New Song From Jon Anderson!
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Topic: New Song From Jon Anderson!
Posted By: Timeasitis
Subject: New Song From Jon Anderson!
Date Posted: January 01 2009 at 18:34
Hey guys,
My name is Zach Tenorio. A while back I did a couple tours with Yes lead singer, Jon Anderson. I was the guy with the
Wakeman cape:">
Anyway, two years and a series of haircuts later, I decided to
collaborate with Jon on a song for my grandfather. He hasn't been doing
too great lately, so I dedicate this song to him.
Its called "Forlolo" -
Enjoy and Happy New Year!
Posted By: jplanet
Date Posted: January 01 2009 at 19:19
Yo Zach!
I'm listening to this now - this is incredible. Excellent song, very tasteful playing, beautiful. I'm so glad that you got to collaborate with Jon - you are both deserving of each other's talent.
I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather -- thoughts and prayers going out to him and your family....
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Posted By: jplanet
Date Posted: January 02 2009 at 14:04
I just had to bump this thread - not just because I know Zach, but I'm surprised that an announcement like this only has 30 views - this is big stuff!
-------------" rel="nofollow - ..::welcome to the shadow circus::..
Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: January 02 2009 at 14:11
I have a very crappy connection where I am right now and I can't load more than 10 seconds, so Im going to check this out what I get home. Very cool though
Posted By: DamoXt7942
Date Posted: January 03 2009 at 00:58
Excellent clear voice and clear song! Thanx. 
-------------" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: Valdez
Date Posted: January 03 2009 at 01:30
Very Cool... Forlolo. Impressed more by Zachs other songs though.
Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: January 05 2009 at 13:15
Zach - sorry to hear about your grandfather - best wishes & love.
I am listening to the songs now - hugely impressive, beautiful. Thanks very much for providing the link.
Best wishes
Lazland in Wales
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