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I can translate for you Italian Prog lyrics

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Topic: I can translate for you Italian Prog lyrics
Posted By: Luca Pacchiarini
Subject: I can translate for you Italian Prog lyrics
Date Posted: June 29 2009 at 16:21
The school is almost finished, I've got time for relax :)
A common problem I notice for non-italian proggers and reviewers is that, if they don't know our language, they can't really judge the lyrical content of the albums.
So they say... "yes, the music is good, but I can't judge the lyrics because I've no idea of what they mean"...
It's a shame, because some of them are really clever and poetical.
On the internet, there are just a few  (unreliable) translations, they're not good.
So I want to give you the opportunity to know the lyrics:
If you request, I can translate selected songs or full albums of Rock Progressivo Italiano.
but no more than a request a day, sorry ShockedWink
if in a certain day there is already a request, you will be the first on the queue Tongue
I'm happy to provide this service for the community

Posted By: Failcore
Date Posted: June 29 2009 at 17:54
Umm, I'm not sure how legally kosher it is to proliferate lyrics, translation or otherwise. Thanks for the generous offer though.Thumbs Up

Posted By: mooguy
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 01:24
If you could translate Ubi Maior song " Terra Madre" I would be most grateful. So much feeling in the words, I would love t know what they mean in english.

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 02:26
Please do not post any translations here. They are covered by copyright restrictions.

Posted By: mooguy
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 03:22
Thanks for the heads up on copyright, learn something everyday Thumbs Up

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