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Suggestion for the Prog-Related Category

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Suggest New Bands and Artists
Forum Description: Suggest, create polls, and classify new bands you would like included on Prog Archives
Printed Date: February 21 2025 at 04:39
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Topic: Suggestion for the Prog-Related Category
Posted By: soggybomb
Subject: Suggestion for the Prog-Related Category
Date Posted: December 11 2009 at 16:46
I am not on this forum frequently, so I don't know if this has been brought up, in any case, I think that Animal Collective should be added to the prog-related category.  I am listening to Merriweather Post Pavilion as I type this, and although it does not fit into most of the categorizations of prog as we know it, it is rather experimental, presents a unique sound, and they accomplish a lot in a concise fashion.  Anybody else agree?

Without music life would be a mistake. ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Posted By: Sckxyss
Date Posted: December 12 2009 at 01:49
I love the band and agree that they're a lot more sophisticated and experimental than most "indie" bands out there, but I'm almost certain they won't find a place here...

p.s. this should be in the "Suggest new bands and artists" section

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