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Rhys Marsh & the Autumn Ghost - Dulcima - out now!

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Topic: Rhys Marsh & the Autumn Ghost - Dulcima - out now!
Posted By: Jacob Holm-Lupo
Subject: Rhys Marsh & the Autumn Ghost - Dulcima - out now!
Date Posted: October 14 2009 at 23:54

I just wanted to let you all know that Rhys Marsh's sophomore album "Dulcima" is out now and available from Termo Records at -
as well as US outlets like The Laser's Edge, Wayside and Syn-Phonic and Euro outlets like Musea, Record Heaven, Burning Shed et al.

I really, honestly think that most prog fans will like this. Rhys has stepped away from the very introverted, singer/songwriter sound of the debut and delivers a surprisingly intense, at times heavy, and very dark full-fledged prog albums with tons of mellotrons, amazing drumming from a.o. Mattias Olsson, additional vocals by White Willow's Trude Eidtang... the list goes on.

In Termo's press release we call it the sound of David Sylvian fronting 70's King Crimson - and it's not all hyperbole. But there's also elements of modern prog like PT and Muse here.

It's already getting rave reviews everywhere.

Check it out for yourself at -   While you drop by, check out our other recent items, like Wobbler and The Opium Cartel vinyl editions.

Thanks for your time, and my apologies for the blatant advertising - but we really believe in this release.


Posted By: avestin
Date Posted: November 15 2009 at 13:04
I reviewed it for Progressive Ears and Sonic Frontiers ( - ).

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