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PA running poorly

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Topic: PA running poorly
Posted By: DisgruntledPorcupine
Subject: PA running poorly
Date Posted: September 18 2010 at 16:31
I don't know if this should be reported, but sometimes when I open a page on the PA forums, it will say it is done loading with no errors, yet I cannot do anything on the page. All I can do is refresh or go to a different web page. And when it IS working, it is running incredibly slowly and it takes very long to do simple things.

As I said earlier, wasn't sure if this is something to report or not, but I was just curious to see if anything could be done.

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: September 19 2010 at 09:01
Worth reporting DP in case others are experiencing a similar probem. Anyone else having this issue?
Sometimes it can be down to the firewall or virus scanner on the PC.
(BTW, could you change your signature, English onlyWink)

Posted By: Marty McFly
Date Posted: September 19 2010 at 09:45
Nothing bad going on for me, I enjoy these moments, because they usually don't last so long :-)

There's a point where "avant-garde" and "experimental" becomes "terrible" and "pointless,"

   -Andyman1125 on Lulu

Even my

Posted By: DisgruntledPorcupine
Date Posted: September 19 2010 at 12:21
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

(BTW, could you change your signature, English onlyWink)

Is it okay if it is Kobaian? Those are lyrics from Magma's "Da Zeuhl Wortz Mekanik." Wink

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: September 19 2010 at 13:11
Best to stick to the English only rule DP. If we make one exception it tends to lead to another and so forth. Thanks for your understanding.

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