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Deep Purple play Paris Festival, 12 Sept

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Topic: Deep Purple play Paris Festival, 12 Sept
Posted By: Alucard
Subject: Deep Purple play Paris Festival, 12 Sept
Date Posted: September 03 2009 at 08:28
Deep Purple plays on the 12. of september during the annual French Communist party festival!
Rumours that Robert Wyatt willl join the band to sing Red Flag are not confirmed.Wink
BTW it's a nice festival and real cheap (kids under 15 for free)
The people's flag is deepest red,
It shrouded oft our martyr'd dead
And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold,
Their hearts' blood dyed its ev'ry fold.
Then raise the scarlet standard high,
Within its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.


Tadpoles keep screaming in my ear
"Hey there! Rotter's Club!
Explain the meaning of this song and share it"

Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: September 03 2009 at 15:36
The sole band that would make me go there.
Moreover, it would be cheaper than the last time I saw them in Toulon.

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