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Most important band in building prog

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Topic: Most important band in building prog
Posted By: J-Man
Subject: Most important band in building prog
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 08:04
I'd vote for the Beatles in any poll like this, but The Who comes in close second.


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Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 08:23

The Beatles were very influential and therefore they may be regarded as founders of proto-prog, but Procol Harum and the Nice were the first bands to develop the music which was to be called 'prog' in the next years (the symphonic branch), so I vote for Procol Harum.

Posted By: Lav
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 10:34
I will always consider The Beatles as british invasion and that's about it, but when it comes to prog, Procol Harum pull the trigger.

Posted By: RaphaelT
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 10:50
From this list The Beatles - but I think it is more a matter for a general discussion than a poll with a limited number of choices

yet you still have time!

Posted By: crimhead
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 11:31
I went with Procol Harum although The Doors were keyboard driven for the most part.

Posted By: trackstoni
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 11:35
   Led Zeppelin since their first album , and , without Keyboard , has more than satisfying  progressive materials than all the other bands listed above /////

Tracking Tracks of Rock

Posted By: b_olariu
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 12:58
Deep PurpleThumbs Up

Posted By: ModernRocker79
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 14:03
 Out of this list it's not really close. If you add Zappa and then you have a case.
 In my honest opinion the Beatles already were recording Progressive Rock  with songs like "Strawberry Fields Forever",  "A Day in the Life" and "Within You Without You" all recorded before Procol Harum. The Beatles were to varied to be classed as one genre.  Some that are Proto-Prog IMO the early Art-Rock of "Tomorrow Never Knows" , "Eleanor Rigby" and "Love You To" off Revolver.
Strawberry Fields Forever" is at least Proto-Prog. With its use of mellotron, Indian scales and two separate versions of one song into one. Strawberry Fields Forever" uses diminished chords that are common with jazz music. It changes time signatures often 4/4, 6/8, 3/4, 2/4. Hardly simple stuff. It helped pioneer Progressive Rock.

"Happiness Is A Warm Gun" for example include a Balkan rhythm and a polyrhythm in different sections. Were they influenced by jazz?

"A Day in the Life", "I am the Walrus", "Within You, Without You", Strawberry Fields"... not really blues tunes, They were able to draw from diverse sources, like Indian classical music "Within You" uses a raga-like form that contains both major and minor thirds in different octaves, kind of a combination of mixolydian and Dorian modalities. Lennon used forms similar to Tibetan chants.
 They were a big influence on King Crimson, Yes, early Pink Floyd and had some influence on Procol Harum. Like it or not they were the most popular band in the world and that matters a lot.

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 14:11
Lots of these bands had their big impact on Prog, but for me it's between The Beatles(Revolver, Sgt.Pepper's, Magical Mystery Tour and Abbey Road) and The Who(A Quick One, Tommy & Sell Out)
By no means these are my faves. Being objective, I'll have to go with The Beatles.

..Of course a special mention to all the others: The Doors' psych 'epics', Deep Purple's mix on classical and hard rock music(Concerto), etc..

Posted By: Kestrel
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 17:39
Also I would think the Moody Blues were a big influence. Not so much the Moody Blues, but I believe Mike Pinder is who showed the mellotron to the Beatles. And of course Days of Future Passed.

Posted By: Roj
Date Posted: November 25 2008 at 03:14
I would have thought Deep Purple to be the obvious answer here. 

Posted By: Toaster Mantis
Date Posted: November 25 2008 at 04:34
The Mothers of Invention. Their Freak Out is what inspired the Beatles to go experimental.

"The past is not some static being, it is not a previous present, nor a present that has passed away; the past has its own dynamic being which is constantly renewed and renewing." - Claire Colebrook

Posted By: Rocktopus
Date Posted: November 25 2008 at 04:51
Along with The Beatles, one of these three:

The Mothers of Invention
Pink Floyd
Moody Blues

Over land and under ashes
In the sunlight, see - it flashes
Find a fly and eat his eye
But don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
Don't believe in me

Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: November 28 2008 at 11:46
And what about the Left Banke?

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: November 28 2008 at 12:24
Originally posted by Toaster Mantis Toaster Mantis wrote:

The Mothers of Invention. Their Freak Out is what inspired the Beatles to go experimental.
True, but the reason why prog became famous is The Beatles. Other people discovered America before Columbis, but he was the one who started a revolution and made other Europeans move to America and gets credit for it. The Mothers of Invention started prog before, but since The Beatles had fame, they created a revolution and started making prog famous.


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Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: November 28 2008 at 13:37
Originally posted by Lav Lav wrote:

I will always consider The Beatles as british invasion and that's about it, but when it comes to prog, Procol Harum pull the trigger.
The Beatles WERE a British Invasion group. But listen to Abbey Road and Sgt. Pepper, and then you'll say that they were a british invasion group, who eventually made prog./////


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Posted By: TGM: Orb
Date Posted: November 28 2008 at 14:24
Jimi Hendrix. The Experience thereof.

Posted By: floepiejane
Date Posted: December 02 2008 at 13:56
for sheer size and talent
it's gotta be the Beatles
For me - cause it's all personal
it's Pink Floyd Animals era because I was 5 when I heard it and loved it
I remember my uncle going away west on his bike to see Floyd in Cleveland that year
we weren't that far away in southern Western NY
ya gotta add Aqualung to that because he was playing that all the time then too      Smile

Posted By: Prisoner
Date Posted: December 02 2008 at 18:17
It's a tie between the Beatles and the Mothers.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: December 02 2008 at 19:51
none on the list for building prog,  I'd say the Nice --> ELP, early Yes & Genesis, Egg, Soft Machine, a few others

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: December 02 2008 at 20:01
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

none on the list for building prog,  I'd say the Nice --> ELP, early Yes & Genesis, Egg, Soft Machine, a few others

Include Zappa and the Mothers of Invention in this list and that's a good assessment.


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: December 02 2008 at 20:09
yes, Zappa was crucial to rock progressing and was doing it while or before most of the British groups, but his impact on the Prog movement has always seemed unclear  ..if one could pinpoint his influence on the English progressive scene I'd give it to him


Posted By: jammun
Date Posted: December 02 2008 at 21:31
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

yes, Zappa was crucial to rock progressing and was doing it while or before most of the British groups, but his impact on the Prog movement has always seemed unclear  ..if one could pinpoint his influence on the English progressive scene I'd give it to him

I'd say it's less an artistic impact than a business impact, and I'd argue the same was true for the Beatles during the very early era (1964 original British Invasion bands).  By business impact I mean, Record Company A (in this case Verve) is making some money by virtue of Zappa (or thinks they will make money).  Record Company B sees Verve having some success with that "weird" music and decides it had better sign a "weird" artist or two, just to not miss out should the whole thing pan out.  Particularly in the '60s, I'd say this led to the signing of any number of bands who might normally have been left in the scrap heap. 
I don't mean to diminish FZ's contributions -- we all know McCartney cited Freak Out as an influence for Sgt Pepper.  But the impact is that some bands got signed to record contracts and released records, which in turn had some success which in turn allowed other bands to get signed, and so on.
Plus FZ was the first 'mainstream' rock musician I know of to actually use classical music in a song: the melodic quote from Stravinsky's Rite of Spring in Amnesia Vivace on Absolutely Free. 
(Edit: personally I voted for the Beatles, for the above-stated reason.)

Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: December 03 2008 at 11:54
Oh yeah, I forgot about the Nice. By the way, I think that a lot of mid to late-sixties bands had been forgotten in this poll. The fusion of classical music and pop-music should be talked about.

Posted By: jimidom
Date Posted: December 03 2008 at 13:25
Gotta go with the Fab Four. Although there were others more instrumental in building prog, the Beatles embodied the very notion of pushing rock beyond its 3-chord blues & country roots.

"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." - HST

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: December 03 2008 at 23:23
of course the real unsung heroes are all the lost bands of the English post-underground period like Room, Marsupilami, Arc, many others

Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: December 04 2008 at 01:38
I'd say Procol Harum. But they all laid the foundation for what was later known as prog, or heavy psych/blues/hard/rock.
Beatles, Procol Harum, Iron Butterfly, The Doors, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Zappa...

Posted By: Chelsea
Date Posted: December 04 2008 at 16:51
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

none on the list for building prog,  I'd say the Nice --> ELP, early Yes & Genesis, Egg, Soft Machine, a few others



Without the Beatles innovation, fame and experimenting with unusual things like classical avant, Traditional Indian Music, strange time signatures, modal music, mellotron and chamber styled arrangements all in 1966 Progressive Rock might have failed. We might still be listening to the Four Seasons, Fabion and My Girlfriend is Back.  "Tomorrow Never Knows" is a very early Art-Rock song.



Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: December 04 2008 at 17:00
oh I think it goes further back to the Beach Boys..  the Beatles were hardly innovators, taking from almost every important songwriter of their time and re-interpreting it in their own way.. it was this rock/pop revision that they did so well and didn't really begin major innovations till '67 (Brian Wilson had already trumped them anyway, Dylan as well) --   further, I think the Nice would've done exactly what they were doing in 67/68 regardless of the Beatles, Emerson being both a savvy marketer and highly trained and gifted pianist which put him in the ideal position to create a pop/psych/classical fusion for a ready market    The Beatles primary impact was on pop and not much else, sorry if this is blasphemous but to suggest Emerson (and even Fripp) would not have done what they did without the Fab Four is, IMHO, completely absurd.

Posted By: Chelsea
Date Posted: December 04 2008 at 17:30
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

oh I think it goes further back to the Beach Boys..  the Beatles were hardly innovators, taking from almost every important songwriter of their time and re-interpreting it in their own way.. it was this rock/pop revision that they did so well and didn't really begin major innovations till '67 (Brian Wilson had already trumped them anyway, Dylan as well) --   further, I think the Nice would've done exactly what they were doing in 67/68 regardless of the Beatles, Emerson being both a savvy marketer and highly trained and gifted pianist which put him in the ideal position to create a pop/psych/classical fusion for a ready market    The Beatles primary impact was on pop and not much else, sorry if this is blasphemous but to suggest Emerson (and even Fripp) would not have done what they did without the Fab Four is, IMHO, completely absurd.

 The Beatles were already experimenting with odd chord progressions in 1962 while the Beach Boys were a surf group.
Brian Wilson apparently does not agree with you Strawberry Fields Forever" came on the radio: "He just shook his head and he said, 'They did it already'. And I said, 'They did what?' And he said, 'What I wanted to do with Smile - maybe it's too late?'"
Brian Wilson say Rubber Soul-signaling a new seriousness in pop music-and it influenced him on Pet Sounds.
I think Brian Wilson know more than us about innovation and songwriting.
Bob Dylan reacted in a similar way, by remarking: "They were doing things nobody was doing. Their chords were outrageous, just outrageous, and their harmonies made it all valid ..
I don't think  there is anything more innovative than what the Beatles did with "Tomorrow Never Knows" than what's on Pet Sounds. Pet Sounds still sounds like an early 60's record with all it's orchestration.  The Beatles were already flirting with Baroque Pop in 1965 before the Beach Boys.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: December 04 2008 at 17:56
Originally posted by Chelsea Chelsea wrote:

 The Beatles were already experimenting with odd chord progressions in 1962 while the Beach Boys were a surf group.

"..a surf group" ?   You mean compared to the Beatles bubblegum pop and adolescent love drool of their early work?   In 1962 the Beatles were a loud, almost hard rock/punk band in Germany and England and had little desire to 'expand rock'.. they wanted to play rock, and play it all night till they dropped which is how they became such a tight little band.  Odd chord progressions?  No I don't think so.
Brian Wilson apparently does not agree with you Strawberry Fields Forever" came on the radio: "He just shook his head and he said, 'They did it already'. And I said, 'They did what?' And he said, 'What I wanted to do with Smile - maybe it's too late?'"

but of course it wasn't too late, with the unfinished, stillborn but incredible and almost avant-garde Smiley Smile released 1967, making Sgt. Pepper seem tame by comparison.  No one noticed of course, but we have hindsight on our side.
Brian Wilson say Rubber Soul-signaling a new seriousness in pop music-and it influenced him on Pet Sounds.

yes, I'm sure it did
I think Brian Wilson know more than us about innovation and songwriting.

no doubt, and the Beatles as well
Bob Dylan reacted in a similar way, by remarking: "They were doing things nobody was doing. Their chords were outrageous, just outrageous, and their harmonies made it all valid ..

this is hearsay mostly, but I'll take your word for it--   again though, the Beatles influence was on pop music, not progressive rock..  Prog musicians were REJECTING the simple appeal of the 60s pop market, not embracing it

Posted By: sean
Date Posted: December 04 2008 at 18:49
I think Zappa did the prog thing before the beatles, and certainly influenced them, but i don't think his influence was as widespread and I think his music was a lot less marketable than what the Beatles were doing, thus why he didn't get as much attention.

Posted By: ModernRocker79
Date Posted: December 04 2008 at 23:47
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Originally posted by Chelsea Chelsea wrote:

 The Beatles were already experimenting with odd chord progressions in 1962 while the Beach Boys were a surf group.

"..a surf group" ?   You mean compared to the Beatles bubblegum pop and adolescent love drool of their early work?   In 1962 the Beatles were a loud, almost hard rock/punk band in Germany and England and had little desire to 'expand rock'.. they wanted to play rock, and play it all night till they dropped which is how they became such a tight little band.  Odd chord progressions?  No I don't think so.
Brian Wilson apparently does not agree with you Strawberry Fields Forever" came on the radio: "He just shook his head and he said, 'They did it already'. And I said, 'They did what?' And he said, 'What I wanted to do with Smile - maybe it's too late?'"

but of course it wasn't too late, with the unfinished, stillborn but incredible and almost avant-garde Smiley Smile released 1967, making Sgt. Pepper seem tame by comparison.  No one noticed of course, but we have hindsight on our side.
Brian Wilson say Rubber Soul-signaling a new seriousness in pop music-and it influenced him on Pet Sounds.

yes, I'm sure it did
I think Brian Wilson know more than us about innovation and songwriting.

no doubt, and the Beatles as well
Bob Dylan reacted in a similar way, by remarking: "They were doing things nobody was doing. Their chords were outrageous, just outrageous, and their harmonies made it all valid ..

this is hearsay mostly, but I'll take your word for it--   again though, the Beatles influence was on pop music, not progressive rock..  Prog musicians were REJECTING the simple appeal of the 60s pop market, not embracing it


I hate this topic to be honest because honestly you either don't know what you're talking about or you can't admit the obvious. Mostly every future Progressive Rock band was influenced by the Beatles. Pink Floyd, The Moody Blues, Yes, King Crimson all were influenced by the Beatles. Saying the Beatles had no influence on Progressive Rock is like saying the Beatles had no influence on Power Pop. It's absurd. Sorry that I’m pissed off

.Lennon and McCartney would often introduce jazz chords into their very early compositions unlike typical rock and roll; they would incorporate secondary harmony, especially in the middle eight. On their second song in 1962 “P.S I Love You" already has two odd chord progressions.  The first unusual type of progression is called a "chord stream this is a technique is most closely associated with either early twentieth century Impressionism or Jazz and it happens to break one of the standard old-fashioned rules against using parallel octaves and fifths between chords. The second unusual type of progression is called a "deceptive cadence". This was just the start.  Yeh the Beach Boys were just a surf band in late 1962.

Smiley Smile was recorded after Sgt Pepper was released.  The Beatles already recorded songs with strong Avant Influence "Tomorrow Never Knows", "Love You To", "Strawberry Fields Forever", "A Day in the Life".  The Beach Boys were miles late with "Smiley Smile. Like who cares if the Beatles also did their share of pop music. The Beatles also experimented. They did not play one type of music.


Strawberry Fields Forever" is at least Proto-Prog. With its use of mellotron, Indian scales and two separate versions of one song into one. Strawberry Fields Forever" uses diminished chords that are common with jazz music. It changes time signatures often 4/4, 6/8, 3/4, 2/4. Hardly simple stuff. It helped pioneer Progressive Rock.  "Within You" uses a raga-like form that contains both major and minor thirds in different octaves, kind of a combination of mixolydian and Dorian modalities. Lennon used forms similar to Tibetan chants

Is it the Beatles fault that Zappa did not have the influence of them? You don't seem to get that pop music is a form of music. The Beatles merging progressive, experimental with pop music is a concept. They succeeded at it. Zappa non-pop experimental music did not. The Beatles experimental style of backward tapes, Indian Instruments, tape loops, and mellotron on "Tomorrow Never Knows" and "Strawberry Fields Forever" were done in 1966 way before the Beach Boys Smiley Smile.


"Tomorrow Never Knows" early Art Rock Song

"Love You To" first pop song to emulate a non western form in style, instrumentation and rhythm. Very Progressive

“Strawberry Fields Forever" and "A Day in the Life" both very proto-proggish


Then Bob Dylan on the Beatles

"John and the Beatles were doing things nobody was doing. Their chords were outrageous, and their harmonies made it all valid. Everybody else thought they were for the teeny boppers, that they were gonna pass right away. But it was obvious to me that they had staying power: I knew they were pointing in the direction where music had to go."

(Bob Dylan)









Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: December 05 2008 at 00:20
yeah, sounds like the same old stuff we've been hearing for years with no further independent thought , and little of it indicates they pioneered prog rock..  we all know the Beatles were progressive, but firmly within a pop format till the day they broke up--  what they started was a new way to look at songwriting, a fresh take on the possibilities within a standard song format, and this is evident on every album they recorded including Pepper, White Album and Abbey Road.  There is little doubt they influenced the early proggers (certainly Giles,Giles&Fripp had Beatles all through them), but I increasingly feel they've become over-credited and some people have decided they were the first 'prog band'   ..this is of course false

They're influence is heard on early Yes and Genesis, there's no doubt about it, but you hear much more direct musical impact from the Beatles on the pop scenes of Britain and America than the prog ones..  again, Prog artists appeared to be moving away from the blues/rock/beat of Beatles and Cream, and instead were drawing much more from the psychedelic/experimental movement but with a technicality that hadn't been applied;  Fripp's classical and minimal forays in GG&F, Emerson's true fusion of classical, jazz and rock..  very much unlike the Beatles faux classical, which was more a novelty than anything.

I love them but at this point the boys are so worshiped that no one thinks twice about who was really influencing whom.  Some still think Inner Mounting Flame was the first jazz-rock album but that doesn't make it so.

Posted By: ModernRocker79
Date Posted: December 05 2008 at 00:49
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

yeah, sounds like the same old stuff we've been hearing for years with no further independent thought , and little of it indicates they pioneered prog rock..  we all know the Beatles were progressive, but firmly within a pop format till the day they broke up--  what they started was a new way to look at songwriting, a fresh take on the possibilities within a standard song format, and this is evident on every album they recorded including Pepper, White Album and Abbey Road.  There is little doubt they influenced the early proggers (certainly Giles,Giles&Fripp had Beatles all through them), but I increasingly feel they've become over-credited and most people have decided they were the first 'prog band'   ..this is of course false

They're influence is heard on early Yes and Genesis, there's no doubt about it, but you hear much more direct musical impact from the Beatles on the pop scenes of Britain and America than the prog ones..  again, Prog artists appeared to be moving away from the blues/rock/beat of Beatles and Cream, and instead were drawing much more from the psychedelic/experimental movement but with a technicality that hadn't been applied;  Fripp's classical and minimal forays in GG&F, Emerson's true fusion of classical, jazz and rock..  very much unlike the Beatles faux classical, which was more a novelty than anything.

I love them but at this point the boys are so worshiped that no one thinks twice about who was really influencing whom.  Some still think Inner Mounting Flame was the first jazz-rock album but that doesn't make it so.

I never said the Beatles invented Progressive Rock and I don't think they did. I said they were influential on Progressive Rock. I think the Beatles might be the first Progressive Pop band? I have argued this point before here that I think the Beatles were merging non western forms and avant forms  with Western Pop Songs. I don't know why this is a bad thing for some people? Using odd time signatures, exotic instruments and non western scales wrapped around great melodies. To me it's brilliant they were able to do it and it's a form of innovation. I really don't care if they were not great players like King Crimson who I really like.
I have listened to Nice and I think they are progressive Rock. No one knows who really invents genres. I think the Beatles are Progressive Pop. The Beatles were a one off in my opinion they helped influenced both Rock and Pop music to experiment.  

Posted By: floepiejane
Date Posted: December 05 2008 at 03:20
I appreciate the Dylan quote ModernRocker
I think about the influence Dylan had on the Beatles to open up
Dylan's lyrics were both traditional and very progressive at the time
his political anthems allowed him into the pop world
and then he turned inward and wrote for himself
songs like It's Alright Ma, Gates of Eden, Tambourine Man
and then albums like Highway 61 and Blonde on Blonde
opened the entire intellectual air in pop music
this affected Prog just like every other music
I see Dylan as the lynch pin for narrative poetic music that
defies boundries

Posted By: floepiejane
Date Posted: December 05 2008 at 03:23
Like a Rolling Stone was the first single over the 3 (?) minute mark
what was it like 7 some minutes?
that helped prog
as did am radio
and pirate radio (?) over in Europe

Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: December 05 2008 at 12:03
Yeah, Dylan before the Beatles. Don't forget him: he made them smoke marijuana.

Posted By: Grobsch
Date Posted: December 05 2008 at 12:57
Pink Floyd is important, but King Crimson is the father of progressive rock... after KC several bands changed their sound... is just like PFM for italian progressive... I miss The Nice and Moody Blues in the list... We have influences, we have moments, but the most important band is the father... KC sounds almost nothing like Beatles and Pink Floyd, so I really think their influences are small.

Most important band in building prog:

King Crimson

In the list: Beatles...

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Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: December 05 2008 at 14:00
Well, that's answering "The Sex Pistols created Punk" when the thread is about Iggy Pop and the Stooges...

Posted By: prog4evr
Date Posted: December 13 2008 at 03:48
Tony Banks credits influence from Procol Harum, and I don't think he was the only one of that early prog generation...

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: December 13 2008 at 07:17
Originally posted by progrocker2244 progrocker2244 wrote:

I'd vote for the Beatles in any poll like this, but The Who comes in close second.

exactly Clap

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Chelsea
Date Posted: December 14 2008 at 11:34
Robert Fripp on hearing the Beatles Sgt Pepper

Robert Fripp- When I was 20, I worked at a hotel in a dance orchestra, playing weddings, bar-mitzvahs, dancing, cabaret. I drove home and I was also at college at the time. Then I put on the radio (Radio Luxemburg) and I heard this music. It was terrifying. I had no idea what it was. Then it kept going. Then there was this enormous whine note of strings. Then there was this colossal piano chord. I discovered later that I'd come in half-way through Sgt. Pepper, played continuously. My life was never the same again.

Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: December 15 2008 at 12:54
Really? I would have thought Fripp would have been more aware of some musical experimentations before hearing Sgt. Pepper. Well, we learn something everyday.

Posted By: A B Negative
Date Posted: December 15 2008 at 13:53
Originally posted by CPicard CPicard wrote:

Really? I would have thought Fripp would have been more aware of some musical experimentations before hearing Sgt. Pepper. Well, we learn something everyday.
Possibly Bartok and Stravinsky but maybe not in the context of "pop music".

"The disgusting stink of a too-loud electric guitar.... Now, that's my idea of a good time."

Posted By: A B Negative
Date Posted: December 15 2008 at 13:57
I'm going to ignore the Beatles and say that Krautrock would have been very different without Pink Floyd's influence (especially Interstellar Overdrive, A Saucerful of Secrets and Careful With That Axe Eugene).

"The disgusting stink of a too-loud electric guitar.... Now, that's my idea of a good time."

Posted By: Chelsea
Date Posted: December 15 2008 at 16:02
Originally posted by A B Negative A B Negative wrote:

I'm going to ignore the Beatles and say that Krautrock would have been very different without Pink Floyd's influence (especially Interstellar Overdrive, A Saucerful of Secrets and Careful With That Axe Eugene).
 I remember reading that Revolver and especially  "Tomorrow Never Knows" had a profound impact on Syd Barrett founder member of Pink Floyd. I think Nice and Pink Floyd should be on this poll.

Posted By: peskypesky
Date Posted: December 15 2008 at 17:56
Where are the Monkees?

Posted By: DamoXt7942
Date Posted: December 15 2008 at 19:06
Could you please count The Beach Boys (releasing the great album Pet Sounds) in?

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Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: December 16 2008 at 13:20
Originally posted by peskypesky peskypesky wrote:

Where are the Monkees?

Backing Zappa and Captain Beefheart on an unreleased demo back in '65?

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: December 18 2008 at 19:18
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

none on the list for building prog,  I'd say the Nice --> ELP, early Yes & Genesis, Egg, Soft Machine, a few others

Wait, all of those bands were prog bands. They took what bands like The Beatles started, and made prog from stuff like that. Bands like The Beatles and Deep Purple built prog up to real prog, and then Yes and ELP took off fom where they left off.


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Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: December 18 2008 at 19:31
I was just being argumentative..  however, the Beatles didn't "build" prog at all nor many of the bands in the poll;  the Doors, Iron Butterfly? ..these were rock bands with a unique style, not protoprogressive as it relates to the British prog era..  sure the Beatles influence is clear in early Prog but they weren't 'the most important band in building prog' , they were the most important in building pop

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: December 18 2008 at 19:47
Originally posted by peskypesky peskypesky wrote:

Where are the Monkees?
Nowhere to be seen on a prog site.Wink


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Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: December 18 2008 at 19:50
Originally posted by jammun jammun wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

yes, Zappa was crucial to rock progressing and was doing it while or before most of the British groups, but his impact on the Prog movement has always seemed unclear  ..if one could pinpoint his influence on the English progressive scene I'd give it to him

I'd say it's less an artistic impact than a business impact, and I'd argue the same was true for the Beatles during the very early era (1964 original British Invasion bands).  By business impact I mean, Record Company A (in this case Verve) is making some money by virtue of Zappa (or thinks they will make money).  Record Company B sees Verve having some success with that "weird" music and decides it had better sign a "weird" artist or two, just to not miss out should the whole thing pan out.  Particularly in the '60s, I'd say this led to the signing of any number of bands who might normally have been left in the scrap heap. 
I don't mean to diminish FZ's contributions -- we all know McCartney cited Freak Out as an influence for Sgt Pepper.  But the impact is that some bands got signed to record contracts and released records, which in turn had some success which in turn allowed other bands to get signed, and so on.
Plus FZ was the first 'mainstream' rock musician I know of to actually use classical music in a song: the melodic quote from Stravinsky's Rite of Spring in Amnesia Vivace on Absolutely Free. 
(Edit: personally I voted for the Beatles, for the above-stated reason.)
Exactly. Even though Zappa's Freak Out influenced Sgt. Pepper tons, Sgt. Pepper's success has the biggest impact.


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Posted By: Abrawang
Date Posted: December 18 2008 at 22:25
Time to close the poll?  The Beatles have an insurmountable lead.

Casting doubt on all I have to say...

Posted By: Chelsea
Date Posted: December 19 2008 at 12:59
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

I was just being argumentative..  however, the Beatles didn't "build" prog at all nor many of the bands in the poll;  the Doors, Iron Butterfly? ..these were rock bands with a unique style, not protoprogressive as it relates to the British prog era..  sure the Beatles influence is clear in early Prog but they weren't 'the most important band in building prog' , they were the most important in building pop


I argue the Beatles were to Progressive rock like they were to the Byrds and folk rock and jangle pop and to Power Pop to bands like Cheap Trick and Badfinger. 


The Doors were actually influenced by Sgt Pepper it actually states it on the Doors 40th anniversary liner notes.  According to original engineer Bruce Botnick in the liner notes, he and the band listened to a monaural acetate reference disc of The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's before it was released and were awestruck by it. That album opened up the possibilities of what a studio can do, and inspired them.


 I really think if tracks like "Tomorrow Never Knows", or ”A Day in the Life" were released by someone other than the Beatles some would say these are the cornerstones of Progressive Rock. The Beach Boys or The Doors were not recording anything remotely close to this.  The Beatles were just not a pop band.  Zappa is far from the first to use a classical music influenced song in Rock Music. I think "Yesterday" and "For No One" is before Zappa.



Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: December 19 2008 at 14:42
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

I was just being argumentative..  however, the Beatles didn't "build" prog at all nor many of the bands in the poll;  the Doors, Iron Butterfly? ..these were rock bands with a unique style, not protoprogressive as it relates to the British prog era..  sure the Beatles influence is clear in early Prog but they weren't 'the most important band in building prog' , they were the most important in building pop

Building pop???? Don't try to tell me that Sgt. Pepper, Abbey Road, and Revolver helped build pop music. And seriously, if The Doors, The Beatles, and Iron Butterfly didn't contribute to the building of prog at all, then what did?


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Posted By: CPicard
Date Posted: December 19 2008 at 16:40
Originally posted by progrocker2244 progrocker2244 wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

I was just being argumentative..  however, the Beatles didn't "build" prog at all nor many of the bands in the poll;  the Doors, Iron Butterfly? ..these were rock bands with a unique style, not protoprogressive as it relates to the British prog era..  sure the Beatles influence is clear in early Prog but they weren't 'the most important band in building prog' , they were the most important in building pop

Building pop???? Don't try to tell me that Sgt. Pepper, Abbey Road, and Revolver helped build pop music. And seriously, if The Doors, The Beatles, and Iron Butterfly didn't contribute to the building of prog at all, then what did?

Jerry Lee Lewis with "Roll Over Beethoven"?

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: December 19 2008 at 16:44
Originally posted by progrocker2244 progrocker2244 wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

I was just being argumentative..  however, the Beatles didn't "build" prog at all nor many of the bands in the poll;  the Doors, Iron Butterfly? ..these were rock bands with a unique style, not protoprogressive as it relates to the British prog era..  sure the Beatles influence is clear in early Prog but they weren't 'the most important band in building prog' , they were the most important in building pop

Building pop???? Don't try to tell me that Sgt. Pepper, Abbey Road, and Revolver helped build pop music. And seriously, if The Doors, The Beatles, and Iron Butterfly didn't contribute to the building of prog at all, then what did?

the musicians themselves;  no one seems to consider the possibility that the first true prog artists - Brian Wilson, Emerson, Zappa, Fripp, Bo Hansson, McLaughlin, etc. - were taking from their own background and experiences, using the classical, jazz and traditional training they'd had and applying it to modern rock/psych is possible these guys did not simply say "Hey, them Beatles are cool, they're usin that there classical music and stuff",  but rather that their inspiration came from somewhere other than the dazed and confused sounds of psych and pop rock.  It's true the Psych scene did foster Prog in England and Europe - the conditions were right - but it was less a musical impact and more a cultural and marketing one.. to assume that the Doors, Beatles, Iron Butterfly and a few other 60s pop groups was the reason Prog developed is highly dubious.  The time was right, the proper musicians had arrived, and the world was ready.  If the Beatles and Doors had never existed, I wager we still would've had Prog.

Posted By: Chelsea
Date Posted: December 19 2008 at 17:55
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Originally posted by progrocker2244 progrocker2244 wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

I was just being argumentative..  however, the Beatles didn't "build" prog at all nor many of the bands in the poll;  the Doors, Iron Butterfly? ..these were rock bands with a unique style, not protoprogressive as it relates to the British prog era..  sure the Beatles influence is clear in early Prog but they weren't 'the most important band in building prog' , they were the most important in building pop

Building pop???? Don't try to tell me that Sgt. Pepper, Abbey Road, and Revolver helped build pop music. And seriously, if The Doors, The Beatles, and Iron Butterfly didn't contribute to the building of prog at all, then what did?

the musicians themselves;  no one seems to consider the possibility that the first true prog artists - Brian Wilson, Emerson, Zappa, Fripp, Bo Hansson, McLaughlin, etc. - were taking from their own background and experiences, using the classical, jazz and traditional training they'd had and applying it to modern rock/psych is possible these guys did not simply say "Hey, them Beatles are cool, they're usin that there classical music and stuff",  but rather that their inspiration came from somewhere other than the dazed and confused sounds of psych and pop rock.  It's true the Psych scene did foster Prog in England and Europe - the conditions were right - but it was less a musical impact and more a cultural and marketing one.. to assume that the Doors, Beatles, Iron Butterfly and a few other 60s pop groups was the reason Prog developed is highly dubious.  The time was right, the proper musicians had arrived, and the world was ready.  If the Beatles and Doors had never existed, I wager we still would've had Prog.

Robert Fripp on hearing the Beatles Sgt Pepper

Robert Fripp- When I was 20, I worked at a hotel in a dance orchestra, playing weddings, bar-mitzvahs, dancing, cabaret. I drove home and I was also at college at the time. Then I put on the radio (Radio Luxemburg) and I heard this music. It was terrifying. I had no idea what it was. Then it kept going. Then there was this enormous whine note of strings. Then there was this colossal piano chord. I discovered later that I'd come in half-way through Sgt. Pepper, played continuously. My life was never the same again.
Pepper was influenced by Pet sounds, but Pet sounds was influenced from Rubber Soul.  Wilson's Smile
which was scrapped  because of "Strawberry Fields Forever'. Sure other artists experimented  but the Beatles were the ones who fueled the psychedelic era to the point where it was the status quo of the 60's-which is when the Stones copied them.
 They sucessfully incorporated traditional Indian music harmony and Avant-garde techniques used by classical musicians, such as the use of distorted tapes in studios to create new sounds as heard on "Tomorrow Never Knows" and "Love You To".  In 'Eleanor Rigby', they used a quasi-Baroque string orchestration. Remember these were the Beatles ideas not George Martin ideas.  They were also mixing pop and classical techniques, and cross-fertilising them with Indian, and electronic music on tracks like "Strawberry Fields Forever". 
 "If the Beatles and Doors had never existed, I wager we still would've had Prog" 
That's sort of revisionist history thinking. That's like saying if it was not the Beatles then the Stones would have started the British Invasion.  We will never know so give credit where credit is due.

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: December 19 2008 at 18:18
Originally posted by progrocker2244 progrocker2244 wrote:

Building pop???? Don't try to tell me that Sgt. Pepper, Abbey Road, and Revolver helped build pop music.
No, but Help, Please Please Me, Love Me Do, I Wanna Hold your Hand, Yesterday, Ticket to Ride, Hard Day's Night, etc etc etc, are the base of POP.
The beatles were influential for everybody, but mainly to POP IMO.
So I agree with David on this one.


Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: December 19 2008 at 18:28
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by progrocker2244 progrocker2244 wrote:

Building pop???? Don't try to tell me that Sgt. Pepper, Abbey Road, and Revolver helped build pop music.
No, but Help, Please Please Me, Love Me Do, I Wanna Hold your Hand, Yesterday, Ticket to Ride, Hard Day's Night, etc etc etc, are the base of POP.
The beatles were influential for everybody, but mainly to POP IMO.
So I agree with David on this one.

Well you are correct that their earlier albums were the base of pop, but this is a prog site, and most people would talk about their progressive albums here. Their early albums affected pop music just as much as their later albums affected prog. Sure their affect on pop is huge, but so is their affect on prog.


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Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: December 19 2008 at 19:21
the point is not whether Beatles and others influenced the early proggers - it's quite evident on the early Yes and Genesis albums - but rather this idea that without Pepper or Revolver or Strange Days, you wouldn't have had King Crimson, ELP or Yes.  I just don't think it was that simple.  The Beatles 'sound' is obvious on the Giles,Giles&Fripp recordings, but by the Crimson debut it was much less and clearly a new direction away from 1960s pop stylings was happening.  Again a fab four influence is heard in early Yes and Genesis, but the material on those albums is headed squarely in a different direction ..  60s bands created an atmosphere of creativity, but had little to do with the challenging and technically demanding new Prog era

Posted By: ZowieZiggy
Date Posted: December 20 2008 at 18:49
Since there is only one prog band in here, the choice is rather easy: Procol Harum of course. I have reviewed each album of each band in the list. I like almost all of them (although IB is not my cup of tea and Arthur Brown only released one album). How the hell would you compare these bands with the other great ROCK ones?


Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: December 20 2008 at 19:14
Originally posted by ZowieZiggy ZowieZiggy wrote:

Since there is only one prog band in here, the choice is rather easy: Procol Harum of course. I have reviewed each album of each band in the list. I like almost all of them (although IB is not my cup of tea and Arthur Brown only released one album). How the hell would you compare these bands with the other great ROCK ones?

How is Procol Harum such an easy choice?? They helped with prog just as much as The Beatles.


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