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The Worst Prog Rock Album Title

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Topic: The Worst Prog Rock Album Title
Posted By: valravennz
Subject: The Worst Prog Rock Album Title
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 19:58
This was suggested in the Best Prog Rock Album Title thread, so here we go.
What title really iks you? Makes you wonder what the point of naming the album with said title when it has nothing to do with the music it contains??
My pick has to be Sigur Ros' - () Confused


"Music is the Wine that fills the cup of Silence"
- Robert Fripp

Posted By: Equality 7-2521
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 20:47
Do any album titles tell you anything about the music they contain?

"One had to be a Newton to notice that the moon is falling, when everyone sees that it doesn't fall. "

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 21:18
I've always been turned off by the title Thrak.

So much so that I avoided purchasing that album for years.

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Posted By: BroSpence
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 21:42
( ) is a perfect album title as it leaves what it means up to you.  Which suits the music quite well too.  I don't see the problem there.  Plus it is so soothing to look at.

I don't think I've ever had an album title complaint.  

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 21:48
Invisible Touch surely Wink 

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 21:51
Love Beach, no question for me.


Posted By: topofsm
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 22:16
The GG titles have always been a bit odd to me, though I think their music is so good that I don't really care. Acquiring the Taste for example. It's a perfect description of the GG sound, but It sounds bad. I guess it's not really a bad title because of what it represents, but that's just the way I think.


Posted By: Santi_VdGG
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 22:16
Abacab. Well, I hate Abacab.

all of us pilgrims.

Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 22:38
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Love Beach, no question for me.

DAAAAAAAMN! Foiled by Ivan LOL

Whatever, he may have beat me to it, but I can still do Micky proud:

Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 22:45

"Peace is the only battle worth waging."

Albert Camus

Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 22:45

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 22:48
( ) is actualy one of the greatest album titles ever.

I agree with Ivan and Bob. Can't get any more uncreative than a catalogue number and Love Beach. I mean, I guess it would be okay coming from some surf rock band but \with that cover and ELP's name on it it comes off as an embarrassingly obvious (and therefore failed) attempt to sell out.

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Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 23:39
Originally posted by ClemofNazareth ClemofNazareth wrote:

 actually 90125 isn't a real bad album. It was the album that got me into Yes back in the80's as a kid. I think Tormato is worse Shocked


Posted By: The Whistler
Date Posted: February 02 2009 at 23:40

Originally posted by Santi_VdGG Santi_VdGG wrote:

Abacab. Well, I hate Abacab.

Really? Interesting. I've always liked it, so much that I gave that name to a girl when I put her in my mobile. She, of course, objected soundly once she'd caught I renamed her Jack Nicholoson...

"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson

Posted By: tszirmay
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 00:12
Ozric Tentacles- Curious Corn (???? Huh???)  Yes- Union (aka Onion) and the odd Tormato (Whaaaaat?) and of course the rather silly Al DiMeola - Kiss My Axe (but , you know maybe its a great title , hmmmmm)
Thomas Dolby had an album called "Aliens Ate my Buick" , kind of a propos today, no? Wink

I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.

Posted By: Petrovsk Mizinski
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 01:02


I don't care about the album's concept or not, the name is just god awful anyway.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 01:17
Poop Chute


Posted By: Chris S
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 01:46
Caravan - The Album Ermm

<font color=Brown>Music - The Sound Librarian

...As I venture through the slipstream, between the viaducts in your dreams...[/COLOR]

Posted By: The Whistler
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 01:49
Well, despite the fact that it's my favorite Yes album...somehow, The Yes Album never struck me as being on of their cleverest titles...

"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson

Posted By:
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 03:12
A lot of Prog Metal albums have lousy names (ask Rocktopus for more details, he has some great examples if I remember well). A major exception is Dream Theater.

Going For The One
Elegant Gypsy

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 04:05
Worst album title (without competitor): "Arbeit Macht Frei" by Area. Unless I am greatly mistaken, this album does in no way directly deal with the Nazi regime (in which case I would have accepted the title as ironical). It may have been meant to be ironical here too, but it falls absolutely flat, in my opinion. Maybe I am overreacting because I am German, but one shouidn't toy with Nazi slogans.


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: Rocktopus
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 05:38
Originally posted by Swan Song Swan Song wrote:

A lot of Prog Metal albums have lousy names (ask Rocktopus for more details, he has some great examples if I remember well).


I don't have time to dig up the Symphonic Tears of an Infinite Dream Tragedy-titles just now.

Over land and under ashes
In the sunlight, see - it flashes
Find a fly and eat his eye
But don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
Don't believe in me

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 05:46
I've no doubt that that Area title is ironic, Friede. A quick check into the political leanings of the band should surely confirm that. Having said this, I don't personally think it was a particularly clever thing to call the album and it does little to help their cause. The music itself on that album is superb, IMO, so I find it easier to forgive them than you might!

There are a lot of awful titles out there, but my personal bugbear is bands who simply number their albums. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn.

Posted By: b_olariu
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 05:48
Originally posted by The Whistler The Whistler wrote:

Originally posted by Santi_VdGG Santi_VdGG wrote:

Abacab. Well, I hate Abacab.

Really? Interesting. I've always liked it, so much that I gave that name to a girl when I put her in my mobile. She, of course, objected soundly once she'd caught I renamed her Jack Nicholoson...


Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 05:49
Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

Worst album title (without competitor): "Arbeit Macht Frei" by Area. Unless I am greatly mistaken, this album does in no way directly deal with the Nazi regime (in which case I would have accepted the title as ironical). It may have been meant to be ironical here too, but it falls absolutely flat, in my opinion. Maybe I am overreacting because I am German, but one shouidn't toy with Nazi slogans.

I agree with you on that last part. However, I think you are aware that Area were dedicated left-wingers (once Micky had as a sig a picture of them on stage with raised fists), so I can state with absolute certainty that the use of the title was ironical.

Edit: Trouserpress posted while I was still writing, and said the same things in a much better wayWink.

Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 06:40
Soft Machine and Chicago also made some of the worst album titles. Come on, just numbers??? "The second album" or "Vol. 4", why not? But your whole discography??? Soft Machine 3, then 4, then 5, then 6 and 7 (thanks, they had actual titles for the last ones)
Chicago is the winner, of course.

Posted By: Rocktopus
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 06:49
On the Soft machine albums, the way the number is presented is part of the title. And one Third (which is the name, not 3) , 4 and 5 it quite beautifully done, and says something about the music. Its not just a number: -">

Over land and under ashes
In the sunlight, see - it flashes
Find a fly and eat his eye
But don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
Don't believe in me

Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 06:57
Relayer... what the hell does that have to do with the contents or the cover art? Is it some kind of inside joke, which is the excuse you'd expect from Jethro Tull or the Mothers of Invention, but from Yes it's just weird.

Then there's Can's debut Monster Movie. There's no songs about monsters on the album, so it's just misleading in a "is this a joke?" way.

"The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 07:13
What the heck is a "Relayer" in the first place? A competitor in a relay race? A person that switches electrical relays? Someone who relays a message? Yes are the only band who not only have incomprehensible lyrics, their album titles are incomprehensible too, even if they consist of one word only. It is a wonder that "Fragile" actually seems to mean what it says.


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 07:17
I think it's probably an inside joke but then again Yes seem way too serious a band to do that kind of thing.

"The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook

Posted By: The Hemulen
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 09:01
I think you're overanalysing the whole "Relayer" thing. Jon Anderson's lyrics were always as much to do with sound as they were meaning. "Relayer" is a lovely-sounding word, (to my ears, at least) and it slots in quite nicely amongst the music on that album.

"Tales From Topographic Oceans" however, is pure bilge.

Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 09:28
What does "topographic" even mean? Were I in the band I would instead have called it Tales from the Psychotronic Oceans. No, I don't know what "Psychotronic" means either but as far as indecipherably big words go it's by far the most singularitarianistically cool one. PSYCHOTRONIC!

"The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook

Posted By:
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 09:31
Topography is the science of drawing maps. Smile

Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 09:34
Now what is a "topographic ocean", then? An ocean that's charted? Wouldn't it be more interesting to call your big experimental concept album something like "Tales from the Uncharted Oceans"? Confused

"The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook

Posted By:
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 09:36
^ Agreed. Though it sounds good, "Topographic Oceans" is a nonsense. 

Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 09:46
I also forgot Captain Beefheart's Trout Mask Replica... it's a stupid album title because the guy on the cover is wearing a CATFISH mask.

"The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 10:21
Originally posted by Toaster Mantis Toaster Mantis wrote:

I also forgot Captain Beefheart's Trout Mask Replica... it's a stupid album title because the guy on the cover is wearing a CATFISH mask.

You are missing the point! Of course it is a catfish mask, but then it is a replica, and trout was out when it was made, so he had to settle for catfish!


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 10:27
Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

Worst album title (without competitor): "Arbeit Macht Frei" by Area. Unless I am greatly mistaken, this album does in no way directly deal with the Nazi regime (in which case I would have accepted the title as ironical). It may have been meant to be ironical here too, but it falls absolutely flat, in my opinion. Maybe I am overreacting because I am German, but one shouidn't toy with Nazi slogans.

I don't think you are.  I love the band and love that album...but the title is bothersome to me as well, I always have a small internal cringe when I see it.

Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 10:42
Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

Originally posted by Toaster Mantis Toaster Mantis wrote:

I also forgot Captain Beefheart's Trout Mask Replica... it's a stupid album title because the guy on the cover is wearing a CATFISH mask.

You are missing the point! Of course it is a catfish mask, but then it is a replica, and trout was out when it was made, so he had to settle for catfish!

Is that the Captain's official explanation? LOL

"The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook

Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 11:01
*Post deleted*

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Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 11:12
Originally posted by Swan Song Swan Song wrote:

Topography is the science of drawing maps. Smile

Bit of an oversimplification. This is the list.

1. the detailed mapping or charting of the features of a relatively small area, district, or locality.
2. the detailed description, esp. by means of surveying, of particular localities, as cities, towns, or estates.
3. the relief features or surface configuration of an area.
4. the features, relations, or configuration of a structural entity.
5. a schema of a structural entity, as of the mind, a field of study, or society, reflecting a division into distinct areas having a specific relation or a specific position relative to one another.

3-5 relate directly to a state rather than the result of study or activity.  One can draw a map sans topography. A topographic map has contour lines to delineate elevation.  Still does not defend the fact that the name has little to do with the subject matter in the album. Then again, what name would? Tales from Metaphysical BS Oceans?

And Relayer could be one who repeatedly lays. Like a slut.

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Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 11:14
Midnight Mushrumps!
Arctopocolypse Now - Warmagedon Later (I love those guys, but what the hell!?!?)
The Flower King (an album and a band for this one)
The Man Machine (Not a prog album IMHO, but its here as such)
Maxophone (Great album, not so much a name)
Romantic Warrior (*cough* *gasp* some of the most complex music in the fusion scene sounds like it should be a Debbie Boone album)
Situation Dangerous
Sol Niger Within (Understandably ironic "Black Hole Within", still gets too much dander up)
Space Shanty (better than Space Outhouse I guess)

Prog Related Addendum:

Pork Soda
Gretchen Goes to Nebraska
Sheer Heart attack
Kill 'em All (brilliant!)

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp

Posted By: The Pessimist
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 11:17
Originally posted by HughesJB4 HughesJB4 wrote:


I don't care about the album's concept or not, the name is just god awful anyway.

Oh yes, seconded. Does anyone actually remember the real order without searching them up on the archives?

As for my two cents:

De-loused In The Comatorium. What the hell does that even mean? Comatorium isn't even a real word, and de-lousing is something you do to animals.

And as for "In The Flesh Aquarium". That's just plain revolting... Oh well, I guess it's metal

"Market value is irrelevant to intrinsic value."

Arnold Schoenberg

Posted By: valravennz
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 14:39
Originally posted by HughesJB4 HughesJB4 wrote:


I don't care about the album's concept or not, the name is just god awful anyway.

LOL How could I forget that awful title for an album?


"Music is the Wine that fills the cup of Silence"
- Robert Fripp

Posted By: valravennz
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 14:43
To everyone who has posted so far - thanks for joining in the fun and for your inciteful (!) comments.
Indeed some very worthy contenders for worst title have been proposed. I will concede ever so slightly that  () is clever rather than bad. However.....Wink


"Music is the Wine that fills the cup of Silence"
- Robert Fripp

Posted By: JLocke
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 14:49
Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by ClemofNazareth ClemofNazareth wrote:

 actually 90125 isn't a real bad album. It was the album that got me into Yes back in the80's as a kid. I think Tormato is worse Shocked
Yeah, but we're talking about album TITLES, not the albums themselves, in which case I 100% agree with Clem. 'Cause 90125 is without a doubt a poor attempt at making Yes 'hip' for the 80s. All it really did was date it.
90125 was also the album that got me into Yes, so I quite like the music found within. The name however is just bad.

Posted By: JLocke
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 14:53
Originally posted by Swan Song Swan Song wrote:

Topography is the science of drawing maps. Smile
Actually, drawing and reading maps is Cartography.
Topography is more like the study of landscapes in a full three-dimentional sense, with the raise of mountains and the fall of canyons, etc.
Phil Carson said in that YES Documentary DVD that Topography was Maps and Geography, but he was wrong. He's rubbish, anyway.

Posted By: Anirml
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 14:59
Originally posted by p0mt3 p0mt3 wrote:

Originally posted by Swan Song Swan Song wrote:

Topography is the science of drawing maps. Smile
Actually, drawing and reading maps is Cartography.
Topography is more like the study of landscapes in a full three-dimentional sense, with the raise of mountains and the fall of canyons, etc.
Yes, True!
 "Tales From Topographic Oceans" is a quite good album title imo Smile

Posted By: JLocke
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 15:06
^ Yeah, it's a good title. I've definately seen worse.
''With The Beatles'', anyone?

Posted By: crimson87
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 15:10
The post mortem FZ albums called Joes Domage , Joe's Xmasage , whatever...
Metallica: Death Magnetic (so predictable)

Posted By: valravennz
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 15:13
Originally posted by Tapfret Tapfret wrote:

Originally posted by Swan Song Swan Song wrote:

Topography is the science of drawing maps. Smile

Bit of an oversimplification. This is the list.

1. the detailed mapping or charting of the features of a relatively small area, district, or locality.
2. the detailed description, esp. by means of surveying, of particular localities, as cities, towns, or estates.
3. the relief features or surface configuration of an area.
4. the features, relations, or configuration of a structural entity.
5. a schema of a structural entity, as of the mind, a field of study, or society, reflecting a division into distinct areas having a specific relation or a specific position relative to one another.

3-5 relate directly to a state rather than the result of study or activity.  One can draw a map sans topography. A topographic map has contour lines to delineate elevation.  Still does not defend the fact that the name has little to do with the subject matter in the album. Then again, what name would? Tales from Metaphysical BS Oceans?

And Relayer could be one who repeatedly lays. Like a slut.
Perhaps Topographical Oceans refers to the highlighted portion above - the Topographical part that is. "Oceans" perhaps refers to the explorable vastness and depth of music - who knows? Perhaps the band needs to be asked  the meaning of this highly complex album title. I personally - don't have an issue with the title Smile


"Music is the Wine that fills the cup of Silence"
- Robert Fripp

Posted By:
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 15:14
Originally posted by p0mt3 p0mt3 wrote:

Originally posted by Swan Song Swan Song wrote:

Topography is the science of drawing maps. Smile
Actually, drawing and reading maps is Cartography.
Topography is more like the study of landscapes in a full three-dimentional sense, with the raise of mountains and the fall of canyons, etc.

You guys are right, my mistake.

Posted By: valravennz
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 15:17
Originally posted by crimson87 crimson87 wrote:

The post mortem FZ albums called Joes Domage , Joe's Xmasage , whatever...
Metallica: Death Magnetic (so predictable)
I absolutely agree - very boring and a big yawn for all Metallica album titles Sleepy


"Music is the Wine that fills the cup of Silence"
- Robert Fripp

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 15:17
Well Love Beach was bound to show up early in the thread the ones I don`t understand are Thraak and Relayer. What? The guy doesn`t like Relayer because of the cover because it has nothing to do with the album. First off I can name about 100 albums with covers/titles  that have absolutely nothing to do with the music. For example Black Sabbath`s Paranoid album. What the f*** does a pink guy swinging a fake scimitar have to do with any song off that record? At least the Relayer cover has that guy on the horse who could be RELAYING a message. Sort of a la Pony Express. And the the music on the album could be RELAYING some messages. I`m not going to explain the lyrics here. That all said the absolute worst prog album of all time has to be (drum roll please )

                                                            TRIUMVIRAT A LA CARTE


Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 15:46
Originally posted by crimson87 crimson87 wrote:

Metallica: Death Magnetic (so predictable)

The name is what it is, which isn't as bad as the cover, a coffin shaped rectum.

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Posted By: valravennz
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 15:49
^ Clap - LOL


"Music is the Wine that fills the cup of Silence"
- Robert Fripp

Posted By: Anthony
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 15:53
Originally posted by The Pessimist The Pessimist wrote:

Originally posted by HughesJB4 HughesJB4 wrote:


I don't care about the album's concept or not, the name is just god awful anyway.

Oh yes, seconded. Does anyone actually remember the real order without searching them up on the archives?


Future prosperity lies in the way you heal the world with love
(Introitus - The hand that feeds you)

Posted By: LinusW
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 16:07
Originally posted by Anthony Anthony wrote:

Originally posted by The Pessimist The Pessimist wrote:

Originally posted by HughesJB4 HughesJB4 wrote:


I don't care about the album's concept or not, the name is just god awful anyway.

Oh yes, seconded. Does anyone actually remember the real order without searching them up on the archives?


But hard to prove LOL

Posted By: Dick Heath
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 16:20
Originally posted by p0mt3 p0mt3 wrote:

Originally posted by Swan Song Swan Song wrote:

Topography is the science of drawing maps. Smile
Actually, drawing and reading maps is Cartography.
Topography is more like the study of landscapes in a full three-dimentional sense, with the raise of mountains and the fall of canyons, etc.
Phil Carson said in that YES Documentary DVD that Topography was Maps and Geography, but he was wrong. He's rubbish, anyway.

In the example of adhesion science, topography  is the three dimensional  form of a surface - critical to the bond strength when joining materials together. So not landscape alone.

The best eclectic music on the Web,8-11pm BST/GMT THURS.
Host by PA's Dick Heath.

Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 16:28
Originally posted by p0mt3 p0mt3 wrote:

Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by ClemofNazareth ClemofNazareth wrote:

 actually 90125 isn't a real bad album. It was the album that got me into Yes back in the80's as a kid. I think Tormato is worse Shocked
Yeah, but we're talking about album TITLES, not the albums themselves, in which case I 100% agree with Clem. 'Cause 90125 is without a doubt a poor attempt at making Yes 'hip' for the 80s. All it really did was date it.
90125 was also the album that got me into Yes, so I quite like the music found within. The name however is just bad.
Also looks kind of stupid when its reissued and the new catalog number is 73796 Confused.
And sure, I kind of like the album.  That was the first time I saw Yes live, and the concert experience was awesome, but that doesn't excuse the poor name.
And speaking of which....

"Peace is the only battle worth waging."

Albert Camus

Posted By: JLocke
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 16:34
Originally posted by Dick Heath Dick Heath wrote:

Originally posted by p0mt3 p0mt3 wrote:

Originally posted by Swan Song Swan Song wrote:

Topography is the science of drawing maps. Smile
Actually, drawing and reading maps is Cartography.
Topography is more like the study of landscapes in a full three-dimentional sense, with the raise of mountains and the fall of canyons, etc.
Phil Carson said in that YES Documentary DVD that Topography was Maps and Geography, but he was wrong. He's rubbish, anyway.

In the example of adhesion science, topography  is the three dimensional  form of a surface - critical to the bond strength when joining materials together. So not landscape alone.
 . . . Yeah, like I said; Topography is more like the study of landscapes in a full three-dimentional sense, with the raise of mountains and the fall of canyons, etc.

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 18:47
Actually, In Spite Of Harry's Toe-Nail is probably the most godawful title in my collection. Turned me off from buying the album for a while.

Thankfully there's Lady Lake with a pretty title and cover to make up for it.

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Posted By: laplace
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 18:52
rush - moving pictures


Posted By: Windhawk
Date Posted: February 03 2009 at 19:25
Hawkwind: Church of Hawkwind
- just a tad self-indulgent ;-)

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Posted By: Abrawang
Date Posted: February 05 2009 at 23:00

I always thought that Illusions on a Double Dimple was very silly.  When I'd play it for friends, I'd never show the album cover and just reply "Triumvirat" if asked what it was.

Brain Salad Surgery was pretty bad.  Is the brain made into a salad after the surgery?  Is so, then the word order is wrong.  And what a disguting image anyway.

What about Peter Gabriel's no-title albums?  That's like George Forman naming all his kids George Forman.

Then there's The Gospel According to Spinal Tap.

Casting doubt on all I have to say...

Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: February 05 2009 at 23:26
With all the mentions of Yes, I'm surprised no one mentioned The Yes Album.  Also:
Peter Hammill's PH7 which would actually have been a good title, had that in fact been his 7th solo album.
We Can't Dance
Peter Gabriel - All 4 of them.
Queen - The Works (makes it sound like a greatest hits album, although one of my favorite Queen albums)
I also have to agree with Friede.  I don't know Area that well, and don't have the album, but having just visited Auscwitz a few days ago, I find the use of "Arbeit Macht Frie" to be in rather poor taste, no matter the reason for its use.

I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?

Posted By: npjnpj
Date Posted: February 06 2009 at 02:22
Just read this thread, and I must disagree with the post naming Caravan - The Album.
I find this essential, because how else would anyone know you're not dealing with Caravan - The Book?
Don't know about bad titles, I only seem to find funny (often unintentionally?) ones. One of the most hilareous I've come across is by a German band called 'Rodgau Monotones'. Album title: 'Eucalyptus Now!' It had a photograph of a toy coala bear in a jungle setting dressed in Rambo gear. The Rodgaus are a great band, by the way, but not prog in any way.
How about a thread about the funniest album titles?

Posted By: DJPuffyLemon
Date Posted: February 07 2009 at 13:40
Originally posted by The Miracle The Miracle wrote:

( ) is actualy one of the greatest album titles ever.

I agree with Ivan and Bob. Can't get any more uncreative than a catalogue number and Love Beach. I mean, I guess it would be okay coming from some surf rock band but \with that cover and ELP's name on it it comes off as an embarrassingly obvious (and therefore failed) attempt to sell out.
I'm pretty sure this album was released for contract fulfillment.

Posted By: DJPuffyLemon
Date Posted: February 07 2009 at 13:43
Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

What the heck is a "Relayer" in the first place? A competitor in a relay race? A person that switches electrical relays? Someone who relays a message? Yes are the only band who not only have incomprehensible lyrics, their album titles are incomprehensible too, even if they consist of one word only. It is a wonder that "Fragile" actually seems to mean what it says.
The Relayer is a transport ship or something which is part of their epic concept story they are or at one time were putting together.

Posted By: DJPuffyLemon
Date Posted: February 07 2009 at 14:05
Also, a lot of you guys are getting really pissy at random sh*t. Some of you seem to be seriously offended by some titles. Oh no, tales from topographic oceans, that doesn't even mean anything. what??? cadaveric manifesto? that's bad grammar! jesus christ guys...

Posted By: manofmystery
Date Posted: February 07 2009 at 23:39
King Crimson - Thrak
Yes - Tormato
ELP - Love Beach
Argent - I don't believe they have one decent album title
Ashra - Tropical Heat
Babe Ruth - Kid's Stuff, Stealing Home
Focus - Jan Akkerman & Thijs Van Leer ("hey, we don't have a title yet" "just slap our names on it")
Fripp & Eno - No Pussyfooting
Jethro Tull - J-Tull Dot Com
Keith Emerson - Honky
Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Somewhere In Afrika
Robert Beriau - Selfishness: Source Of War & Violence (just won this and haven't listened to it yet but don't care for the preachy title)
Rush - Power Windows
Steve Hillage - Motivation Radio, Rainbow Dome Musick
Triumvirat - Old Loves Die Hard
Wishbone Ash - Front Page News


Time always wins.

Posted By: mrcozdude
Date Posted: February 07 2009 at 23:52
Henry Cow's Leg End should be a bad title but they manage to pull it off quite well.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Gustavo Froes
Date Posted: February 08 2009 at 17:31
Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

Invisible Touch surely Wink 

Well that's not prog,is it?

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: February 08 2009 at 18:52
Quiet Sun - Mainstream

Yes I realise it's ironic but just sits awkwardly in my collection. LOL


Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: February 08 2009 at 19:36
Originally posted by James James wrote:

Quiet Sun - Mainstream

Yes I realise it's ironic but just sits awkwardly in my collection. LOL

How pretentious of youWink

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: February 09 2009 at 03:23
Marillion - Script for a Jester's Tear

The title just about sums up neo prog's post pubescent conceits masquerading as profundity


Posted By: Gustavo Froes
Date Posted: February 09 2009 at 11:14
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

Marillion - Script for a Jester's Tear

The title just about sums up neo prog's post pubescent conceits masquerading as profundity

I don't see anytihng wrong with that title.What annoys me is the band's name itself,a total rip off of Tolkenian literature(just think to yoruself how many bands have their name ripped of from The lords of the Rings).

Posted By: ghost_of_morphy
Date Posted: February 09 2009 at 18:52
Originally posted by The Whistler The Whistler wrote:

Well, despite the fact that it's my favorite Yes album...somehow, The Yes Album never struck me as being on of their cleverest titles...
Esp. after having a self-titled debut.


Posted By: ghost_of_morphy
Date Posted: February 09 2009 at 18:53
Originally posted by manofmystery manofmystery wrote:

Jethro Tull - J-Tull Dot Com
You've got to admit that that's pretty bad.  90125 level bad.


Posted By: Drummerboy
Date Posted: February 10 2009 at 09:23
If I Had To Do It All Over Again I'd Do It All Over You  (by Caravan.)
Unfortunate, because the album is quite good, one of their best IMO.

Posted By: manofmystery
Date Posted: February 10 2009 at 09:33
Originally posted by Drummerboy Drummerboy wrote:

If I Had To Do It All Over Again I'd Do It All Over You  (by Caravan.)
Unfortunate, because the album is quite good, one of their best IMO.
thats a great title


Time always wins.

Posted By: Q6
Date Posted: February 10 2009 at 10:27
90125 - Yes

thats just lazy

------------- -

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: February 12 2009 at 20:30
Originally posted by manofmystery manofmystery wrote:

Originally posted by Drummerboy Drummerboy wrote:

If I Had To Do It All Over Again I'd Do It All Over You  (by Caravan.)
Unfortunate, because the album is quite good, one of their best IMO.
thats a great title

Cunning Stunts is their best title. Big smile


Posted By: Hankypanky
Date Posted: February 13 2009 at 21:49
Uomo di pezza-Le Orme because it makes me think of pizza(pezza) and they are italian lol.... and love beach isnt the worst name its the worst cover lol

Posted By: sam81292
Date Posted: February 18 2009 at 16:07
Tales From Topographic Oceans by Yes

Posted By: TheCaptain
Date Posted: February 18 2009 at 16:32
The Lonely Heartbeat - Roine Stolt

I wish I knew what was going through his head when he made that title.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.

Posted By: Keltic
Date Posted: March 09 2009 at 17:41
We Can't Dance ( or make decent albums anymore Embarrassed ) - Genesis

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: March 09 2009 at 17:45
Originally posted by Hankypanky Hankypanky wrote:

Uomo di pezza-Le Orme because it makes me think of pizza(pezza) and they are italian lol.... and love beach isnt the worst name its the worst cover lol

Very funny indeedDead....

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: March 09 2009 at 17:55
Originally posted by TheCaptain TheCaptain wrote:

The Lonely Heartbeat - Roine Stolt

I wish I knew what was going through his head when he made that title.
Is that a song title, or an album title for an album I don't know about, but want to know about?


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: March 09 2009 at 17:59
Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

Originally posted by Hankypanky Hankypanky wrote:

Uomo di pezza-Le Orme because it makes me think of pizza(pezza) and they are italian lol.... and love beach isnt the worst name its the worst cover lol

Very funny indeedDead....


The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: manofmystery
Date Posted: March 10 2009 at 00:30
Uriah Heep - Sonic Origami (I'll fold my paper at sub-sonic speeds thank you)
Camel - The Snow Goose (The foulest, most evil creature on the face of this earth.  Kill em' all I say)
Le Orme - Smogmagica (Magical Smog? I consider any Godzilla foe is also a foe of mine)
VDGG - Godbluff (I actually like this title but I needed an excuse to use this joke: God calls your bluff, takes down the pot)
by the way, if you haven't joined the 1st ever ProgArchives Fantasy Baseball League (link in sig) then I am officially calling out your manhood and insulting yo momma


Time always wins.

Posted By: Moogtron III
Date Posted: March 10 2009 at 03:08
I agree with Q6 that 90125 is a lazy title, but for some reason it sounds great. It fits in well with the modernized sound, just like Abacab from Genesis. It does help that I like the music, no doubt.

Like Trouserpress  I dislike album numbers as album titles. Soft Machine, Chicago, sometimes Toto does it too. Still,  if you do it through all of your career, like Chicago does, it becomes some sort of trademark. It reminds me of Salvador Dali who once said to Bill Wyman (according to the latter's autobiography) that he should cut his hair, because everyone had long hair in these days. Bill Wyman replied that the Rolling Stones were the first to have long hair, and Salvador Dali said that in that case he should keep it like it is.

"Love Beach" is so bad that it  becomes funny. The album title, not the music, because I didn't listen to the album yet. After all the bashing of the album here on PA I wouldn't dare even touching it LOL Love Beach is so ridiculous as a title that it makes me smile.

Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: March 11 2009 at 04:45
I'm still trying to find out what the hell Tormato is supposed to be a pun on.Confused

"The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook

Posted By: Keltic
Date Posted: March 11 2009 at 05:52
Originally posted by Toaster Mantis Toaster Mantis wrote:

I'm still trying to find out what the hell Tormato is supposed to be a pun on.Confused
Yes Tor = hill in Dartmoor and Tomato is the most plausible explanation.
Then there's that old one about Rick Wakeman throwing a tomato at the original cover photos as he hated them.
The resulting mess, which, according to the artist and Wakeman, looked like a mixture of tomato and tornado - which then prompted a change of abum title. LOL

Posted By: ten years after
Date Posted: March 11 2009 at 07:42
"Mother Focus" is pretty a bad title.  It has the virtue that it neatly matches the quality of the album.
I also agree with the earlier nomination for "In Spite of Harry's Toenail" by Gnidrolog as one of the worst. Though in this case the album is very good.
Tales From Topographic Oceans is an excellent title.  IMO it is one of the best.  However,  I think Anderson probably meant Tales From Topological Oceans with it's concept of unification of objects.  Topographical definitely sounds better even if it doesn't really mean anything.

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: March 11 2009 at 07:52
Originally posted by Keltic Keltic wrote:

Originally posted by Toaster Mantis Toaster Mantis wrote:

I'm still trying to find out what the hell Tormato is supposed to be a pun on.Confused
Yes Tor = hill in Dartmoor and Tomato is the most plausible explanation.
Then there's that old one about Rick Wakeman throwing a tomato at the original cover photos as he hated them.
The resulting mess, which, according to the artist and Wakeman, looked like a mixture of tomato and tornado - which then prompted a change of abum title. LOL

"Tormato" always seemed to be a kind of "portmanteau word", the way Lewis Carroll describes them in his preface of "The Hunting of the Snark". The two words packed together here are "tomato" and "tornado".


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: March 11 2009 at 08:02
Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

Originally posted by Keltic Keltic wrote:

Originally posted by Toaster Mantis Toaster Mantis wrote:

I'm still trying to find out what the hell Tormato is supposed to be a pun on.Confused
Yes Tor = hill in Dartmoor and Tomato is the most plausible explanation.
Then there's that old one about Rick Wakeman throwing a tomato at the original cover photos as he hated them.
The resulting mess, which, according to the artist and Wakeman, looked like a mixture of tomato and tornado - which then prompted a change of abum title. LOL

"Tormato" always seemed to be a kind of "portmanteau word", the way Lewis Carroll describes them in his preface of "The Hunting of the Snark". The two words packed together here are "tomato" and "tornado".

Yes, like "frumious" (fuming + furious) in the poem "Jabberwocky" (in Alice Through the Looking Glass)Wink...

Posted By: Luca Pacchiarini
Date Posted: March 11 2009 at 08:48
Suonare Suonare by PFM

Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: March 12 2009 at 16:38
Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

Originally posted by Keltic Keltic wrote:

Then there's that old one about Rick Wakeman throwing a tomato at the original cover photos as he hated them.
The resulting mess, which, according to the artist and Wakeman, looked like a mixture of tomato and tornado - which then prompted a change of abum title. LOL

"Tormato" always seemed to be a kind of "portmanteau word", the way Lewis Carroll describes them in his preface of "The Hunting of the Snark". The two words packed together here are "tomato" and "tornado".

Huh. A tomato tornado? Confused

"The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook

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