: Most Pop Album/Merch switch
Posted By: Conor Fynes
Subject: Most Pop Album/Merch switch
Date Posted: February 21 2011 at 15:49
Minor suggestion here.

I noticed that the 'sell merch' and Arjen model photo was above everything else on the homepage, with new releases, most popular album and top collaborators down below it. I was thinking that 'most popular album' would be a good thing to have at the top, and push the 'buy merch' down a bit? seeing as it's something that I personally check everytime i go on the site...

just a suggestion, although i think it would make the site look more interactive and professional.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 21 2011 at 21:04
I agree, but presumably the site has become as much a business as a first-rate resource (in part from ad revenue)

it would be preferable to switch them, though-  we can always hope


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