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Please help identify song?

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Topic: Please help identify song?
Posted By: TaxiTex
Subject: Please help identify song?
Date Posted: January 10 2010 at 15:48
 I taped this song around 1988-89 from the radio (KNON 89.3 Dallas)
 No clue of artist or title. I'd be thrilled to find out after 20 years! -
 Play the "MYSTERY SONG ?" selection.

Posted By: lucas
Date Posted: January 10 2010 at 18:06
hypnotic and psychedelic, very cool song. I would like to know as well the name of the artist.
BTW your electronic stuff is very good ! The song with programmed drums reminds me of Kit Watkins with Coco Roussel around 1985.
Oh, and welcome to the forum !

"Magma was the very first gothic rock band" (Didier Lockwood)

Posted By: TaxiTex
Date Posted: January 20 2010 at 08:40
Thanks Lucas!  I'll check out Watkins and Roussel.  

Faves: Queen, Electric Light Orchestra/The Move/Roy Wood/ Wizzard/IdleRace, Beach Boys, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Residents, Klaatu, Kayak, Eleven, Kate Bush, Dukes of Stratosphear

Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: January 20 2010 at 10:17
It's Giovane Madre by Italian band Pierrot Lunaire


Posted By: TaxiTex
Date Posted: January 21 2010 at 00:58
Exit, you have my eternal gratitude!
 I knew this place was my best shot at finding an answer. Some may find it odd, but it's given a sense of deep fulfillment since I read the post several hours ago. That's natural, after wondering on anything for 20 years, yes? It's good to be around people who see music as part of who they are, rather than part of what they enjoy.
 If you ever get to Dallas, I'm going to buy you a nice meal!
 Thanks again, good sir!
 Larry Harris
 irving, Texas

Faves: Queen, Electric Light Orchestra/The Move/Roy Wood/ Wizzard/IdleRace, Beach Boys, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Residents, Klaatu, Kayak, Eleven, Kate Bush, Dukes of Stratosphear

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