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Topic: Syn-Phonic
Posted By: Tsevir Leirbag
Subject: Syn-Phonic
Date Posted: December 28 2009 at 13:53
Are there any current users of the website Syn-Phonic? It looks very good and seems to have a lot of incredible albums, but I'd just like to know if it is secure, have you recieved your albums, were they in "good shape"?

Les mains, les pieds balancés
Sur tant de mers, tant de planchers,
Un marin mort,
Il dormira

- Paul Éluard

Posted By: GentleGiant
Date Posted: December 28 2009 at 13:59
Greg Walker (Syn-Phonic owner) it's one of the best prog vendor . I 've use to buy to him at every monthly update from 5 years ago.No problem , best services 


"This British band is just the cup of tea for aficionados who demand virtuosity,progress and originality in their mix."

Posted By: avestin
Date Posted: December 28 2009 at 14:01
Greg Walker, gives very good service, he's reliable and has fast service and has a vast knowledge of the scene. In some cases he even ships my items before I send my paypal payment.
I'm a satisfied customer and highly recommend him.
He also has issued some prog albums on his own label - Yezda Urfa, Mirthrandir etc.
I even maintain a thread in the Prog Vendors section of updates from his website.
forum_posts.asp?TID=43976 - Syn-Phonic prog mail order (Greg Walker)
By member_profile.asp?PF=4595 - avestin , 01 December 2007 at 15:07

The only thing I would caution is to know that there are bootlegs among the cd's in his catalogue, like those he states from from TACHIKA and the likes. But these are always marked in the catalogue and you can always ask him, in case you're not sure and he'll tell you.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanging Sounds" rel="nofollow - PA Index of prog music vendors

Posted By: Tsevir Leirbag
Date Posted: December 28 2009 at 14:07
Looks like he has a great catalogue, even some albums that I thought were out of sale, discontinued or never reissued.
Looks like I'm going to burn some money LOL

Les mains, les pieds balancés
Sur tant de mers, tant de planchers,
Un marin mort,
Il dormira

- Paul Éluard

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: December 28 2009 at 14:09
Originally posted by Tsevir Leirbag Tsevir Leirbag wrote:

Looks like he has a great catalogue, even some albums that I thought were out of sale, discontinued or never reissued.
Looks like I'm going to burn some money LOL

I know!

I went to his website once a long time ago.  Looking at it now it makes me almost wish I hadn't bought beer this week.  Shocked

Almost!  Wink

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: avestin
Date Posted: December 28 2009 at 14:12
Oh and by the way, since you're in Canada, be aware of this:
If you prefer to have cd's sent without cases to save on postage/customs charges then divide postage rates in half.

Let him know you don't need the Jewel cases and it cuts down the shipping internationally. It saved me money when I was ordering cd's back when I lived in Israel.

For other online vendors, check out the first link in my signature - it's a PA page with links to several, including Greg's.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanging Sounds" rel="nofollow - PA Index of prog music vendors

Posted By: Tsevir Leirbag
Date Posted: December 28 2009 at 14:44
Originally posted by Epignosis Epignosis wrote:

Originally posted by Tsevir Leirbag Tsevir Leirbag wrote:

Looks like he has a great catalogue, even some albums that I thought were out of sale, discontinued or never reissued.
Looks like I'm going to burn some money LOL

I know!

I went to his website once a long time ago.  Looking at it now it makes me almost wish I hadn't bought beer this week.  Shocked

Almost!  Wink
LOL That made me laugh!
Originally posted by avestin avestin wrote:

Oh and by the way, since you're in Canada, be aware of this:
If you prefer to have cd's sent without cases to save on postage/customs charges then divide postage rates in half.

Let him know you don't need the Jewel cases and it cuts down the shipping internationally. It saved me money when I was ordering cd's back when I lived in Israel.

For other online vendors, check out the first link in my signature - it's a PA page with links to several, including Greg's.

What's a "Jewel Case"?
Has anybody ordered LP's also. A LP is fragile and I'm afraid it might break during its shipping.

Les mains, les pieds balancés
Sur tant de mers, tant de planchers,
Un marin mort,
Il dormira

- Paul Éluard

Posted By: rdtprog
Date Posted: December 28 2009 at 14:51
Originally posted by Tsevir Leirbag Tsevir Leirbag wrote:

Looks like he has a great catalogue, even some albums that I thought were out of sale, discontinued or never reissued.
Looks like I'm going to burn some money LOL

Great service, ship the same day!Clap

Music is the refuge of souls ulcerated by happiness.

Emile M. Cioran

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: December 28 2009 at 14:53
Originally posted by Tsevir Leirbag Tsevir Leirbag wrote:

What's a "Jewel Case"?

This thing:

Originally posted by Tsevir Leirbag Tsevir Leirbag wrote:


Has anybody ordered LP's also. A LP is fragile and I'm afraid it might break during its shipping.

Not all LPs are FragileTongue

Yes Fragile album cover

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Tsevir Leirbag
Date Posted: December 28 2009 at 14:58
^ I knew someone would come with that joke Pinch

Les mains, les pieds balancés
Sur tant de mers, tant de planchers,
Un marin mort,
Il dormira

- Paul Éluard

Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: January 05 2010 at 21:59
Greg is great!   I try to buy multiple CDs when I buy from him to get a break on postage.  He's very vreasonable and I can honestly say I've never had trouble, and I've bought from him alot.

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