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Kansas in AL

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: Kansas in AL
Posted By: Failcore
Subject: Kansas in AL
Date Posted: September 09 2010 at 19:24
I will be seeing them tomorrow in Tuscaloosa, AL. I'll let you know how it fleshes out, what the setlist was and all that jazz. Kind of excited, but apprehensive at the same time. It could be awesome, or it could tarnish my image of one of my old favs. We'll see.


Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: September 09 2010 at 19:31
Based on the DVD that recently came out, I think it will be awesome.  Keep us updated.

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Posted By: Garion81
Date Posted: September 09 2010 at 19:34
Ragsdale will win you over.  He is great. 


"What are you going to do when that damn thing rusts?"

Posted By: Failcore
Date Posted: September 11 2010 at 00:27
Moved? I guess the Live Performance Review section is not the right place for a live performance review. Oh well.

Anyway, the concert was top-notch. The main thing I was worried about was Walsh's voice, but he held out really well. As you said Garion, Dave has an excellent stage present, up there playing with panache(both guitar and violin) in his little maestro get-up. He easily stole the show, although I enjoyed Ehart's energy as well.

The UofA orchestra did a fairly good job filling out their sound and everyone was in top form.  The orchestra seemed exactly the right volume to contribute meaningfully, without blotting out the band. All in all, an absolutely marvelous night at the Moody Music Hall.

Set List(ish):
Magnum Opus(excerpt)
Some jam I didn't recognize (at this point Greer gets up, "Welcome to Kansas" and all)
Point of Know Return
The Wall
Hold On
Dust (cool bit w/Ragsdale and orchestra violinist dueling here)
Song for America
Cheyenne Anthem
Miracles Out of Nowhere
Fight Fire With Fire
Carry On(of course)

A little bit shorter than I was expecting, but not bad for 42 bucks. I also got a cool shirt, and the program doubles as a poster, so I have some Kansas bling for my wall.

PS: It did my heart well to see the house sold out; albeit, there were only about 300 seats. Still, that's more Kansas fans than I have met in my whole lifetime.


Posted By: Lozlan
Date Posted: September 12 2010 at 12:07
Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

Set List(ish):
Magnum Opus(excerpt)
Some jam I didn't recognize (at this point Greer gets up, "Welcome to Kansas" and all)
Point of Know Return
The Wall
Hold On
Dust (cool bit w/Ragsdale and orchestra violinist dueling here)
Song for America
Cheyenne Anthem
Miracles Out of Nowhere
Fight Fire With Fire
Carry On(of course)

Very interesting setlist!...if only for the unidentified jam, which makes me feel stupidly optimistic that the band might record again some day.  The last time I saw them live was about six years ago, sadly...they certainly weren't playing any tunes from In The Spirit of Things (thankfully - easily my least favorite Kansas sojourn after Drastic Measures).  Also sad to see that they've stricken all material from Somewhere to Elsewhere from the set...and no love for the st debut?  Still, sounds like a great show.  I've never seen the band without Robbie, but Ragsdale is pretty damn accomplished....

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Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: September 12 2010 at 15:49
stupud setlist, I'm a fan. but wouldn't do any justice to what i want to hear. Any Kansas show should have by definition Carry On My Wayward Son and Dust In The Wind.
without those it's just another redneck bulsh*t artist.
to bad......
Kansa is no more

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

Posted By: VanVanVan
Date Posted: September 12 2010 at 16:31
Originally posted by tuxon tuxon wrote:

stupud setlist, I'm a fan. but wouldn't do any justice to what i want to hear. Any Kansas show should have by definition Carry On My Wayward Son and Dust In The Wind.
without those it's just another redneck bulsh*t artist.
to bad......
Kansa is no more

Set looked alright to me. When I saw them a few years ago they didn't do Song for America, which was disappointing for me. And I actually like that they threw in a couple tracks from In the Spirit of Things (as they did when I saw them.)

And I'm confused. The setlist he posted has both of the standards you mention. Perhaps I just misunderstand you?

"The meaning of life is to give life meaning."-Arjen Lucassen

Posted By: Mr. Maestro
Date Posted: September 12 2010 at 23:41
I'm a little disappointed that they haven't done "Journey from Mariabronn" in years.  I would love to hear what that one sounds like with an orchestra.

"I am the one who crossed through space...or stayed where I was...or didn't exist in the first place...."

Posted By: Garion81
Date Posted: September 13 2010 at 15:07
Remember they have separate playlists for normal show vs Orchestra show. This is set list from the DVD Know Place like Home released last year with the orchestra. So yes in comparison the Alabama show looks a little lean:

 1. Howling At The Moon 
2. Belexes 
3. Point Of Know Return 
4. Song For America 
5. On The Other Side 
6. Musicatto  
7. Ghosts/Rainmaker 
8. Nobody's Home 
9. Hold On 
10. Cheyenne Anthem 
11. Icarus II 
12. Icarus: Borne On The Wings Of Steel 
13. Miracles Out Of Nowhere 
14. The Wall 
15. Fight Fire With Fire 
16. Dust In The Wind 
17. Carry On Wayward Son

Maybe the jam you heard was actually Musicatto which is very rare Kansas instrumental when Steve Morse was in the band off of Power. Some of it comes down to how much time the Orchestra and conductor get to rehearse the material.  The conductor is the same but the orchestra's are different every time. Nobody's Home should always be played at these. Actually this set list is devoid of those things that would be considered their Redneck bar band songs like Down the Road. 


"What are you going to do when that damn thing rusts?"

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