Video search improvement?
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Topic: Video search improvement?
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Subject: Video search improvement?
Date Posted: December 31 2009 at 20:17
I think the PA feature that need improvement is, by far, the video search engine. It simply doesn't work at more than 5% of it's potential. It finds very little material, and not all relevant. Sometimes I type the title of a video I spotted on YouTube, exactly as it appears, but the video search engine doesn't seem to know it exists.
See this example; I want to add this YouTube video called "Kumm - Night Flight", but if I type "Kumm - Night Flight" in the search engine, it finds me this: - , which are three videos that have nothing to do with my input. 
Maybe it's not an important feature? I ask this because it's always been like this; it's only know that it begin to get on my nerves.
Posted By: progkidjoel
Date Posted: December 31 2009 at 21:10
I believe it only actually picks up videos which have been added to PA. I searched just Kumm in the search engine, and Night Flight wasn't on any of the pages, so thats probably why it didn't show up.
Posted By:
Date Posted: December 31 2009 at 21:15
No, the search engine was created to help find videos on YouTube and Google Videos and add them to the bands PA page. For example, Kumm has no video added on their page but you did find videos through the search - that contradicts the way you saw how it works.
Posted By: progkidjoel
Date Posted: December 31 2009 at 21:24
^Ooooh. Okay, I thought the search engine just found videos from the artists page 
Posted By:
Date Posted: December 31 2009 at 21:31
I think video content should be important to PA, as it's been for most web developers based on original content since the last years. I think that not only should this be fixed and made usable , but a video content strategy for PA is in order (IMO).