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Prog music store in Budapest

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Topic: Prog music store in Budapest
Posted By: ElroyJ
Subject: Prog music store in Budapest
Date Posted: December 22 2009 at 05:00
Hi all,

I am currently living in Budapest for a couple of months, and I would like to know where I can find a decent record store. I am planning on buying Gazpacho's "Night" as a Christmas present for my friend. Does anybody know where I can pick it up?

Thanks in advance for your help! I greatly appreciate it Smile


P.S.: I hope I'm not creating a duplicate topic here; I searched the site but found nothing about my question...

Posted By: Diaby
Date Posted: December 22 2009 at 13:02

Hi Elroy,

I don't know about any store where you could by Night in Budapest, but if you're looking for a shop where you can find lots of good prog albums, choose CD Pince ( - ). It can easily be reached with tram lines 4 and 6 (address: 1073 Budapest, district VII.,  Erzsébet krt. 37.), you have to get off either at the station Wesselényi utca or Király utca. The shop is somewhere in the street between the to stations.

If you arrive from the South, it's on the right side, if from the North, on the left.

Good luck and have a great time in Budapest!Hug


Posted By: ElroyJ
Date Posted: December 22 2009 at 13:19
Hi Diaby,

Thanks for the quick response and the detailed directions! I checked the website and "Night" is listed in their catalog, so I might be lucky Wink I will check it out tomorrow!


Posted By: Diaby
Date Posted: December 22 2009 at 16:11

I hope you manage to buy that awesome album. I've already ordered their new DVD which contains almost the entire Night.

By the way, do you understand or speak Hungarian?


Posted By: ElroyJ
Date Posted: December 22 2009 at 18:06
Magyarul? Csak egy kicsit :) I am here for my Master thesis and I have been doing a simple language course in Hungarian, but it covered only the very basics. I would like to learn more though because the language is very interesting I think. On the other hand: I will return to the Netherlands in February, and let's be fair: what use will it have to be able to speak Hungarian over there? :)

Thanks for the tip regarding the DVD; I will surely check it out!!

Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: December 22 2009 at 19:59
Originally posted by ElroyJ ElroyJ wrote:

On the other hand: I will return to the Netherlands in February, and let's be fair: what use will it have to be able to speak Hungarian over there? :)

The use is obvious: Hungary has great rock culture (Omega, Locomotiv GT, After Crying, Solaris, Kormoran, Koral, Edda, Scorpio to name a few), if you understand the language it's a good bonus.

By the way, perhaps the best store in Budapest with Hungarian music is on Kiraly utca, 108 - . Lots of CDs and music DVDs, and they are cheaper than in most other stores.

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

Posted By: ElroyJ
Date Posted: December 23 2009 at 16:42
I went to CD Pince today. Thanks for the tip; I would never have been able to find it on my own, it being in the basement of some alley and all... ;) Unfortunately for me, they didn't have the Gazpacho album. I could order it but it would take two weeks. So I asked a friend from the Netherlands, who will come over in a few days, if he could bring me the album, since it will be faster that way ;)

Köszönöm szépen for the answers Clap


Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: December 24 2009 at 10:46
Cool website. They even have Laszlo Benko's solo albums and The Hobo Blues Band.


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