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Most tolerable lyrics

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Topic: Most tolerable lyrics
Posted By: Zitro
Subject: Most tolerable lyrics
Date Posted: October 02 2009 at 18:34
Cheesy lyrics that you gotta remember:

The Flower Kings -

"It's the beginning of the end, or just the end of the beginning?"

"I been circlin' like in orbit 'round that cosmic Christmas tree
You think science is a fact, but it's just a childish game
And they never saw the greatness of a game

"I'm in Limbo between Earth and Sky. I can see all your houses from here, but don't tell me that I'm dying"

Dream Theater

"Day after day, night after night, replaying the events, did they ever see the red light ..." - Portnoy's rough vocals

"Screams of terror
Pain of Fear
Sounds of Sirens
Smoke in my eyes"

Get into my car
Let's go for a drive
Along the way
I'll be your guide
Just step inside

Let me introduce
My brother
A bearded gentleman
Sucking on his pipe
Distinguished accent
Making me uptight
No accident

Now wait a minute man
That's not how it is
You must be confused
That isn't who I am (considering it's the climax of a huge epic, that's disappointing)


"Fear, revere, the torrent flows into my lap"

I rushed back home to my family
I got my son a brand new game
No need to cook, I picked up fast food on the way
And it's finger-licking good

Dear PX, It's been 11 days
I'm kind of lost within the maze
Are you there? Give me but a sign
Are you at home? Are you on-line?

[Phideaux Xavier]:
Dear Simone, I'm sorry for the wait
I've seen your pics, you're looking great
I'm all alone, dying for a date
I think we match, it must be fate

Let's break the equation


You rise, you fall, your down, then you rise again
What don't kill you make you more strong

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: October 02 2009 at 18:40
From the above quotes, Flower Kings easily. Stolte has such an akwardness with lyrics sometimes.

Sorry, misread post. Flower Kings wa the most intolerable.

Dt or Metallica most tolerable I suppose.

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Posted By: Conor Fynes
Date Posted: October 02 2009 at 18:52
01011001110101010 has some good lyrics in parts actually... It's VERY difficult to write really great lyrics that revolve around a concept in any case.

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: October 02 2009 at 18:54
Originally posted by Conor Fynes Conor Fynes wrote:

01011001110101010 has some good lyrics in parts actually... It's VERY difficult to write really great lyrics that revolve around a concept in any case.

Because you have to fit it into a story i guess. 

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Posted By: progkidjoel
Date Posted: October 02 2009 at 18:57
Death Magnetic was awful, and I didn't think BC&SL was that bad, so DT take my vote.


Posted By: TheCaptain
Date Posted: October 02 2009 at 20:07
Fantastic thread idea!
As much as I love The Flower Kings, if they are ever in a competition for worst lyrics I will vote for them almost all the time. "Cosmic Christmas tree" is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
I know nothing about Ayreon other than they exist and looking at those snippets I have to say they might be worse than TFK. "Finger-lickin' good" is a phrase that should never be in a piece of published literature.
I don't know how much you cherry-picked the Metallica lyric but I fear what else could possibly be on the album.
BC&SL by no means has good lyrics. The Count Of Tuscany's lyrics bother me because it's obvious what the lyricist was trying to do and where he wanted to go. It could have been really great but it fell flat. The lyrics on that album are some of the most bland I have ever heard. Not good, not bad, just there. With that said, they get my vote here.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.

Posted By: Zitro
Date Posted: October 02 2009 at 20:22
Quote don't know how much you cherry-picked the Metallica lyric but I fear what else could possibly be on the album.

Suicide, I've already died
You're just the funeral I've been waiting for
Cyanide, living dead inside

Posted By: TheCaptain
Date Posted: October 02 2009 at 20:40
Originally posted by Zitro Zitro wrote:

Quote don't know how much you cherry-picked the Metallica lyric but I fear what else could possibly be on the album.

Suicide, I've already died
You're just the funeral I've been waiting for
Cyanide, living dead inside

Why? Why would someone write that? What does it even mean? I'd like to go back to those blissful days when I thought The Flower Kings had the worst lyrics around.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: October 02 2009 at 20:47
The Flower Kings almost always have some of the worst lyrics I've ever heard (but it doesn't stop my liking of them at all). DT's Black Clouds probably have the best lyrics of the bunch.


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Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: October 02 2009 at 23:10
"No need to cook, I picked up fast food on the way
And it's finger-licking good"

Holy shyt! I was going to say FK was the most intolerable but this takes the cake (or... shake... :P)

Most tolerable is Metallica, it's just a dumb line, nothing WTF about it.

Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: October 02 2009 at 23:13
Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

The Flower Kings almost always have some of the worst lyrics I've ever heard (but it doesn't stop my liking of them at all). DT's Black Clouds probably have the best lyrics of the bunch.

Yeah FK has some bad lyrics and some really good lines I think... but when they're bad they don't affect me, I just grin, and when they're good it's cool... that's the way one has to look at it.

That really says something if DT has the best lyrics of them... when I heard BC&SL I was blown away by how bad the lyrics were. Also, one has to take into account musical context... and when listening to Metallica, the lyrics don't seem that bad, when listening to FK, it doesn't matter that much because it fits... however DT and Ayreon are painful because the lyrics are horrible within the context of the music as well... at least for me.

Posted By: bsms810
Date Posted: October 03 2009 at 03:28
hahaha great poll, I voted for tallica coz ive always accepted their dodgy lyrics as part of the package, especially as they'r pretty straight up metal, as for bands like ayreon and DT the lyrics can often be just cringingly terrible

'when was the last time you had a girlfriend?'
'I dont look at it as when, I look at it as who...and why' - David Brent

Posted By: Tarquin Underspoon
Date Posted: October 03 2009 at 03:54
Metallica lyrics are Metallica lyrics and should be regarded as such
The Flower Kings lyrics are just oddly bad
The DT lyrics here literally had me laughing the first time I heard them. They ruin one of their best songs in years with this crap. They have some good lyrics from time to time.
These Ayreon lyrics make me want to punch the writer square in the nose with a set of brass knuckles.
From these choices, I'll say Metallica's lyrics are the most tolerable because I'm not listening-AH to them-AH that closelyyyyah!!!!  Tongue


-The Great Gig in the Sky

Posted By: topofsm
Date Posted: October 03 2009 at 11:26
I voted Metallica. At least the lyrics have some agressive merit to them, albeit in a primitive way. I'd rather have them primitive than embarrasingly bad like the others.


Posted By: Pekka
Date Posted: October 03 2009 at 11:29
Originally posted by Tarquin Underspoon Tarquin Underspoon wrote:

From these choices, I'll say Metallica's lyrics are the most tolerable because I'm not listening-AH to them-AH that closelyyyyah!!!!  Tongue
Clap Next time Hetfield breaks his back or something they should call you to fill in.

Oh, and I voted for Death Magnetic too. Lyrically it's perhaps their worst album so far, at least since they started to sing something else than just headbanging and destroying stuff, but I think it's still very tolerable and sometimes good.

Another oh, I completely forgot about St. Anger, DM is definitely better than that one. Not that St. A is a bad album overall.

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Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: October 03 2009 at 11:36
I guess TFK, then Ayreon. That bit of the DT song is unforgivable.

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Posted By: Mr ProgFreak
Date Posted: October 03 2009 at 12:08
This poll is so negative ... I won't "grace" it with a vote.Wink

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Posted By: Evan
Date Posted: October 03 2009 at 15:24
Where is the none of the above option? (seriously!) LOL

Posted By: frbassdevil
Date Posted: October 03 2009 at 19:52
I just found myself here wondering what kind of lyrics you people find to be good.
Not that I'm saying that any of these lyrics above are good, by the way.
Some of them are not that awful, though.

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: October 04 2009 at 10:27
You left out Spock's Beard.

"Some people are like gravy
Spilled on God's Sunday shirt"



Posted By: Zitro
Date Posted: October 04 2009 at 11:48
You left out Spock's Beard.

"Some people are like gravy
Spilled on God's Sunday shirt"

I only focused on recent albums, and Spock's latest didn't have terrible lyrics.

If not, I would have chosen some truly hilarious Flower Kings lyrics, like the ones in "Elaine" LOL

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