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Progressive Rock University

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Topic: Progressive Rock University
Posted By: Tin Of Hurri Curri
Subject: Progressive Rock University
Date Posted: September 15 2009 at 20:37
*  I searched for a thread like this, and didn't find one.  If one already exists, please let me know.
Imagine that there is a college that only offers classes that teach about progressive rock.  The main type of homework for most of the classes would be listening to albums.  Now imagine that it's your job to design a "Liberal Prog" curriculum or a curriculum for a certain major, e.g., the Symphonic Prog major.  Make a list of courses students would take.  In your list you can include a "professor" for each course.  If you want to, you can list all the classes a student would take over four years; or you can make a very short list of courses.  So that you see what I'm talking about, here is an example:
First Year, Fall Semester:
EP-101:  Intro To Eclectic Prog Studies  (3 credits),  Professor:  B. Eclectic
GG-101:  Gentle Giant I  (4 credits),  Professor:  Shulman (pick one)
KC-115:  King Crimson 1969-1974  (4 credits),  Professor:  R. Fripp
LT-101:  Fundamental Listening Techniques For The Progger  (2 credits),  Professor:  J. Happyears
HI-101:  Overview Of Prog History  (3 credits),  Professor:  Binns
The other option is to make a sequential list of the classes that you "took" in your own prog journey.  You can show us your progression from one artist or genre to another.
The academic year commences at Progressive Rock University. . . .

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: October 12 2009 at 14:54
J. Happyears, that's awesome. LOL

Let me try this; this is a pretty neat idea and I've thought about a similar concept before. Hmmmm... I'll tackle Electronic Prog, I think. We'll say this person is tackling 17 credit hours and that this is their first semester.

TD-101: Tangerine Dream  (3 credits),  Professor: E. Froese
TD-102: Tangerine Dream  (3 credits),  Professor: J. Froese
KF-101: Kraftwerk  (3 credits),  Professor: R. Hutter
KS-101: Klaus Schulze  (3 credits),  Professor: K. Schulze
BE-101: Brian Eno  (3 credits),  Professor: B. Eno
EL-101: Intro to Electronic Prog  (2 credits),  Professor: Ricochet V. Halloway  (LOL)


Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: October 12 2009 at 15:02
What you could actually do is, using the community here, open a virtual online prog university. People could give a series of lectures in thread form about various subjects, open for discussion and debate, asking interested parties to study and submit writing on various topics which the expert then assesses. Via thread of youtube, documentaries about musical forms or particular artists could be produced. Using the magic of the internet, 'students', or those following the lecture could even produce practical, audio recordings that reflect what they have learned or studied, testing theories.

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: October 12 2009 at 15:04
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

What you could actually do is, using the community here, open a virtual online prog university. People could give a series of lectures in thread form about various subjects, open for discussion and debate, asking interested parties to study and submit writing on various topics which the expert then assesses. Via thread of youtube, documentaries about musical forms or particular artists could be produced. Using the magic of the internet, 'students', or those following the lecture could even produce practical, audio recordings that reflect what they have learned or studied, testing theories.

That sounds like an incredibly good idea to me.


Posted By: KoS
Date Posted: October 12 2009 at 15:11
Intro to Snobbery and Pretentiousness


Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: October 12 2009 at 15:12
The problem is attracting people who don't already know more (or think they do) than the person running the course. I mean, a whole lot of people who know eclectic prog inside out sign up for the eclectic prog course and then learn nothing they didn't already know, or spend all their time going "Well come on, so and so wasn't all that" or "What about so and so? Why aren't they in the course?" You may end up preaching to the choir.
Getting people in who are not already mad about prog would see the best results, but people who aren't already mad about prog may not be interested in signing up.

Posted By: The Runaway
Date Posted: October 12 2009 at 15:13
Originally posted by KoS KoS wrote:

Intro to Snobbery and Pretentiousness

1000 credits to the teacher, 1 credit to the student, taught by Keith Emerson LOLLOL

-------------" rel="nofollow - Trendsetter win!

The search for nonexistent perfection.

Posted By: TheCaptain
Date Posted: October 12 2009 at 15:33
Originally posted by MovingPictures07 MovingPictures07 wrote:

Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

What you could actually do is, using the community here, open a virtual online prog university. People could give a series of lectures in thread form about various subjects, open for discussion and debate, asking interested parties to study and submit writing on various topics which the expert then assesses. Via thread of youtube, documentaries about musical forms or particular artists could be produced. Using the magic of the internet, 'students', or those following the lecture could even produce practical, audio recordings that reflect what they have learned or studied, testing theories.

That sounds like an incredibly good idea to me.

I'd definitely be interested in this.

Originally posted by Blowin Free Blowin Free wrote:

Originally posted by KoS KoS wrote:

Intro to Snobbery and Pretentiousness

1000 credits to the teacher, 1 credit to the student, taught by Keith Emerson LOLLOL


Originally posted by Tin Of Hurri Curri Tin Of Hurri Curri wrote:

HI-101:  Overview Of Prog History  (3 credits),  Professor:  Binns


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.

Posted By: Tin Of Hurri Curri
Date Posted: October 12 2009 at 16:11
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

What you could actually do is, using the community here, open a virtual online prog university. People could give a series of lectures in thread form about various subjects, open for discussion and debate, asking interested parties to study and submit writing on various topics which the expert then assesses. Via thread of youtube, documentaries about musical forms or particular artists could be produced. Using the magic of the internet, 'students', or those following the lecture could even produce practical, audio recordings that reflect what they have learned or studied, testing theories.
It's interesting that you mention starting an actual "university," because my intention with starting this thread (the one we're on right now) was to receive some more prog education.  You see, I am still very much a prog newbie, and I am interested in the many sub-genres of prog.  I was thinking that I might learn what bands other people consider important for knowledge of a particular sub-genre.
P.S.  Your idea of a multi-thread "university" sounds really cool to me.
P.P.S.  How appropriate for someone named "Textbook" to post on this thread!  Smile

Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: October 12 2009 at 17:54
I would envision the university as a sub-forum. If people are interested in doing this, let me know. I'm not knowledgable enough to be a lecturer but I could be a dean/administrator in terms of having someone oversee the project- a lack of knowledge is something of a plus in that capacity as I could judge whether something had appeal/import as explained by the lecturer without my own agenda getting in the way. Of course there is also the alternative of having no dean/administrator and just letting anyone who wants to go for it.
I would also suggest non-prog courses be allowed in order to encourage an atmosphere where people are being educated and exposed to new things rather than a hardcore prog community constantly being retaught how to suck eggs over Yes and ELP.

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: October 12 2009 at 18:18
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

I would envision the university as a sub-forum. If people are interested in doing this, let me know. I'm not knowledgable enough to be a lecturer but I could be a dean/administrator in terms of having someone oversee the project- a lack of knowledge is something of a plus in that capacity as I could judge whether something had appeal/import as explained by the lecturer without my own agenda getting in the way. Of course there is also the alternative of having no dean/administrator and just letting anyone who wants to go for it.
I would also suggest non-prog courses be allowed in order to encourage an atmosphere where people are being educated and exposed to new things rather than a hardcore prog community constantly being retaught how to suck eggs over Yes and ELP.

It could be a forum in of itself but a small one; and it could be linked on here.

I would express interest in participating (as a lecturer), so long as my schedule is permitting.


Posted By: TheCaptain
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 17:52
I am nowhere near knowledgeable in prog to be a lecturer so I would get to be a student.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 18:07
Originally posted by TheCaptain TheCaptain wrote:

I am nowhere near knowledgeable in prog to be a lecturer so I would get to be a student.

I like to think that I know enough that I could be a lecturer in something, at least---though my knowledge isn't specialized in any one sub-genre. I like them all, really, just some I know better than others.


Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 18:18
Well there could be general, 101 style courses Not everybody wants a six month programme about 1:34-1:47 of Close To The Edge.

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 18:30
Dude great thread!

PM101: A brief introduction to progressive metal
QDT1101: Early progressive metal training (1985-1993)
DT101: Dream Theater Education
PDM1203: The beginnings of progressive death metal
EOS101: Edge of Sanity, Death, and Opeth Fundamentals
OPM101: Obscure Prog Metal (The Last Things, Drudkh, Blind Illusion, etc.)


Check out my YouTube channel!" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: mrcozdude
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 18:31
I'll be the dinner lady.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 18:36
I'm in charge of discipline.

Posted By: topofsm
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 18:53
I don't really know much enough to teach. I'll just apply to work for admissions.
*waits for applications*
*cricket noises*


Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 19:10
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

Well there could be general, 101 style courses Not everybody wants a six month programme about 1:34-1:47 of Close To The Edge.

Why not?


Posted By: TheCaptain
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 19:18
My application:

Let me in because prog is pretty OK.
If you don't then I'll call up my buddy R. Fripp and he'll guitar you into submission.

I believe you could easily teach at least an intro course and I'd sign up for it.

I'm surprised at how good of a section 1:34-1:47 of CttE is at being a section (if that made sense).

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.

Posted By: geddyx12112
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 19:19
Professor Roine Wilson: 90s Prog 101

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 19:19
Originally posted by TheCaptain TheCaptain wrote:

My application:

Let me in because prog is pretty OK.
If you don't then I'll call up my buddy R. Fripp and he'll guitar you into submission.

I believe you could easily teach at least an intro course and I'd sign up for it.

I'm surprised at how good of a section 1:34-1:47 of CttE is at being a section (if that made sense).

I'd be up for it.

And LOL at your application.


Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 19:20
Originally posted by geddyx12112 geddyx12112 wrote:

Professor Roine Wilson: 90s Prog 101

Roine Wilson?



Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 19:21
If this actually takes place on a sub-forum (rather, a forum of its own, but reporting back within the confines of a thread here to keep it organized and accessible), who will make the forum? Or will it be set up entirely on PA?

There's quite a bit of organizational crap to sort through in order for this to work; but it could work, and it would be awesome if successfully implemented.


Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 22:05
PROG 535 - Seminar in Genre Nomenclature

Course Description: Learn how the best genres are just made the f**k up. Topics include, eclectic prog, crossover prog, Canterbury, and heavy prog. Students will research rock movements in depth, and with regard to history and cultural interaction of various national rock bands and arbitrarily draw lines that will forever stereotype the bands in eyes of future progressive rock fans.

-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!

Posted By: TheCaptain
Date Posted: October 13 2009 at 22:58
If we can get one of the admins around here to make a sub-forum, that would be ideal. If not, someone will have to create the forum. I have no problem doing this unless someone else really wants to.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.

Posted By: mrcozdude
Date Posted: October 14 2009 at 03:35
I don't understand what happening.Is my job as dinner lady being threatened?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Roland113
Date Posted: October 14 2009 at 06:51
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

PROG 535 - Seminar in Genre Nomenclature

Course Description: Learn how the best genres are just made the f**k up. Topics include, eclectic prog, crossover prog, Canterbury, and heavy prog. Students will research rock movements in depth, and with regard to history and cultural interaction of various national rock bands and arbitrarily draw lines that will forever stereotype the bands in eyes of future progressive rock fans.

LOL, Well said.

My nomination is an elective, you get to choose one of two classes:

Symphonic Prog 315a:  Why Phil Collins Ruined Genesis


Symphonic Prog 315b:  How Phil Collins Saved Genesis

Strangely enough both would be taught by a professor only known as Rael who has a tendency to teach in costume.

-------someone please tell him to delete this line, he looks like a noob-------

I don't have an unnatural obsession with Disney Princesses, I have a fourteen year old daughter and coping mechanisms.

Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: October 14 2009 at 14:44
Clearly the guidance counsellor will have their work cut out.

Posted By: The Block
Date Posted: October 14 2009 at 19:55
Proffeser Rudess: Class; Awesome, insane keyboarding skills

Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!

Posted By: topofsm
Date Posted: October 14 2009 at 20:34
Originally posted by TheCaptain TheCaptain wrote:

My application:

Let me in because prog is pretty OK.
If you don't then I'll call up my buddy R. Fripp and he'll guitar you into submission.

Your have been accepted to PRU, not because of your knowledge in prog not because I think Mr. Fripp will pull through with guitaring me into submission, but because he'll find some way to pull me into a lawsuit or something.


Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: October 14 2009 at 20:41
Originally posted by Roland113 Roland113 wrote:

Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

PROG 535 - Seminar in Genre Nomenclature

Course Description: Learn how the best genres are just made the f**k up. Topics include, eclectic prog, crossover prog, Canterbury, and heavy prog. Students will research rock movements in depth, and with regard to history and cultural interaction of various national rock bands and arbitrarily draw lines that will forever stereotype the bands in eyes of future progressive rock fans.

LOL, Well said.

My nomination is an elective, you get to choose one of two classes:

Symphonic Prog 315a:  Why Phil Collins Ruined Genesis


Symphonic Prog 315b:  How Phil Collins Saved Genesis

Strangely enough both would be taught by a professor only known as Rael who has a tendency to teach in costume.

I took that course a little while back. Except John was teaching it. Wait? Was John really not in the rapids?



Check out my YouTube channel!" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: fungusucantkill
Date Posted: October 16 2009 at 12:28
Art of Discipline 101 - Prof Fripp

Electronic Music - The entire Residents group

Anger Management - Mike Patton


Posted By: The Runaway
Date Posted: October 16 2009 at 13:07
Originally posted by MovingPictures07 MovingPictures07 wrote:

If this actually takes place on a sub-forum (rather, a forum of its own, but reporting back within the confines of a thread here to keep it organized and accessible), who will make the forum? Or will it be set up entirely on PA?

There's quite a bit of organizational crap to sort through in order for this to work; but it could work, and it would be awesome if successfully implemented.
As the one who probably knows my taste best around here, am I fit? LOLLOL

-------------" rel="nofollow - Trendsetter win!

The search for nonexistent perfection.

Posted By: tamijo
Date Posted: October 17 2009 at 06:27 Semester

The prerequests of Prog :


The Development in late Classic Composition

Lecture 1: Stravinsky : Le Sacre

Lecture 2: Debussy

Lecture 3: Mahler, Scriabin, Dvorak & Ives

Lecture 4: Olivier Messiaen, Steve Reich & Philip Glass


Afro American Music :

Lecture 1: The Origins of Blues

Lecture 2: The Blues in the 60’s

Lecture 3: The History of Jazz

Lecture 4: Miles Davis


Proto Prog

Lecture 1: Jimi

Lecture 2: The Beatles

Lecture 3: The Doors

Lecture 4: The Velvet Underground


Early Prog Masterpices

Lecture 1: Moody Blues - In search of the Lost Cord

Lecture 2: Pink Floyd - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn

Lecture 3: The Mothers - We are only in it for the Money

Lecture 4 : King Crimson: - In the Court of the Crimson King


Seminar 1 : We Enjoy the 4 Masterpieces, again and again, while debating to what extence we can find elements from the supposed prerequests actualy appear in the music.

At the same time we try comparing the 4 masterpieces, to what degree can they be said to be similar, and what is the most destinct diffrences.


Prog is whatevey you want it to be. So dont diss other peoples prog, and they wont diss yours

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