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Elo 2

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Recommendations/Featured albums
Forum Description: Make or seek recommendations and discuss specific prog albums
Printed Date: March 03 2025 at 21:59
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Topic: Elo 2
Posted By: Squirrel_monkey
Subject: Elo 2
Date Posted: May 21 2005 at 10:48
Elo 2 the album, highly recommended for some great arrangements, excelent harmonies and epic masterpieces like 'From the sun to the world'. Has anyone heard this album?

i!i!i!i!i! SqUiRrEl MoNkEy i!i!i!i!i!

Posted By: DallasBryan
Date Posted: May 22 2005 at 05:21
yes indeed a great album of progressive rock. but
the english deem this to be pop music. I see them
as no less than art rock and progressive rock is the
best definition of their early career output.
remember not to talk about them to much as your
threads will be banished to obscure areas in lieu of
much more progressive rock bands such as Tool,
Mars Volta, Radiohead and Dream Theater!

Posted By: John
Date Posted: June 08 2005 at 11:06
The first few ELO albums are BRILLIANT and FANTASTIC and so on. I was
pleased to hear a lot of ELO influences in recent material by US band

Posted By: BiGi
Date Posted: June 10 2005 at 02:21
As I wrote elsewhere, I also think ELO II to be a great album of enjoyable prog music!
You should also check out No Answer and On the third day for similar moods...
Well, I like all of ELO's (and ELO Part 2's) production, but I must say that they have started departing from prog soon after their 1973 work.
Some traces can still be found on the concept album Eldorado and in some picks here and there (e.g. the Concerto for a rainy day suite from Out of the Blue)

A flower?

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