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Forum Name: Proto-Prog and Prog-Related Lounge
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Topic: Deep Purple - The most Prog songPosted By: Gandalff
Subject: Deep Purple - The most Prog song
Date Posted: July 26 2010 at 15:42
Excuse me, but I own every DP albums, but all ones after Perfect Strangers I really don´t listening, because it´s stodgy for me. And I never trust these albums contains any Prog ever.
By the way, my favourite DP album is Fireball, partly because it was my first one.
EDIT: adding "April"
Replies: Posted By: Anthony H.
Date Posted: July 26 2010 at 15:46
Definitely "Child in Time."
Posted By: Morningrise
Date Posted: July 26 2010 at 15:48
Anthony H. wrote:
Definitely "Child in Time."
Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: July 26 2010 at 15:51
Although Lazy is one of my favorite songs of theirs, it is not progressive at all. It's a just a twelve bar blues with some really good soloing. I haven't heard enough of the songs on this list to vote, but it's probably Child in Time.
Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: July 26 2010 at 15:54
The Concerto for me, though specifically Movement 1, for me that's pure brilliance, though some consider it pure crap, hehe.
Posted By: TheOppenheimer
Date Posted: July 26 2010 at 16:08
kinda easy, but Child In Time is pretty prog.
------------- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
A veces es cuestión de esperar, y tomarte en silencio.
Posted By: Thin_Man
Date Posted: July 26 2010 at 16:10
"April", of course.
Posted By: Gandalff
Date Posted: July 26 2010 at 16:14
Child In Time is excellent without doubt but for me it´s a chest-nutty song in some respect ...
Posted By: 33rpm
Date Posted: July 26 2010 at 16:42
Sorry, I voted other to add "April" and when it refreshed the page you had already added it as a choice. So consider my other vote as one for "April".
------------- Vinyl just sounds better!!
Posted By: SimZeppelin
Date Posted: July 26 2010 at 19:05
I voted for child in time. I just realised April existed (found it on youtube after reading this thread) and am astonished on how close DP came to classical music. April is friggin astounding!
------------- Going to trial with a lawyer who considers your whole lifestyle a crime-in-progress is not a happy prospect.
Posted By: Anthony H.
Date Posted: July 26 2010 at 19:06
Thin_Man wrote:
"April", of course.
That would have been my second choice.
Posted By: Progosopher
Date Posted: July 26 2010 at 19:15
I have to jump on the April bandwagon. I considered the Concerto for Group and Orchestra, but April functions as a song in the classic sense. Besides, it is expansive yet contained. A concerto, of course, is another beast altogether. I guess this means April wins on a technicality.
------------- The world of sound is certainly capable of infinite variety and, were our sense developed, of infinite extensions. -- George Santayana, "The Sense of Beauty"
Posted By: TODDLER
Date Posted: July 28 2010 at 07:39
I find their lyrics to be annoying. Even the songs "Burn" and "Stormbringer" where they attempt to be errie. The style of rock lyrics reminds me of a fall down drunk. "Highway Star" the version from Machine Head or Live In Japan is a hellish work out physically. The center section of H.S. on the Machine Head recording for example. The keyboard solo lifting classical ideas from a centuries old composer. Ian Paice sounds like a jazz drummer playing rock, and Blackmore is keen to combine blues playing to classical and jazz. I mean musically.......they were just amazing! There entire musical background...Lord, Paice, and Blackmore is fascinating. Roger Glover who I know little about, released an instrumental album titled "Elements". It's comparable to any outstanding Passport or Soft Machine title. Amazing guys! Especially some of the early black and white film footage recorded in Europe. "Highway Star" is not on the list for voting purposes. Sorry I went off thread.
Posted By: AbrahamSapien
Date Posted: July 28 2010 at 11:45
Haven't heard Concerto yet, but for me it's Fools. Also very progressive are Fireball, No One Came, April, Mandrake Root (Made in Japan at the end of Space Truckin'), Child in Time ...
Posted By: otto pankrock
Date Posted: July 28 2010 at 14:54
Lots of choices. Child in Time may be the most obviouse but I'm going for The Mule.
Oh yeah, another song that seems to be overlooked alot, Sail Away off the Burn album.
Posted By: Mr. Maestro
Date Posted: July 28 2010 at 15:29
Dang, this is a pretty one-sided poll. "Child In Time," of course.
------------- "I am the one who crossed through space...or stayed where I was...or didn't exist in the first place...."
Posted By: omri
Date Posted: July 29 2010 at 10:45
I did not vote. It seems silly to me that most voters chosed their most loved song although it is quite clear that it is not very progressive. Child in time is a great song indeed but April and the concerto are much more progressive and progier for sure.
------------- omri
Posted By: himtroy
Date Posted: July 29 2010 at 13:08
Child in Time is one of their simplest structured songs.......a majority of the song is just a two chord is this their most progressive? I like the song, but it's sure as hell not their most progressive.
------------- Which of you to gain me, tell, will risk uncertain pains of hell?
I will not forgive you if you will not take the chance.
Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: July 29 2010 at 13:11
otto pankrock wrote:
Lots of choices. Child in Time may be the most obviouse but I'm going for The Mule.
Oh yeah, another song that seems to be overlooked alot, Sail Away off the Burn album.
I wouldn't call 'Sail Away' Prog at all, it just has a couple of synths.
Posted By: TGM: Orb
Date Posted: July 29 2010 at 14:15
Don't get the whole Child In Time Thing. A soft bit, development and organ soloing do not a prog song make.
(and given how reliably it was explained to me that Telegraph Road doesn't count in one of the Dire Straits suggestion threads, I resent this)
Anyway, never saw the point of these kinds of threads (what is the most brownie-like cake?). Carry on.
Posted By: sgt wilko
Date Posted: July 29 2010 at 16:11
Child in Time, - no contest
followed by
Soldier of Fortune
Posted By: AbrahamSapien
Date Posted: July 30 2010 at 02:17
Child in Time? Please. Would you vote for Smoke on the Water if it was there?
Posted By: earlyprog
Date Posted: July 30 2010 at 06:21
I find their best prog rock achievements in their 60's output, notably
Prelude: Happiness / I'm so glad.
Mandrake Root.
Wring that Neck.
Fault Line.
Third Movement: Vivace - Presto.
Encore: Third Movement (part).
Child in Time (from Concerto).
I choose "Other": Prelude: Happiness/I'm so glad.
Posted By: Weirdamigo
Date Posted: July 30 2010 at 06:41
I voted for April mostly because it's one of the purple's most melodic song and not to mention the longest.
But the whole Deep Purple album is pure genius progressive or not.
Child in time is also melodic but not quite as progressive as April
Posted By: ten years after
Date Posted: July 30 2010 at 06:59
The Gemini Suite would also be worth considering. IMO its not a Jon Lord solo.
Posted By: trackstoni
Date Posted: July 30 2010 at 19:32
APRIL , fr Sure , then Child !
------------- Tracking Tracks of Rock
Posted By: Gandalfino
Date Posted: August 01 2010 at 03:03
Child In Time definitely not! I think April is a very good choice.
Posted By: b4usleep
Date Posted: August 02 2010 at 00:58
Anthem for me. Great Organ and great Baroque style Strings
------------- Really don't mind if you sit this one out.
My words but a whisper, your deafness a shout.
Posted By: GY!BE
Date Posted: August 03 2010 at 17:43
Child in Time 'cause of the huge guitar solo (repeated twice) followed by Fools because of the long long bridge (kind of...) in the middle of the song.
Posted By: ozzy_tom
Date Posted: September 07 2010 at 00:18
April & Concerto are the most prog for sure. I vote for April. Better melodies there.
Posted By: Gooner
Date Posted: September 10 2010 at 22:09
...where's "Mandrake Root" on the list? "Chasing Shadows"? "A 200"? "Sail Away"
"Watching The Sky" from the album Abandon?
Child In Time, I guess.
Posted By: idlero
Date Posted: November 14 2010 at 15:31
Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: November 14 2010 at 17:35
I can't believe nobody has mentioned my favorite and most progressive piece by DP which is their version of I'm So Glad that they melded with a rock version of the stanza of Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade. Yeah, it's not really their composition, but their arrangement is amazing.
Posted By: valravennz
Date Posted: November 18 2010 at 05:43
Fools and April. I could have gone with Child In Time but great though it is, it is not as intricately structured (imo) as my two picks.
------------- "Music is the Wine that fills the cup of Silence"
- Robert Fripp
Posted By: Svetonio
Date Posted: November 18 2010 at 06:07
I clicked at "other" because, IMHO, In Rock, as entire album aswell, is the most proggy stuff in their catalogue.
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: November 27 2010 at 07:37
I only have this to say
If you're feeling bad and you've not been hit by flying lead, you'd better close your eyes, oh and bow your head, wait for the ricochet.... oooooooooooooooooooooooh ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGIGOTTAHEARYOUSING....
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: November 27 2010 at 07:41
You gotta hear this too!
Posted By: clarke2001
Date Posted: November 27 2010 at 08:41
Flight Of The Rat, Hard Lovin Man...and Space Trucking (in long psychedelic live version). Also, Mandrake Root, some stuff from early albums...and Orchestra/2nd Movement.
Posted By: Harold-The-Barrel
Date Posted: January 06 2011 at 11:07
Never really considered Purple Prog, but if i had t choose I'd go with Concerto
------------- You must be joking.....Take a running jump......
Posted By: moodyxadi
Date Posted: January 30 2011 at 11:06
Can't understando why people still vote for their favourites as being the most prog. child in time, really? Neither this nor Bombay Calling, the source of this song. From the list it could be Fools, Anthem, the Conerto or April. The Concerto is pretty bad stuff (but not so bad as Emerson's) so I vote for April just for emotional reaons.
But we can't forget that the best DP isn't the "prog" DP...
------------- Bach, Ma, Bros, Déia, Dante.
Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: January 30 2011 at 13:34
"Fools" comes to mind. And also, "Mandrake Root"
Posted By: Formentera Lady
Date Posted: January 30 2011 at 15:39
moodyxadi wrote:
Can't understando why people still vote for their favourites as being the most prog. child in time, really? Neither this nor Bombay Calling, the source of this song. From the list it could be Fools, Anthem, the Conerto or April. The Concerto is pretty bad stuff (but not so bad as Emerson's) so I vote for April just for emotional reaons.
But we can't forget that the best DP isn't the "prog" DP...
Absolutely agree. My favourite is Child in Time, but only the other four mentioned really qualify as prog, as I'd define it. They show, how the borders between rock and classical music can be successfully crossed, which was ground-breaking for the whole genre of progressive rock. And from those four my favourite is probably also April.
Posted By: MFP
Date Posted: February 06 2011 at 09:10
April for me.
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: February 07 2011 at 04:34
Child in Time IS prog! DP never surpassed it. The Made in Japan version is quintessential listening.
Posted By: cannon
Date Posted: February 07 2011 at 07:14
April. Bird Has Flown off the Deep Purple s/t is fantastic also.
Posted By: clarkpegasus4001
Date Posted: February 07 2011 at 09:35
Has to be Child In Time, i'm not a big Purple fan though.
------------- Tony C.
Posted By: tupan
Date Posted: February 07 2011 at 10:40
Rapture of the deep is very proggish, too! And This Time Around is beautiful..
------------- "Prog is Not Dead and never has been." (Will Sergeant, from Echo And The Bunnymen)
Posted By: iluvmarillion
Date Posted: February 15 2011 at 04:36
Easiest poll ever. Child in Time.
Posted By: Fox On The Rocks
Date Posted: March 16 2011 at 22:11