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JR/F team request

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Topic: JR/F team request
Posted By: Alucard
Subject: JR/F team request
Date Posted: September 09 2010 at 07:15
The JR/F team  approved the Swedish JR band  Kornet for addition, but we found only a Swedish Biography (see below) I used a translation module for an approximate translation.
Can someone either clean up or translate correctly this bio
thanx in advance for your effort!

Kornet - - Kornet var en poppig jazzrock grupp som bildades vid Framnäs folkhögskola 1974. Manifest som gav ut deras två första skivor beskriver deras musik som ”En ordlös lek med toner som till ca 70% improviseras fram från gång till gång kring teman och figurer. Kornet smeker dig inte medörs. Dom kräver att du lyssnar på dem och försöker vara med i deras upplevelse.” Manifest beskriver Kornets musik som pop-jazz, vilket stämmer ganska bra musikmässigt, men även p.g.a. att grabbarna var uppväxta med poppen men ville spela jazz. Det gemensamma för alla i kornet är att samtliga av dem har tidigare lirat dansmusik tills att de tröttnade på det totalt. Allan i gruppen hart även spelat jazz i olika former ända sedan 40-talet.
Av deras tre Lp skivor anses den första oftast vara deras bästa. Skivan ” Digital Master/Direct Cut” är en experimentskiva för att jämföra skillnaden mellan att spela in digitalt och analogt. A-sidan är inspelad med PCM-teknik digitalt i Metronomes studio i
Stockholm 12-13 juni 1979 och sägs vara den första digitala skivinspelningen i Sverige. B-sidan är inspelat med direktgravering vilket ansågs vara den bästa analoga inspelningstekniken.



Kornet was a jazz pop rock group formed in college Framnäs 1974. Manifesto which released their first two discs describe their music as "a wordless play of tones that approximately 70% improvised from time to time on themes and characters. Kornet  does not caress you Medora.

They require that you listen to them and try to join their experience. "Manifest barley describes music as pop-jazz, which is pretty good in terms of music, but also because that the boys were brought up with poppen  but wanted to play jazz.....)  It is common to all of the grain is that all of them have previously lirat dance music until they got tired of it all. Allan resin in the group also played jazz in various forms since the 40th century.

Of their three  Lp's considered the first most often be their best. The album "Digital Master / Direct Cut" is a slice experiments to compare the difference between that record digital and analog. A-side is recorded with PCM digital technology in the Metronome Studio in Stockholm June 12 to 13 in 1979 and is said to be the first digital disk recording in Sweden. B-side is recorded with direct engraving which was considered the best analog recording technolog


Tadpoles keep screaming in my ear
"Hey there! Rotter's Club!
Explain the meaning of this song and share it"

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 22 2010 at 21:57
I gave it a slight cleaning, Martin, though I of course don't read Swedish (and some of it was incomprehensible), hope it helps - -

KORNET was a jazz-rock/pop group formed at Framnäs college in Öjebyn [just outside Pitea] by guitarist Stefan BJORKLUND, drummer Ake SUNDQVIST, and keyboardist Stefan NILSSON in 1974.  They were joined by Anders JONSSON on Vibes, bassist Sten FORSMAN and a large ensemble including brass, woodwinds and strings.  Their sought-after debut LP 'Kornet' - released in 1975 on Manifest - is described as "a wordless play of tones that is improvised around characters and themes about 70% of the time.  KORNET does not caress your Medora.  They require that you listen to them and try to join their experience." 

The collective went on to release two more albums during their heyday, 'Fritt Fall' in 1977 [also on Manifest] and 'Kornet III' in '79 on PickUp Records.  The release 'Digital Master/Direct Cut' was an experiment comparing analog and digital recording methods and the A-side was recorded with PCM technology in Stockholm, June '79, said to be the first digital disc recording in Sweden. -

Posted By: Alucard
Date Posted: September 28 2010 at 11:03
Thanx David!

Tadpoles keep screaming in my ear
"Hey there! Rotter's Club!
Explain the meaning of this song and share it"

Posted By: timothy leary
Date Posted: October 01 2010 at 16:07
Thanks for the addition

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