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Magma´s Trilogies and Songs in Order

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
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Topic: Magma´s Trilogies and Songs in Order
Posted By: moebius
Subject: Magma´s Trilogies and Songs in Order
Date Posted: February 19 2010 at 02:05

I´m trying for a while now to make the definitive Magma song order, not chronologically, but stylistically and conceptual.
Magma, as we know, composed three major trilogies (Kontarkosz, Kobaia and Theusz Hamtaak, all related) and some albums that don´t seem to fit in any part of the Magma Mythology.
Is there place for every composition? Maybe not, but let´s give it a try.

Here is my attempt to put all in order. I´ve included some of the songs in Retrospektiw III, Inedits, and Simples.

In my mind goes likes this (albums in bold):

  • KA - Kontarkosz- Emehntett Re

  • Mekanik Machine (Simples, didn´t make it into the Kontarkosz album)
  • Klaus Kohmbalad (Simples)

  • Udu Wudu
  • KMX (Inedits)
  • Attahk
  • Retrovision - La Dawotsin (Retrospektiw III)
  • Merci

  • Hamtaak (Simples)
  • Tende Kobah (Simples)
  • Kobaia - 1001 Centigrades

  • Mekanik Kommandoh (Simples, MDK "chill out" version)
  • Theusz Hamtaak - Wurdah Itah - MDK 

  • Zess - sl*g Tanz - Felicite Thosz - Floe Essi - Ektah?? (I don´t know where to put this songs, really)

Please check this thread for further information -

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