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Remix question

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Topic: Remix question
Posted By: Evolver
Subject: Remix question
Date Posted: July 25 2010 at 19:05
Forgive me if this has been discussed before.
I understand, and agree with the policy of grouping remixes of albums under the original entry, but a few albums beg the question:
If an artist uses different tracks, or even different musicians on a version of an album, not as bonus tracks, but listed as the main album tracks, should it not have a separate entry?
Two cases in point:
Frank Zappa - We're Only In It For The Money - the first Ryko CD release pairs the album with Lumpy Gravy.  That's not so bad.  But Frank replaced the drum and bass tracks, making it sound very awkward.  The original is a masterpiece, the new version, not so much.
Robert Fripp - Exposure - the inital CD release (I'm not sure about the others, save for the one that has both versions) had alternate vocals on many of the songs.  Again, the alternate vocals to me are not as good as the originals.

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Posted By: WalterDigsTunes
Date Posted: July 25 2010 at 19:16
Does it make sense to put the WOIIFTM/Lumpy Gravy disc as a compilation?

Also, the Fripp record has been issued in three versions: 70s version with Hammill/Roche, 80s version with original Daryll Hall vocals and 2005 CD issue with 70s on disc 1 and 80s + extra stuff on disc 2.

Posted By: Evolver
Date Posted: July 25 2010 at 19:37
The compilation idea makes sense.  FZ issued  Apostrophe & Overnite Sensation on the same disk as well.  OTOH, the CD version of Broadway The Hard Way is missing some of the banter between songs, that help make some sense of the lyrics. But it has a slew of extra songs, including nice performances by Archie Shepp and "Mr. Sting".  But I wouldn't expect that to get different listings.
My point is with each of those albums mentioned, I would probably (in the case of WOIIFTM, definitely) give them different ratings.
In the case of different mixes of the same music, I try to rate on the music instead of the mix, so it wouldn't make a difference.

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