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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: yesagonistic
Posted By: Reggy
Subject: yesagonistic
Date Posted: June 22 2010 at 14:44


Guys, ...when I heard Yess, I am quite stunt with the lyrics. I am sure 100 percent this group does not believe God as a person. When I heard Gate of Delirium, You and I, or It will be a good day, those are good songs of course, but the messages is clear,  they are an agnostic group. Yess teach us how to live in harmony, and to love each other without a promising hell and heaven.  If I could say in strictly sense, the member's of groups are  Agnostic.   Yess, teach us, life is so precious, cause beyond is nothing ...........


Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: June 22 2010 at 14:51
Rick Wakeman is a Christian.

Jon Anderson is a "catch-all" spiritualist...wouldn't call him agnostic.

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Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: June 22 2010 at 16:28
I don't see where there is an agnostic message in Gates of Delirium, or And You And I.

Posted By: Anirml
Date Posted: June 22 2010 at 16:42
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

I don't see where there is an agnostic message in Gates of Delirium, or And You And I.


Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: June 23 2010 at 00:01

Doesn't Awaken have a lyric ''be honest with yourself there is no doubt...'' Personally never really found anything ambigious about Yes and the religious side even if they don't chuck slabs of The Bible at you.

Posted By: UndercoverBoy
Date Posted: June 23 2010 at 00:21

Posted By: A Person
Date Posted: June 23 2010 at 00:27
Originally posted by UndercoverBoy UndercoverBoy wrote:


Yeah, I'm just not hearing it. Confused

Posted By: Reggy
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 14:26

And You and I clearly tell us how about love and the end of the world. Listen clearly in verse "coins and crosses never know their fruitless worth". It tells us that religion and money is just symbol. I think we have to know what agnostic is defined. Yes means that we should believe in love and nature than in bible or other sacred books. If listen It will be good days, yes is quite rational. We also knew that Anderson really enjoy Tolstoy.  I am sure Tolstoy  is not Christian as we knew. Please read Their Death Of Ivan Ilyich, Family Happiness or War and Peace, etc.  which inspired  Anderson write Gate of Delirium.       

Posted By: VanVanVan
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 14:54
I didn't really realize that Yes lyrics actually meant anything. LOL

"The meaning of life is to give life meaning."-Arjen Lucassen

Posted By: Ronnie Pilgrim
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 14:55
Apparently, admittedly, and artistically, Jon Anderson's lyrics are influenced by his interests in Siddhartha and Buddhism. 

Posted By: Reggy
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 15:19
Ronnie ...Yes teach us about love and peace, not religion, but transcends everything. Probably they are in between spiritualism and empiricism.    If I listen "It will be a good day" I believe Yes trying to tell us to love nature and use our rationality. Huh ...! Yes is not music after all, it is a message and bands of philosophy  ...that's why   I love them ...they teach us the universality ...........

Posted By: Gerinski
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 15:21
Indeed Jon's lyrics are spiritual but not religious. I'm not sure that fits the definition of "agnostic".

Posted By: Reggy
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 15:29
Gerinski, Agnostic means to nature ( God not as a person ), please listen Home world ( Ladder ), Yes loves earth definitely. They are existensialism, as a Camus, Satre, Kiekgaard, Spinoza or  even Nietzche. Huuuh, if they are live in 18th century, they are Wagner, Tchaikovsky or Mahler...:))))))

Posted By: Noak
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 16:16

Posted By: rdtprog
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 16:20
If i didn't listen to any music containing lyrics that i don't like, i would not listening to much music. For Yes, like Flower Kings, i always had problems with their "naive" lyrics, but i want be indulgent with them because those lyrics had inspired some great music. 

Music is the refuge of souls ulcerated by happiness.

Emile M. Cioran

Posted By: rdtprog
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 16:23
Originally posted by Reggy Reggy wrote:

Gerinski, Agnostic means to nature ( God not as a person ), please listen Home world ( Ladder ), Yes loves earth definitely. They are existensialism, as a Camus, Satre, Kiekgaard, Spinoza or  even Nietzche. Huuuh, if they are live in 18th century, they are Wagner, Tchaikovsky or Mahler...:))))))

Yes are positive existentialist, Camus, Sartre et Nietzche are mostly negative existentialist.!

Music is the refuge of souls ulcerated by happiness.

Emile M. Cioran

Posted By: Reggy
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 16:36
rdtprog...Please listen to Circus of Yes, degenerate heaven as an earth
A unicorn headed the mystical way
Surrounded by what seemed a thousand golden angels at play
Behind were Centaurs, elves, bright fairies all in colours of jade
On the very final day..............

and in the end the child says .No tiger, no bears, ..:))))

oooh... so long ... we live in illusion and myth..........

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 17:10
Originally posted by Anirml Anirml wrote:

Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

I don't see where there is an agnostic message in Gates of Delirium, or And You And I.


Posted By: Ronnie Pilgrim
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 18:21
Originally posted by Reggy Reggy wrote:

Ronnie ...Yes teach us about love and peace, not religion, but transcends everything. Probably they are in between spiritualism and empiricism.    If I listen "It will be a good day" I believe Yes trying to tell us to love nature and use our rationality. Huh ...! Yes is not music after all, it is a message and bands of philosophy  ...that's why   I love them ...they teach us the universality ...........

Well, I believe you are incorrect. Jon Anderson has stated that Close to the Edge was inspired by Siddhartha, which is the story of Buddha. Agnostic: one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god. Buddhists are committed to -  
On your second point, Yes is only music after all. Anderson is a master of using words for their meter: consonants, syllables, and repetition are all used to create an instrument with his voice at the expense of the thematic content. His lyrics may contain meaning, but I wouldn't look too hard into the crystal ball. It's highly polished glass.
Perhaps you have simply idolized a rock band, or else you don't understand the meaning of agnosticismWink

Posted By: Bitterblogger
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 19:07
An agnostic, you say? Then explain "The Revealing Science of God".

Posted By: Ronnie Pilgrim
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 19:17
Originally posted by Bitterblogger Bitterblogger wrote:

An agnostic, you say? Then explain "The Revealing Science of God".

Scientific method and religious dogma are so incompatible one could only hope the lyrics would clarify the juxtaposition.

They don't.

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 19:39
Originally posted by Ronnie Pilgrim Ronnie Pilgrim wrote:

Originally posted by Bitterblogger Bitterblogger wrote:

An agnostic, you say? Then explain "The Revealing Science of God".

Scientific method and religious dogma are so incompatible one could only hope the lyrics would clarify the juxtaposition.

They don't.


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Posted By: rod65
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 20:39
Originally posted by Reggy Reggy wrote:

Gerinski, Agnostic means to nature ( God not as a person ), please listen Home world ( Ladder ), Yes loves earth definitely. They are existensialism, as a Camus, Satre, Kiekgaard, Spinoza or  even Nietzche. Huuuh, if they are live in 18th century, they are Wagner, Tchaikovsky or Mahler...:))))))

Actually, Reggy, "agnostic" is the opposite of "gnostic" and means simply "not knowing," referring specifically to the unknowability of anything outside of the material realm. To be an agnostic is to admit that on does not, and cannot, know anything beyond what the senses can perceive. There is nothing about agnosticism that necessarily implies nature worship, or "love" of anything at all. Agnostics are simply people who admit that they do not and cannot know God / the gods, or even whether such entities exist. This is not necessarily a spiritual position, spirit itself being arguably unknowable, and Jon Anderson is a deeply--and eccumenically--spiritual person.

Posted By: JLocke
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 20:41
OP, you're reading too much into things. Jon Anderson by his own admission would often write lyrics simply for how the words sounded together, and then only afterward would he attempt to find a meaning for them. 

Just sit back and enjoy the sound of his words. It's all up for interpretation, anyway. 

Posted By: rod65
Date Posted: June 24 2010 at 20:54
Originally posted by Reggy Reggy wrote:

Ronnie ...Yes teach us about love and peace, not religion, but transcends everything. Probably they are in between spiritualism and empiricism.    If I listen "It will be a good day" I believe Yes trying to tell us to love nature and use our rationality. Huh ...! Yes is not music after all, it is a message and bands of philosophy  ...that's why   I love them ...they teach us the universality ...........

Yes do not "teach us" anything. Their songs may address certain themes, though the obscurity of many of Anderson's lyrics often, and to my mind fortunately, makes any pedagogical function unlikely. These guys are musicians. While their music may at times take on a philosophical stance, the stance does not define, and most certainly does not subordinate, the music. Where such subordination occurs, as on some of the studio track son Keys to Ascension, it invariably undermines the music.

Posted By: yanch
Date Posted: June 25 2010 at 06:51
Originally posted by Bitterblogger Bitterblogger wrote:

An agnostic, you say? Then explain "The Revealing Science of God".

Exactly! I also think the "Soon" section of Gates of Delirium is actually about reaching for god or something similar. Anderson refers directly to reaching for the light and our reasons to believe.

I think a mistake that gets made by many is to assume we know what a lyricists, or on a different but similar take, what a poet is trying to say. In many, many cases lyrics and poetry are open to individual interpretation. To say one truly knows the intent or meaning of a song or poems meaning is not possible-and that's the beauty of them!!!

Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: June 25 2010 at 11:40
Originally posted by Ronnie Pilgrim Ronnie Pilgrim wrote:

Originally posted by Bitterblogger Bitterblogger wrote:

An agnostic, you say? Then explain "The Revealing Science of God".

Scientific method and religious dogma are so incompatible one could only hope the lyrics would clarify the juxtaposition.

They don't.

you don't necessarily have to follow any religious dogma to believe in God


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: warrplayer
Date Posted: June 26 2010 at 16:35
I believe The Revealing Science of God was written after Jon read "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda. (not that there is any science going on in the book, mind you. :) )

Posted By: rod65
Date Posted: June 27 2010 at 07:13
Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

Originally posted by Ronnie Pilgrim Ronnie Pilgrim wrote:

Originally posted by Bitterblogger Bitterblogger wrote:

An agnostic, you say? Then explain "The Revealing Science of God".

Scientific method and religious dogma are so incompatible one could only hope the lyrics would clarify the juxtaposition.

They don't.

you don't necessarily have to follow any religious dogma to believe in God

I wonder whether, in the choice of title, the band was referring to an older meaning of the word "science." Our current meaning only dates to the late Renaissance. Previously, the word simply meant any branch of knowledge, including the study of the divine.

Posted By: The-time-is-now
Date Posted: June 29 2010 at 15:19
Originally posted by VanVanVan VanVanVan wrote:

I didn't really realize that Yes lyrics actually meant anything. LOL


Actually, there is a religious explanation to Close To The Edge.

But I do not understand it.

Maybe they believe in God, maybe in a blind designer.

Epignosis is right : Anderson is a catching-all spiritualist.


One of my best achievements in life was to find this picture :D

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