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Avg Rating in Bands List

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Topic: Avg Rating in Bands List
Posted By: Gerinski
Subject: Avg Rating in Bands List
Date Posted: August 14 2010 at 04:12
Hi, maybe someone has already suggested this.
In the alphabetic list of bands, besides "Style" and "Country" it would be useful to see also what is the average rating of the band's albums (probably a band's average is not being calculated at the moment but it should not be too difficult, if we make it really simple it could be the sum of the average rating of each album divided by the number of albums. Better would be a weighted average which would take all the ratings for that band and calculate the weighted average, the same as is done on single album level but considering all the ratings at band level).
There is a huge number of bands listed which I do not know at all (I guess the same for many other members) and this would allow by scrolling through the alphabetic lists to pinpoint bands which you may not know but are highly rated by those who know them.

Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: August 14 2010 at 04:36
It's really not that easy to come up with a calculation on the band level - mostly because the number of albums per band varies consistently, as does the distribution of ratings. And even if you only considered bands with equal numbers of releases, how do you a compare a band that released one masterpiece and five bad albums with a band which released six average albums?

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Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: August 14 2010 at 04:47

It could be done but do we want it to be done?

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Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: August 14 2010 at 04:56
It could be done, but the resulting numbers might be misleading and/or of little use. I've done it over at PF, using quite complex calculations, but I never found the numbers to be of much use, so I'm focusing on album and/or track ratings instead.

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Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: August 14 2010 at 04:59
Nice to see you around anyway.Wink

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Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: August 14 2010 at 05:00

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Posted By: Gerinski
Date Posted: August 14 2010 at 05:13
Yeah, I know what you mean, Genesis average rating would get severely lowered by their modern albums but, well, if it is so, it is so. That's the average rating for the complete Genesis output throughout their history.
Indeed that would not give any visible difference between a band with some masterpieces and some mediocre albums and a band which is consistently average.
Well, I don't know if it's worth it, but in many cases it might help.

Posted By: Gerinski
Date Posted: August 14 2010 at 05:15
Originally posted by Mr ProgFreak Mr ProgFreak wrote:

It could be done, but the resulting numbers might be misleading and/or of little use. I've done it over at PF, using quite complex calculations, but I never found the numbers to be of much use, so I'm focusing on album and/or track ratings instead.
Track ratings? where do you find those?

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: August 14 2010 at 05:16
Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

Originally posted by Mr ProgFreak Mr ProgFreak wrote:

It could be done, but the resulting numbers might be misleading and/or of little use. I've done it over at PF, using quite complex calculations, but I never found the numbers to be of much use, so I'm focusing on album and/or track ratings instead.
Track ratings? where do you find those?

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Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: August 14 2010 at 05:21
At PF you can rate tracks provided that a tracklist was entered for an album - the track ratings are displayed on the album page, and underneath your review if you submit one. However, especially when it comes to prog albums I think the focus still lies heavily on album ratings.

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Posted By: omri
Date Posted: August 15 2010 at 12:08
I think maybe it is better to put the rating of the highest album of each band. It is much easier calculation (actually no calculation at all) and it hints to the scroller - there's a masterpiece here !
To check what it's all about, one has to get inside and then read the bio, reviews etc. That could be helpfull to discover some great new music.


Posted By: TheGazzardian
Date Posted: August 15 2010 at 12:50
I like that idea - putting the a "best album" (or maybe even "best known album", the album with the most ratings) and the rating of that album beside the artist might be interesting.

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