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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Help us improve the site
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Topic: Multilingual ReviewsPosted By: Xanatos
Subject: Multilingual Reviews
Date Posted: January 05 2011 at 11:32
I will like to start this first giving great thanks and congratz to the admins and founders of the page because progarchives is going to turn 9 years old this year i think (progarchives started at 2002 right? or in 2004?)
For making this anniversary more memorable i think we need to make the website progress in a new way to make it a more international archives , principally giving the oportunity of supporting new lenguages in reviews , this is a big problem because i am aware of several latin/hispan prog communities that are very active and have a lot of members , and when i ask to this communities why they arent registered in the archives they answer me "we cant make reviews" and "the site is in english".
Just to make and idea here are hispan/latin prog communities like prog archives" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow -" rel="nofollow - 1. Identification and recognition : Make a thread for identifyng the spanish speaking community in progarchives and see if they will support the idea.
I think the principal concern of the admins will be the question "Who we are gonna to report/delete bad reviews if we dont read spanish?" well then in order to report posible bad reviews give honorary collaborators like Cesar Inca (he writes in english very well and speaks spanish , he also is one of the few who review latin prog bands) the power to delete bad reviews , shure there are other members who will love to help too.
2. Make aviable: Make a option while writing a review to specify if your review is writed in spanish or english , then make in the mainpage and subgenre pages a option for seeing "only spanish reviews" or "only english reviews" or "both".
3. Announce it! : When we finish step 1 and 2 have for granted that we will have at least a thousand new member making reviews , in order to make it so , we will announce the multilingual option of progarchives in our twitter and facebook.
Video highly related: Zappa speaks in spanish
Replies: Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 05 2011 at 11:34
Why not Brazil highlighted? And Portugal and Italy come to that.
Posted By: Xanatos
Date Posted: January 05 2011 at 11:41
Snow Dog wrote:
Why not Brazil highlighted? And Portugal and Italy come to that.
In Brazil and Portugal they speak portuguese , In Italy they speak in Italian , Yeah they are somehow latin-based , but they are different lenguages to spanish
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 05 2011 at 11:48
Xanatos wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
Why not Brazil highlighted? And Portugal and Italy come to that.
In Brazil and Portugal they speak portuguese no sh*t....., In Italy they speak in Italian (wow) , Yeah they are somehow latin-based , but they are different lenguages to spanish
Somehow latin based? As much as Spanish is and in Italians case even more so.
Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: January 05 2011 at 11:49
Sorry Xanatos, but your thread is an improvement proposal so it sits in this section. If we make exceptions every time someone thinks their thread is "too important" for its correct section, we might as well not sub-divide the forum at all.
The decision to make the site English language only was taken by the founders right at the start. It has worked well for us, Interestingly, English is not the first language of either mailto:M@x" rel="nofollow - M@x or Ronnie. I fully understand the reasoning behind your proposal, but in practical terms it would make the site much harder to run.
It is mailto:M@xs" rel="nofollow - M@x's decision at the end of the day, but I suspect he would be hard to persuade now.
Posted By: Xanatos
Date Posted: January 05 2011 at 12:00
Snow Dog wrote:
Xanatos wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
Why not Brazil highlighted? And Portugal and Italy come to that.
In Brazil and Portugal they speak portuguese no sh*t....., In Italy they speak in Italian (wow) , Yeah they are somehow latin-based , but they are different lenguages to spanish
Somehow latin based? As much as Spanish is and in Italians case even more so.
Ok so whats your point? Why you do a question if you already know the answer? You just want to make me look bad , and Why so apathic to the obvious response?
Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: January 05 2011 at 12:03
Xanatos wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
Xanatos wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:
Why not Brazil highlighted? And Portugal and Italy come to that.
In Brazil and Portugal they speak portuguese no sh*t....., In Italy they speak in Italian (wow) , Yeah they are somehow latin-based , but they are different lenguages to spanish
Somehow latin based? As much as Spanish is and in Italians case even more so.
Ok so whats your point? Why you do a question if you already know the answer? You just want to make me look bad , and Why so apathic to the obvious response?
Posted By: Henry Plainview
Date Posted: January 05 2011 at 15:22
Xanatos wrote:
PD: First of all please dont move this post to "Help us improve the site" here everybody will see it , and thats the idea
Hahahahahaha! You really need to understand more about how a forum works before you keep posting.
Anyway, I think it would be too ambitious to try to have multilingual reviews. If we do Spanish, why not French, German, and Italian? What about Chinese? Asia is the fastest growing internet market, after all. And then we have to make sure the site is compatible with international characters, make a whole bunch of menu options, and find somebody who can read all the foreign language reviews to ensure they're not stupid. And who would want to join when it will still be a predominantly English site?
------------- if you own a sodastream i hate you
Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 05:25
I think that the translation plugins will have improved a bit when PA celebrates its 10th anniversary (in 2014). Just be patient and any user can make the site as multilingual as he or she wants it: write reviews in your first language, click to translate it in (almost) correct English, copy, paste and there you are.
Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 05:53
someone_else wrote:
I think that the translation plugins will have improved a bit when PA celebrates its 10th anniversary (in 2014). Just be patient and any user can make the site as multilingual as he or she wants it: write reviews in your first language, click to translate it in (almost) correct English, copy, paste and there you are.
Is that the wayisreallythecase?Experience,a deepchestvoice,I can saythatthe networkfunctionof translationservicesare stillfairlyrudimentarylevel, andsois unlikely toimprovesignificantlyby2014thatwould produceeven in summary forma grammaticallyacceptabletext.
Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 06:02
Vompatti wrote:
someone_else wrote:
I think that the translation plugins will have improved a bit when PA celebrates its 10th anniversary (in 2014). Just be patient and any user can make the site as multilingual as he or she wants it: write reviews in your first language, click to translate it in (almost) correct English, copy, paste and there you are.
Is that the wayisreallythecase?Experience,a deepchestvoice,I can saythatthe networkfunctionof translationservicesare stillfairlyrudimentarylevel, andsois unlikely toimprovesignificantlyby2014thatwould produceeven in summary forma grammaticallyacceptabletext.
It is just an optimistic scenario.
Posted By: Henry Plainview
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 06:08
someone_else wrote:
I think that the translation plugins will have improved a bit when PA celebrates its 10th anniversary (in 2014). Just be patient and any user can make the site as multilingual as he or she wants it: write reviews in your first language, click to translate it in (almost) correct English, copy, paste and there you are.
I really doubt that computers will be able to consistently do coherent translations in 3 years. Language is so complex that we're probably going to need processing power bordering on sentient AI before that happens.
For example, here is both our posts translated into Spanish with Google and then back to English with Babelfish, and then back to English with Google, if you believe Google isn't cheating. This is not just slightly off, that a little more work on algorithms will be able to fix.
I believe that plugins of translation a little have improved when their 10 PA celebrate anniversary (in 2014). He is patient and any user can do that the site in several languages as he or wants it: to write commentaries in its first language, clicks to translate it in (almost) the English correction, to copy, to beat and it already is. I doubt much that the computers will be able to make it of consistent way coherent translations in 3 years. The language is so complex that probably we are going to need the bordering capacity of processing sensible AI before that happens.
thinkthetranslationpluginshave beenimproveda bitwhenPAis celebrating its10anniversary(in2014).Be patientand any usercanmake thesitein severallanguagesas heorshewants:writecommentsin theirfirst language, clicktotranslate itin (almost) correctEnglish,copy, pasteand go. I doubt thatcomputerswill beabletodo itconsistentlycoherent translationsin 3 years.Thelanguageissocomplex thatwe're probably goingtoneedtheprocessing powersensitiveborderAIbefore that happens.
------------- if you own a sodastream i hate you
Posted By:
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 09:18
^ That is pretty good! I remember having major problems to understand posts done with translators a few years back, like Mandrakertoot's.
Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 10:24 wrote:
^ That is pretty good! I remember having major problems to understand posts done with translators a few years back, like Mandrakertoot's.
I've been quite surprised by the way these online translators have improved recently.
I hate to say this (but it's parly in jest, coz I like Mandy), but I'm not sure Mandy's Italian texts made any sense in Italian, before he submitted them to translators though... so expecting them to make sense after ... is a little illusory.
------------- let's just stay above the moral melee prefer the sink to the gutter keep our sand-castle virtues content to be a doer as well as a thinker, prefer lifting our pen rather than un-sheath our sword
Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 10:27
... it's in the plan
------------- Prog On !
Posted By: Henry Plainview
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 13:31 wrote:
^ That is pretty good! I remember having major problems to understand posts done with translators a few years back, like Mandrakertoot's.
Yeah, I was surprised how well translating within Google turned out (I think Babelfish hasn't been updated since the '90s so I'm unsurprised it's nonsense). I thought Google was cheating and remembering what I had already put into it, but I grabbed some text from Spanish Wikipedia and it was around as good, and, although it breaks down more when the language gets artistic or technical (which of course is what we would be focusing on here), I was still shocked by some of the sentences it produced.
Apparently, this is because, unlike Babelfish, and like Bing, although it's better than Bing's, it guesses at what you probably mean by the statistical distribution of words rather than futilely trying to apply grammar rules. So it is more possible than I initially thought, although I think we're reaching the upper limits of what is possible with current technology. Google claims the current version of Translate is still in Beta, but I don't see how much more they can improve it. Scanning more documents is diminishing returns at this point, maybe they plan to crowd-source the difficult sentences and work with the help of the internet.
However, Google started translate in 2007, so Sean may be right and the problem was on Mandrake's end. Or maybe he just needed to use Google instead of Babelfish, we will never know now.
------------- if you own a sodastream i hate you
Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 13:32
LOL, you seriously left Portuguese and Italian out even though those tree languages have more than 95% of their grammar and lexicon in common?
Plus, native Portuguese speakers are aproximately 244 milions, about 3/5 of the amount of the spanish speakers (as first language, I mean). If you also put in Galician, Catalan and Italian, there are aproximately 73 million more.
Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 14:20
CCVP wrote:
LOL, you seriously left Portuguese and Italian out even though those tree languages have more than 95% of their grammar and lexicon in common?
Plus, native Portuguese speakers are aproximately 244 milions, about 3/5 of the amount of the spanish speakers (as first language, I mean). If you also put in Galician, Catalan and Italian, there are aproximately 73 million more.
It started as a technical thread, but it turns to a war of numbers (nearly 200 millions of people speaking French, na na nère!)
Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 19:24
I hate to say it, though I don't support English only laws in this country, I do believe in sticking to one for the purposes of this site.
And for those of you writing in English when it's not your native language, like say for instance those folks in the UK , you write better English than I can your language.
------------- Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
Posted By: TheGazzardian
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 19:31
Henry Plainview wrote:
Apparently, this is because, unlike Babelfish, and like Bing, although it's better than Bing's, it guesses at what you probably mean by the statistical distribution of words rather than futilely trying to apply grammar rules. So it is more possible than I initially thought, although I think we're reaching the upper limits of what is possible with current technology. Google claims the current version of Translate is still in Beta, but I don't see how much more they can improve it. Scanning more documents is diminishing returns at this point, maybe they plan to crowd-source the difficult sentences and work with the help of the internet.
I do seem to recall seeing a "suggest a better translation" button on it before when doing translations.
Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 21:36
CPicard wrote:
CCVP wrote:
LOL, you seriously left Portuguese and Italian out even though those tree languages have more than 95% of their grammar and lexicon in common?
Plus, native Portuguese speakers are aproximately 244 milions, about 3/5 of the amount of the spanish speakers (as first language, I mean). If you also put in Galician, Catalan and Italian, there are aproximately 73 million more.
It started as a technical thread, but it turns to a war of numbers (nearly 200 millions of people speaking French, na na nère!)
Isn't the African French actually a number of creole languages put together and named French?
Posted By: The T
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 23:38
Ok. Around 1600 million chinese mandarin speakers if I'm not completely wrong.
Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 23:41
Think of all influx of thought from the Esperanto speakers around the world if we could just remove the language barrier!
-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!
Posted By: The T
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 23:57
There's a tribe in northern Western Samoa that has full prog-reviewing potential if we just give them the chance
Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: January 07 2011 at 13:49
The T wrote:
There's a tribe in northern Western Samoa that has full prog-reviewing potential if we just give them the chance
Wow, that's incredibly promissing!
Posted By: Evolver
Date Posted: January 07 2011 at 14:49
------------- Trust me. I know what I'm doing.
Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: January 07 2011 at 15:17
CCVP wrote:
CPicard wrote:
CCVP wrote:
LOL, you seriously left Portuguese and Italian out even though those tree languages have more than 95% of their grammar and lexicon in common?
Plus, native Portuguese speakers are aproximately 244 milions, about 3/5 of the amount of the spanish speakers (as first language, I mean). If you also put in Galician, Catalan and Italian, there are aproximately 73 million more.
It started as a technical thread, but it turns to a war of numbers (nearly 200 millions of people speaking French, na na nère!)
Isn't the African French actually a number of creole languages put together and named French?
figgis fiddis.
Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: January 07 2011 at 16:54
... I suggest that ProgArchives goes Esperanto in 2012 to celebrate its 125th anniversary: it was designed for purposes like this.
Posted By: Xanatos
Date Posted: January 07 2011 at 17:18
Please consider the following according to" rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Xanatos
Date Posted: January 07 2011 at 17:54
Also i want to clarify that i am not searching a traslate the whole site , i only want to make aviable reviwes in other lenguages , in order to do that i think we only need
1. A option in reviews to specify the lenguage you are writing , and also a system that can organize by
them differently , a image says more than a 1000 words so i make this poorly edited paint image to explain it
2. A mod reviewer for every lenguage: Who speaks/writes the chosen lenguage but also dominates english fluently and preferently that he is a honorary collaborator , in the spanish case i would vote for Cesar Inca
2a. Optional: A way to select what reviews of what lenguage you want to see :
Posted By:
Date Posted: January 07 2011 at 18:01
Isn't Taringa that website with a gazillion download links?
Posted By: Xanatos
Date Posted: January 07 2011 at 18:08 wrote:
Isn't Taringa that website with a gazillion download links?
Yes an no , the site that i linked is to a community of posters lovers of prog in taringa , Yes taringa most of the time is knowed for beign a downland paradaise , feel free to remove that link if it disturb you
Posted By: Xanatos
Date Posted: January 09 2011 at 20:59
Opinions please?
Posted By: Henry Plainview
Date Posted: January 09 2011 at 21:09
Xanatos wrote:
Opinions please?
Please don't bump your thread if you have nothing further to add. It's really annoying and completely pointless.
------------- if you own a sodastream i hate you
Posted By: The T
Date Posted: January 10 2011 at 12:53
Taringa is a website where they post lots, LOTS of links for illegal downloading. I wouldn't really use it s an example of anything.
Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: January 10 2011 at 13:20
I don't understand the need for language restrictions on reviews these days. Why must we force our foreign visitors to cobble together a review in a second or third language or, worse still, feed the thing through an online translation tool? There's nothing worse than trying to read a review written by someone who clearly doesn't have the means to properly express themselves in English - they might as well have not bothered. Whereas, if that reviewer were allowed the freedom to write in their native language the site would be rendered more inclusive and the pages wouldn't be quite so riddled with poorly written reviews. Everybody wins!
Posted By: toroddfuglesteg
Date Posted: January 10 2011 at 14:16
There is actually a lot of us here using this site to learn English. Hence; we deserve a recognition as an educational service website. In my case, English is my fifth language.
Let's keep this website bilingual. B*****cks as spoken in the General Discussions forum and English as spoken in the rest of this forum and website.
Posted By: Angelo
Date Posted: January 10 2011 at 15:36
Hear, hear! Thus spaketh Toroddhustra...
-------------" rel="nofollow - ISKC Rock Radio I stopped blogging and reviewing - so won't be handling requests. Promo's for ariplay can be sent to [email protected]
Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: January 10 2011 at 15:43
Prog archives on an Aldis lamp. This band is overrated:" rel="nofollow">
------------- Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: January 10 2011 at 15:55
Slartibartfast wrote:
Prog archives on an Aldis lamp.
Any excuse to post this!
Posted By: Formentera Lady
Date Posted: January 11 2011 at 05:18
I am against multilingual PA. I say that, although my native language is German, and I have not contributed to reviews, yet, because it takes me so much time to write it in a foreign language. So I understand your point. Still I am against it. Why? I see this site as a means to exchange thoughts and to communicate with each other. If several languages were allowed, I see the danger of "segregation": the Spanish group, the German group etc., where the people communicate inside the groups but do not know what is going on in the other. (I mean both in reviews and in the forum.) This would be a pity.
So I use this site further to improve my English.
Posted By: toroddfuglesteg
Date Posted: January 11 2011 at 11:59
Excellent post, Formentera Lady. Excellent !!
You are spot on.
Posted By: Xanatos
Date Posted: January 11 2011 at 15:04
Trouserpress wrote:
I don't understand the need for language restrictions on reviews these days. Why must we force our foreign visitors to cobble together a review in a second or third language or, worse still, feed the thing through an online translation tool? There's nothing worse than trying to read a review written by someone who clearly doesn't have the means to properly express themselves in English - they might as well have not bothered. Whereas, if that reviewer were allowed the freedom to write in their native language the site would be rendered more inclusive and the pages wouldn't be quite so riddled with poorly written reviews. Everybody wins!
Posted By: darkshade
Date Posted: January 21 2011 at 15:55
Formentera Lady wrote:
I am against multilingual PA. I say that, although my native language is German, and I have not contributed to reviews, yet, because it takes me so much time to write it in a foreign language. So I understand your point. Still I am against it. Why? I see this site as a means to exchange thoughts and to communicate with each other. If several languages were allowed, I see the danger of "segregation": the Spanish group, the German group etc., where the people communicate inside the groups but do not know what is going on in the other. (I mean both in reviews and in the forum.) This would be a pity.
So I use this site further to improve my English.
i agree with this, along with other negative effects that this would have on the site/forum.
nay, for me
-------------" rel="nofollow - My
Posted By: Rivertree
Date Posted: January 21 2011 at 15:59
Formentera Lady wrote:
I am against multilingual PA. I say that, although my native language is German, and I have not contributed to reviews, yet, because it takes me so much time to write it in a foreign language. So I understand your point. Still I am against it. Why? I see this site as a means to exchange thoughts and to communicate with each other. If several languages were allowed, I see the danger of "segregation": the Spanish group, the German group etc., where the people communicate inside the groups but do not know what is going on in the other. (I mean both in reviews and in the forum.) This would be a pity.
Posted By: DamoXt7942
Date Posted: January 21 2011 at 17:52
Formentera Lady wrote:
I am against multilingual PA. I say that, although my native language is German, and I have not contributed to reviews, yet, because it takes me so much time to write it in a foreign language. So I understand your point. Still I am against it. Why? I see this site as a means to exchange thoughts and to communicate with each other. If several languages were allowed, I see the danger of "segregation": the Spanish group, the German group etc., where the people communicate inside the groups but do not know what is going on in the other. (I mean both in reviews and in the forum.) This would be a pity.
Posted By: Xanatos
Date Posted: January 24 2011 at 19:20
Segregation? the only segregation here is the people who can make reviews in his lenguage and people who dont , also in the first post i didnt propose a site/forum multilingual , i just want to make reviews multilingual , its terrible that not everybody can put his thoughts on the great prog database of here
Did you know that from the visitors of
6.5% come from Mexico
4.8% come from Italy
4.7% come from Brazil
4.4% come from Russia ?
Posted By: petrica
Date Posted: January 30 2011 at 12:23
Xanatos wrote:
Segregation? the only segregation here is the people who can make reviews in his lenguage and people who dont , also in the first post i didnt propose a site/forum multilingual , i just want to make reviews multilingual , its terrible that not everybody can put his thoughts on the great prog database of here
Did you know that from the visitors of
6.5% come from Mexico
4.8% come from Italy
4.7% come from Brazil
4.4% come from Russia ?
I'm from Romania and I will probably want beside Spanish or Italian also Romanian. And this is just an example. Like me there are lots of prog fans from lots of different countries and they will probably want to be able to express themselves more naturally. What will be the benefit of having a small numbers of reviews in Romanian for the world wide prog community? Don't misunderstand me I understand your point and I agree that non-English speakers are in a kind of disadvantage. In the future I hope this language barrier will disappear. I don't care if we have to use Kobaïan or any other existing or artificially created language. Internet will probably have a major impact on this. Beside this, for me, reading the reviews, sometime writing one, it's a great opportunity to exercise my English language skills. There is always a price being paid for generalization, for switching from particular to general but I think the benefit counteracts the loss.
Posted By: clarke2001
Date Posted: January 31 2011 at 07:40
I am one among more than 450 000 000 native Slavic speakers worldwide, but I would not like to see multilingual reviews here; it's an English-speaking site and I prefer it to stay that way.
The only other language I wouldn't mind to see on ProgArchives is French (even if I don't speak it); it's an official and native language of
ProgArchive's founders.
Before 2005, my knowledge of English was on 'Me Tarzan, you Jane' level. I moved abroad and started improving my spoken English, but I started improving my writing skills only after summer of 2006, when I discovered this website and started writing reviews. Today I'm (hopefully) able to express deeper,abstract concepts in written form - and it's entirely ProgArchives' merit. (and I mean it; even if I used other English sources, from books to other web pages, it's ProgArchives who started the avalanche.)
What I want to say is: whether you like it or not, the English is today's lingua franca. If you don't use it properly, it's certainly useful to learn/improve it. No other language can be substituted in it's worldwide role. The non-English prog communities (both musicians and fans) are growing worldwide, and that's great, but Anglo-Saxon superpowers (UK, USA) are still epicentres of prog community and they will most likely remain so in forthcoming years.
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: February 09 2011 at 20:59
I'm ok with the English.
Would love to see a few improvements here and there, but that is my preference, and not anything else.
In general, getting into the multi-lingual thing is a dead end and horrible. And I have seen translations that are so bad that I wanted to do my own ... including my father's own well known poetry, one play of which I directed went through three translations, and my older sister's was the worst of them all!
It's an absolute dead end.
But it does mean that many of us that are not American, or English, have to be slower and more dedicated to saying something, but it is a sure thing that Snow Dog or someone else are going to catch your error in the language. It's a wonder he doesn't teach English in the local Salvation Army!
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!