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List by decade and country band started

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Topic: List by decade and country band started
Posted By: Psychwarlord
Subject: List by decade and country band started
Date Posted: January 09 2011 at 13:40
First of all, I think your site is wonderful - and I appreciate the hard work that goes into it and the alphabetical listings alone are a triumph of research.
Is there a way to choose other band listing views - not only alphabetically, but also by decade (or even year) first album was released and/or country they started in?  At the press of a button, you could see an alphabetical list, as you have here, or a chronological list, or a list by country, or some combination.
It would be great to see at a glance what bands began in which eras and where they began (like if you wanted to see all the early 70s German bands in one place - or all the current prog bands that began in the 2000s, or all the bands that came from Hungary).
Would it be of use to others for this way of categorizing to be available to us?
Thank you for your consideration

Alien Rock Radio WRTC-Hartford, Connecticut 89.3FM (listen or archive
Thursdays once or twice a month 7:30PM-10:30PM

Posted By: Angelo
Date Posted: January 09 2011 at 13:49
Maybe it's not exactly what you mean, but if you follow the link "" rel="nofollow - PA Top Prog Albums ", you can select albums by year, country and genre. Choosing different combinations may help you find what you need.
All of this is based on albums though, since the whole site centers around albums and album ratings, not bands.

Meanwhile, it's a great suggestions, maybe M@X (the owner of the site) will pick up on it.

As an example," rel="nofollow - here I selected all albums included in PA, for all genres, for bands from Argentina between 1970 and 1975.

-------------" rel="nofollow - ISKC Rock Radio
I stopped blogging and reviewing - so won't be handling requests. Promo's for ariplay can be sent to [email protected]

Posted By:
Date Posted: January 09 2011 at 13:52
You can set the" rel="nofollow - charts to show you the albums from periods of your choice (by selecting only the years and/or the countries you're interested in). That's the best we have for the moment.

Edit: Angelo ninja'd me.

Posted By: Angelo
Date Posted: January 09 2011 at 14:04
Call me Cato....

-------------" rel="nofollow - ISKC Rock Radio
I stopped blogging and reviewing - so won't be handling requests. Promo's for ariplay can be sent to [email protected]

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