New free Progressive Jazz Metal EP download
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Topic: New free Progressive Jazz Metal EP download
Posted By: MichaelJames
Subject: New free Progressive Jazz Metal EP download
Date Posted: May 08 2009 at 15:26
Tangled Thoughts of Leaving - Tiny Fragments - Download - Torrent Download
1. Tiny Fragments Part One
2. Tiny Fragments Part Two
3. Tiny Fragments Part Three
4. The Banshee
Tangled Thoughts of Leaving's music is progressive by nature. The inclusion of sparse influences, guided by concept and fused together, is the conception of their own sound, as each musicians respective inspirations force the collective into unchartered territory.
After several years of existence and growth, mid 2007 saw Tangled Thoughts of Leaving construct themselves a purpose built, make shift creative space.
A medium sized room, dedicated to forward thinking; the birth of new sound. In that very room, what was previously theory, became reality, and so began the Process of four people leaving mediocrity behind them.
In the months of January, February and March of 2008, TToL used their creative space to record a concept, aptly titled 'Tiny Fragments'. This EP was to represent their current thought process. They gave themselves a series of themes, ideas from a previously recorded improvisation and a set amount of time. What followed was roughly 3 months of sporadic sessions, in which the 18 minute, 3 part title track was written and recorded.
With the creation of Tiny Fragments the band have demonstrated that they would rather risk potential failure than never pursue the invention of interesting art. Tiny Fragments was an experiment and is the final step before they put a short lived emphasis on live performance, then return to the studio to record their debut album.
If you would like a CD version of 'Tiny Fragments', you can order one from - here .
From The Sky - Like Crystal in a World of Glass - Download - Torrent Download
1. Electric Snow
2. When The Sun Sets The Clouds On Fire
3. Position Of The Stars
4. There Are Ghosts In The Glass
5. Someone To Remember
6. Needle Happy Paediatricians
From The Sky's second release, mini-album 'Like Crystal in a World of Glass', was originally released in 2006 by Sound Devastation records and was well received for the young band. We now re-release 'Like Crystal...' on Lost Children in memory of the now defunct band as an accompaniment for their third release, EP 'A Warm Place With No Memory', which is also on Lost Children. For those wishing to purchase a CD version of 'Like Crystal...', there are still copies available from Sound Devastation - here .
A more upbeat and energetic instrumental rock release than many post-rock releases in 2006, it laid the groundwork for From The Sky's manic and often chaotic shows which commonly ended with the live favourite 'Someone To Remember' and very little of the stage left.
This version of 'Like Crystal...' also contains the previously unreleased version of 'Needle Happy Paediatricians' as a bonus track.
As ever, please pass on the message to anyone and everyone!
Thanks - Lost Children <-- more free Instrumental/Post-Rock/Alternative EP and Album download releases
Posted By: StyLaZyn
Date Posted: May 08 2009 at 15:45
Listening to "From the Sky" beans!
Posted By:
Date Posted: May 08 2009 at 15:59
Thanks! Downloading now...
Posted By: MichaelJames
Date Posted: May 09 2009 at 04:55
Posted By: StyLaZyn
Date Posted: May 09 2009 at 14:14
Just finished listening to Tiny Fragments. Excellent material. I'm not crazy about the growl vox, but that is just me. The drumming was very impressive.
Posted By:
Date Posted: May 10 2009 at 16:23
I still haven't had the time the listen, but I dropped in to say the download went OK. By tomorrow I think I'll be writing down my impressions. Cheers!
Posted By:
Date Posted: May 20 2009 at 09:39
I'm also really impressed by the "Tiny Fragments" EP. The band's playing and songwriting skills are outstanding, they don't sound like beginners AT ALL. I recommend this FREE release to all fans of Jazz-Metal/Post-Rock! Also, the band should be added to the PA database as soon as possible.
Posted By: Negoba
Date Posted: May 20 2009 at 11:37
Yeah other than the harsh vocals, this stuff is awesome!!!
First Free MotW and now this...the prog gods are smiling lately.
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