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Supertramp Crime of the Century ... 27 ?

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Topic: Supertramp Crime of the Century ... 27 ?
Posted By: Yorkie X
Subject: Supertramp Crime of the Century ... 27 ?
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 08:22
Tongue worst poll ever ... 

Posted By: ten years after
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 08:24

Over-rated at 27.  I've got it at 36.

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 08:25
I don't like Supertramp so its easy for me. And even if I did I would find it too high considering its much higher than many genuine Prog albums.

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Posted By: Little Sir John
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 09:23
Crime of the Century is basically the most amazing album ever....

I really don't think it's overrated at all. I would put it in my top 10 favorite albums, but certainly not the top 10 best albums. 27 is the perfect place for it. It's a spectacular work of art with 2 amazing tracks and then whole bunch of good ones. It's a subltle concept album that fits together very well.
Also Rick Davies and Roger Hodgson are my heroes.

"I just felt we were capable of breaking new ground... with a vengeance."
~Jon Anderson

Posted By: TerLJack
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 10:03
You should have one more choice for those of us who think it should be rated higher!

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 10:12
Originally posted by TerLJack TerLJack wrote:

You should have one more choice for those of us who think it should be rated higher!
I was talking to my ex girl friend on the phone when I constructed the poll and I was getting ear bashed about all the things I did wrong when we were together had my concetration been better I probably would have come up with something better LOL

Posted By: Hercules
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 10:37
Good album, in parts amazing.

But not in my top 40, so a bit overrated.

A TVR is not a car. It's a way of life.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 11:26
There is no poll choice that expresses my feelings.  It wouldn't make my top 40 prog or otherwise albums, but that's by the way.  I don't think others have overrated it just because it's not amongst my faves (at one time it was one of my favourite rock albums).  I think it's a very good album, but I don't really think of it as "prog proper" (prog-related at the very least, yes), which is why, personally for a list of Prog albums, I don't "feel" that it should be ranked high (I won't say that I feel it shouldn't be listed at all despite my feelings towards its Progitude).  Prog is, to a  large extent, in the ear of the behearer, and I won't say that people shouldn't rate it highly just because it's not that prog (full-blown prog) to me.  For me it's an art rock album, and although art rock can be synonymous with prog, it means something rather different to me despite overlap.  But different prog measures for different prog listeners (my prog definitions are rather malleable, and tend to be on the inclusive side).

Anyway, it was a very important album to me at one time, and I really do think it very accomplished.  Not sure how I'd rate it myself.  I'd probably give it four stars even if I don't consider it to be an "Excellent addition to any prog rock music collection", but then what is, even if it is prog?  I do consider it to be a pretty essential album for most any rounded classic rock album collection.  If the top 100 meant 100 of the most representative prog albums, I wouldn't think it should be there, but since it's just a popularity list....  Personally, I don't give such popularity lists much credence.

Sorry for being so serious when it comes to a not-so-serious topic. LOL lol@me

Late edit for a ton of typos -- I'm getting really sloppy.

Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 12:22
I do not like this album. It would not normally be a problem for me if it wasn't so highly regarded, especially on a prog site.

Supertramp to me is like Ayreon to a lot of other people--nowhere near a top 100.

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Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 13:07
Originally posted by TerLJack TerLJack wrote:

You should have one more choice for those of us who think it should be rated higher!
Exactly.  At one point Crime of the Century was in the Top-10 for a while (so was Wishbone Ash's 'Argus' for that matter).  In both cases they are brilliant albums that deserve the recognition IMHO. 
Whether they are 'prog enough' or not is really a moot point - their association to progressive music is well enough established that all but the most dogmatic of listeners at least think they're prog.

"Peace is the only battle worth waging."

Albert Camus

Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 13:12
I wouldn't put it that high in my list, but it is a good album, and I think it's good for the variety of the list that it's that high: Supertramp are a bit on the edge of prog, but they have an original sound and they made some good albums, from which I think Crime Of The Century may be their best.
For me it's good where it is, on the list.

Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 13:12
It's an exceptional album and one of the most important works of the 1970's. I loved it when I first heard it and still do now.

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Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 13:31
Originally posted by ClemofNazareth ClemofNazareth wrote:

Originally posted by TerLJack TerLJack wrote:

You should have one more choice for those of us who think it should be rated higher!
Exactly.  At one point Crime of the Century was in the Top-10 for a while (so was Wishbone Ash's 'Argus' for that matter).  In both cases they are brilliant albums that deserve the recognition IMHO. 
Whether they are 'prog enough' or not is really a moot point - their association to progressive music is well enough established that all but the most dogmatic of listeners at least think they're prog.

I haven't thought of myself as one of the most dogmatic listeners, and yet I don't think of Supertramp as Prog (though I'd likely be apt to describe some of their music that way to some people, and do attribute various prog traits to their music).  I do associate the band with the Prog movement, but it's more proggy than prog for me.  It's not that I think others are wrong and I'm right.  Prog can be a nebulous construct.  I don't have a problem with it in a prog category, cause I think it has enough in common with progressive rock acts for it, but I still don't think of Supertramp as Prog-proper.  I think of it as Art Rock and Classic Rock.  Nomencalture is a funny old game though, and different people have different biases/ look for, or hear different qualities, and make differet associations.  Some music that I think of as Prog (in a greater sense of the word) and suitable for the archives, others dismiss as unsuitable and non-Prog (which is a stronger statement than somewhat prog etc.).  And others that I think are Prog Related others say have nothing to with Prog (I'm very inclusive when it comes to "related").

My pathetic haypenny. Embarrassed

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 14:54
Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

Tongue worst poll ever ... 

Rankings are purely for entertainment purposes.  I'm actually a newbie to that album and I like it alright, bloody well, you might say.Tongue

Posted By: The Sleepwalker
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 15:48
I think Crime of the Century is a pretty good album, but 27 is very high... way too high I think.

Posted By: Progosopher
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 16:23
I like the album, it's one of their best, but I wouldn't put it at 27 on my top 100 list.  I'm not sure if it would even make the list.  As to being overrated - reviewers rate it as they see fit, and I am not one to decry what they say, even if I disgree.  Didn't vote.

The world of sound is certainly capable of infinite variety and, were our sense developed, of infinite extensions. -- George Santayana, "The Sense of Beauty"

Posted By: Equality 7-2521
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 16:32
I would probably place it higher.

"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "

Posted By: memowakeman
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 16:53
No, not even top 100


Follow me on twitter @memowakeman

Posted By: friso
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 17:53
I one Supertramp record should be part of the PA top 100 it would be 'Crisis, what crisis?". Ít's still a total mistery why Crime of the Century is so highly regarded. It's a kind of pop album..

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 18:33
Honestly, there are songs on it I remember from airplay, so certainly pop from that standpoint, but I picked up a copy of it last year and found it reasonably prog.

I haven't had a Crisis yet...Tongue

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 18:48
Originally posted by kingfriso kingfriso wrote:

I one Supertramp record should be part of the PA top 100 it would be 'Crisis, what crisis?". Ít's still a total mistery why Crime of the Century is so highly regarded. It's a kind of pop album..

I find it heavily intriguing how would could hear Crime as "kind of pop" and not Crisis?, as I think they're both similar.

If anything, Crisis? is more apt to be labeled pop than Crime, I would think----and Supertramp aren't pop at all, really. They just incorporate pop-accessibility into their works, and I would hesitate to lump them in with other artists that are labeled pop.


Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 18:49
As to the poll question... I'm not quite sure where I'd place it on my personal top 100, and I stopped caring about the site's top 100 a while ago.

But I do think it's underrated for the most part, and I'm glad that it gets good attention here.


Posted By: Little Sir John
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 22:04
Crime of the Century is not pop
...okay well Dreamer is... and Bloody Well Right... and a few other tracks. But that's not important. They're still progressive pop. And School and the title track are definitely more rock than pop. 
Anyway, even the pop songs are pop rock.
If you put it all together, you have a nice pop-influenced progressive rock album.

On a side note, I love School. It is a very appropriate song. It's very important to me and I think it has been to a lot of students in the past. It's so powerful and so relevant and so true.

"I just felt we were capable of breaking new ground... with a vengeance."
~Jon Anderson

Posted By: Evan
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 22:44
27 is way to high.  It should be AT LEAST 28.  *shakes fist at PA's flawed rating system*

In all seriousness though, 27 is as good a place as any for CotC, though I'll admit it is higher on my personal list, and furthermore one of the few albums I consider absolutely perfect.  There are few moments as exciting as the piano solo in School, as hypnotizing as the saxophone in Hide in Your Shell, or as satisfying as the last notes of the title track. It is for me (and apparently for this site as well) the pinnacle of Crossover Prog.  Granted, the genre itself takes a lot of flack because it dares touch base with *gasp* pop, but this broadness is part of the charm of the record.   I can, however, understand why this may turn off our more "purist" proggers. 

Posted By: jammun
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 22:52
Eh, why not?  It's a pretty good album.  I've heard worse, some of which might actually outrank it in the Top 100 at any given moment.  In a sense, it's a perfect representation of prog's influence on a pretty good rock band and therefore, given that niche, may be perfectly placed.  If not, don't worry, won't be there long.

Can you tell me where we're headin'?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon.

Posted By: Zitro
Date Posted: July 01 2009 at 14:00
It's fine where it is. The title track is a masterpiece and the rest is very finely-crafted rock&pop.

Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: July 02 2009 at 10:45
I like Supertramp ok but Crime of the Century never did anything for me. Even In the Quietest Moments should be up there! Big smile

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Posted By: akin
Date Posted: July 03 2009 at 10:19
I don't like it very much and I don't think it is really prog, just a few songs, but anyway, top lists are about general peoples' tastes and it is expected that an album highly praised by the critics and audience will figure high on the list.

Posted By: Alberto Muñoz
Date Posted: July 03 2009 at 18:28
Bloody well Right to sayyyyyyy.....
Vote for the non overrated.


Posted By: manofmystery
Date Posted: July 05 2009 at 19:09
There are a few very good pop songs on this album but 27th is way to high on a prog list
Have it settled into the number 445 spot on my personal, yet to be completed, list


Time always wins.

Posted By: Badabing666
Date Posted: July 06 2009 at 03:37
I'll confess that it is in my top 20. I do revisit it every so often to make sure that it deserves to rank so highly and each time that I play it I realise how good it is.

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: July 07 2009 at 10:31
As far as Prog is concerned, COTC is fine where it is....
but given all time's in my top 10/

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