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Salem and You I song

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Topic: Salem and You I song
Posted By: Wolfman
Subject: Salem and You I song
Date Posted: July 27 2009 at 17:49
I visit your page quite frequently just to find stuff about the music I like, but there are two issues that I'd like to ask about, one because I haven't seen anything about a so far mysterious group or duo and the other because i haven't been able to find anything about a certain song, so here goes:

First: It was in 1995 that it came out and I very fortunately got it, a CD by a Canadian duo or group called Salem, their CD being self-titled (and not to be confused with the Israeli death metal band of the same name). The main members are Simon La Pointe and Louis Pelletier, who with invited musicians forged this musical jewel consisting of nine songs spanning 33:33. The track list as follows: 1.The philosophers in the forest 2.The Eagle (Mélopée) 3.Magical tool 4.Fields of Grass 5.Charles the III 6.Karmic adventures 7. Monastery 8.Scenes of sorrow 9. Pilgrim's park. I'm totally certain that they should appeal to the progressive community and therefore it puzzles me that there's no reference whatsoever of them or what is their sole musical masterpiece on your site and I'm also curious to see if anybody else outside my circle of friends has heard about Salem and I welcome any comments you may have.

Second: This one is for members that were around for the late sixties music scene (particularly psychedelic) about a song of which to the day I haven't been able to find about who plays it. I think the name of the song is "You I" (and it's not the Rare Earth song of the same name) and it starts out with a sustained distortion emulating a wasp or swarm of them and follows with a very catchy riff, that I like a lot, and the vocalist sings the following lyrics (as far as I can remember for I haven`t heard it in a very long time): You, I'm not colored blue, as I'm looking through, I see no magic moon; I, don't know what to do, when I look at you .... My question is: What is the name of the song (if it isn't You I) and who plays it?

Progressive regards to all.


Posted By: Easy Money
Date Posted: July 29 2009 at 19:56
Hey Wolfman, I got your PM, I do not recognize this song. Why don't you try putting some of the lyrics in a google search.

Posted By: Wolfman
Date Posted: July 29 2009 at 21:26
Thanks for your reply, Easy Money. I have already searched several links through google with partial lyrics  to no avail. The mystery remains. Embarrassed

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