there, who can help me to find an interpret of a song what I've heard
in the year 1983. I'am still looking for it, also after 27 years! The
Style is like VdGG, Marsupilami, Focus, Jethro Tull, Pell Mell or
Parzival, it's a very good melodic prog-rock-synfonic-song, a bit
dramatic-opera-style with refrain "Conversation,
Demonstration...“ rest of words of refrain are sung faster and stop
suddenly (like at the opera) to the beginning flute solo
improvisation (like Ian Anderson) and after the impro there are some
spoken words to the rhythm like "Downtown, Uptown, Insidetown"
or so, accompanied with an long deep sax noice resounding at the end
of the part. Unfortunately I don't have the recording anymore and the
DJ died in the meantime! I still hope fo find out the groop and say
thanks to all who are helping me! By the way, this song is not played
in a heavy way, it is less progressive, better discribed it's more in
a wave-rock style with a good drive and that particulare refrain with
stretched sung (spoken) words "CONVERSATION, DEMONSTRATION"
(pronounced like obsessed), words repeated again more faster and
faster (a bit dramatically) and than it stops and the flute-impro
starts very melodic and stops in a thrilling way, and than the main
ryhthm returns and softly words "downtown, uptown, inside-town
make the song calm and it ends with a not loud but deep sax-noice
resounding. Does ring any bell by someone?