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Submitting new albums

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Topic: Submitting new albums
Posted By: BrufordFreak
Subject: Submitting new albums
Date Posted: August 20 2010 at 14:07
Hello, Admin team. Thanks for the awesome job you do keeping this site so up-to-date and interactive.
I have a couple new release CDs from groups already in the ProgArchives files that I would like to get added to the site so I can write reviews of them. I was just trying to submit one, MY EDUCATION's new release, "Sunrise," but failed to get my submission accepted as this prompt came up:

ERROR : Missing informations.
Please fill out all the information.

The only box I was unable to "fill out" was the album photo. I'm rather an idiot when it comes to computer and web operations and HAVEN'T A CLUE as to how to transfer/import/"fill in" an album cover.
Any pointers? Or perhaps you guys could do it. Also, Math/Post Rock bands COLLAPSE UNDER THE EMPIRE and SUNWRAE should be considered for your site.

Thanks for your time and attention.

Drew Fisher

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: August 20 2010 at 14:12
So is the albun there without the photo?

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Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: August 21 2010 at 02:16
If you're adding a new album which is not already there, click on the "Add albums" link on the band's page, just above the discography.Wink

Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: August 23 2010 at 08:37
SNOW DOG: The album's cover IS present, I just don't know how to "drag" or "Import" it into the last box on PropgArchives "new album submission" page.

EASY LIVIN: Thanks. I will try this. (I had been trying to enter all of the info myself from my iTunes library.)

Drew Fisher

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: August 23 2010 at 09:11
Just checked the page and nothing is photo...nothing. -

If you continue to not have success you can post all the info here with pic and I'll add it.

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Posted By:
Date Posted: August 23 2010 at 09:31
Originally posted by BrufordFreak BrufordFreak wrote:

I have a couple new release CDs from groups already in the ProgArchives files that I would like to get added to the site so I can write reviews of them. I was just trying to submit one, MY EDUCATION's new release, "Sunrise," but failed to get my submission accepted as this prompt came up:

ERROR : Missing informations.
Please fill out all the information.

The only box I was unable to "fill out" was the album photo. I'm rather an idiot when it comes to computer and web operations and HAVEN'T A CLUE as to how to transfer/import/"fill in" an album cover.
Any pointers? Or perhaps you guys could do it.

We can't do it for you unfortunately, as unless you post here all the information you had to include such as tracklist, line-up, album information, etc. plus the cover image.

When adding the album by yourself, at the end of the page, down bellow, there is this Browse button:

which you need to press in order to browse in your computer to locate the cover image needed for the album you're adding. This means you need to have the image saved on your computer before.

Posted By:
Date Posted: August 23 2010 at 09:34

Originally posted by BrufordFreak BrufordFreak wrote:

Also, Math/Post Rock bands COLLAPSE UNDER THE EMPIRE and SUNWRAE should be considered for your site.

Please open separate threads in the Suggest New Bands sub-forum for each band you want to suggest for addition.

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