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Is this a good review?

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Topic: Is this a good review?
Posted By: DisgruntledPorcupine
Subject: Is this a good review?
Date Posted: May 23 2010 at 12:33 -
I was previously told that song-by-song reviews are not a good way of reviewing, so I adapted a different style and edited my old Whirlwind review. This is the result. Can someone please tell me if this is a good review style or if this review is good? Any experienced reviewers feel free to tell me if there is anything wrong with it.

Posted By: toroddfuglesteg
Date Posted: May 23 2010 at 12:39

Don't you worry. It takes time to get reviews spot on........ but there is nothing wrong with your review. 

Take it easy and ease yourself into the reviews. After around 25 reviews, you get more confident. But get your own style and trust your own heart. After all, reviews should come from your heart and not your brain. 

Keep up your good work and enjoy yourself. 

Posted By: EatThatPhonebook
Date Posted: May 23 2010 at 14:58
Originally posted by toroddfuglesteg toroddfuglesteg wrote:

Don't you worry. It takes time to get reviews spot on........ but there is nothing wrong with your review. 

Take it easy and ease yourself into the reviews. After around 25 reviews, you get more confident. But get your own style and trust your own heart. After all, reviews should come from your heart and not your brain. 

Keep up your good work and enjoy yourself. 


Posted By: JLocke
Date Posted: May 23 2010 at 15:04
Back when I wrote reviews for this site, I was always taking different approaches to how I went about them. There is nothing wrong with ANY format, as long as the review is well-written and comprehensive. Your review was fine. Better than the stuff I did. 

Posted By: jampa17
Date Posted: May 23 2010 at 22:05
Good work man... is a good review... and is evident how you dedicate to make an interesting format... question... how did you put the bold letters and everything...? I still don't know how to do it... and I'm a prog reviewer... Confused

Change the program inside... Stay in silence is a crime.

Posted By: DisgruntledPorcupine
Date Posted: May 23 2010 at 22:08
Originally posted by jampa17 jampa17 wrote:

Good work man... is a good review... and is evident how you dedicate to make an interesting format... question... how did you put the bold letters and everything...? I still don't know how to do it... and I'm a prog reviewer... Confused

Thanks for the props. Smile

And to bold, you put <b> before whatever it is you want bolded, and </b> after.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: May 23 2010 at 22:13
 ^ correct, and the same for italics ;   <i>   </i>

Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: May 23 2010 at 22:32
Its a good review. i dont think anyone should tell you or advise you how to review as its all astyle that you adopt. Song by song reviews are the only ones i take note of when I am checking out a new album as I want to know whats on the dang thing. I do lots of these myself and review each song as i listen to the album, but not all the time.
i also include heaps of lyrics - 2 reasons - i like finding out the lyrics, and second lyrics are important to whether I will like the album, if the lyrics are too dark and gross i will likely hate it.
i also like to include an overall feel of the album, and my reaction whether i was surprised, delighted, disapppinted, or shocked, whatever the case. i dont think you should adopt my style or anyone elses - i like the diversity of reviews, if we all did the same thing it would be boring. I looked back at my early reviews here and cant believe the way I was reviewing, they were very intellectual rather than from the heart. But i have come to realise its all bout the emotion you get with an album not the intellectual side of the music, whether its a 9/8 time sig or a 13/8 - who cares? i used to use a lot of musical terminology, i probably still do but for me its all about how the album effected you.
I hope this helps.


Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: May 24 2010 at 14:05
I like your style of reviewing - keep up the good work.

To be honest, there is not really a good or bad way to do this. Looking back on my early reviews, I think they are poor, and it is a fact that you get more confident the more you do. I am certainly taking more time over mine these days. But as I say, it really is down to how you personally feel about the music you are reviewing, and not anyone elses opinion.

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