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Your favourite prog metal riffs of all time!

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Top 10s and lists
Forum Description: List all your favourites here
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Topic: Your favourite prog metal riffs of all time!
Posted By: The Pessimist
Subject: Your favourite prog metal riffs of all time!
Date Posted: September 12 2008 at 14:58
I think it's quite pointless trying to think of a number, i.e. Top Ten. There are just so many great prog metal riffs out there, it's futile to pinpoint them all quantitively. My favourites are as follows:

Funeral Portrait
Leper Affinity (the one at 8 minutes)
Deliverance (the end riff)
Practically ALL of Ghosts of Perdition
Harlequin Forest
To Bid You Farewell finale
April Ethereal (1:50)
When (4:14)
Amen Corner
Every riff of Still Life is brilliant
Heir Apparent

Yes, I am an Opeth fan. And so should all of you be, and by rights they should rule the universe.

46 and 2
Hooker With a Penis
Stink Fist
The Grudge

Green Carnation - LODDOD (the whole song is packed with high quality riffage)

New Millenium...
Corridor of Chameleons
Future Breed Machine
Inside What's Within Behind

Wings of God

Dream Theater - Glass Prison

Your turn

"Market value is irrelevant to intrinsic value."

Arnold Schoenberg

Posted By: Blackwater Floyd
Date Posted: September 12 2008 at 18:55
OH i've so many of them, so i'll mention only a couple:
The Leper Affinity ( the first and the last one)-Opeth
This Dying soul-Dream Theater
Blackest eyes-Porcupine Tree
In the mist she was standing (first riff blew my mind away)-Opeth
Caught in a web-Dream Theater
Porcelain Heart-Opeth
Seventh son of a Seventh son-Iron Maiden
I want you (She's so heavy)-The Beatles (the repetitive riff in the end)
and many more..........Clap

Posted By: BroSpence
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 02:36
There are so many tasty ones. I'll just mention the one that is most uncharacteristic of myself to mention:

Change of Seasons - Dream Theater.

That intro riff/build up blew me away the first time I heard it. Even though I can't stand that band now, I will always remember and appreciate the riff.

Posted By: Zargus
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 12:23
Opeth: Bleak, nuff said. And well ye a crap loade of tool riffs too.


Posted By: febus
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 12:42
''Smoke on the Water''LOL....................Does it count??????Can't be beat!Tongue 

Posted By: sydbarrett2010
Date Posted: August 12 2010 at 02:48
dt - this dying soul

Posted By: DreamInSong
Date Posted: August 12 2010 at 11:01
Under a Glass Moon
1:28 of "A Trace of Blood"


Posted By: CinemaZebra
Date Posted: August 12 2010 at 12:58
Originally posted by febus febus wrote:

''Smoke on the Water''LOL....................Does it count??????Can't be beat!Tongue 

Can't be beat.


Posted By: InClouds
Date Posted: August 12 2010 at 13:42
Dream Theater has some great ones.  The Glass Prison is the first one that comes to mind.  One of the best metal riffs ever IMO.  In the Name of God and The Killing Hand are great too.

Posted By: paganinio
Date Posted: August 13 2010 at 00:36

I'm not in the mood for an all-time top ten, but i'll give you my favorite riffs TODAY:

5. Edge of Sanity - Crimson, the riff that has two parts, the second part being one octave higher

4. Edge of Sanity - Crimson, the jagged riff

3. Edge of Sanity - Crimson, the first riff

2. Edge of Sanity - Crimson, the riff with an “uphill" feel 

1. Edge of Sanity - Crimson, the riff that sounds "round"


Posted By: WalterDigsTunes
Date Posted: August 13 2010 at 00:41
Red rightfully puts them all to shame.

Posted By: paganinio
Date Posted: August 13 2010 at 00:45
Originally posted by WalterDigsTunes WalterDigsTunes wrote:

Red rightfully puts them all to shame.

Agreed. I mean, King Crimson has the word "Crimson" so it must be good.Tongue


Posted By: besotoxico
Date Posted: August 13 2010 at 13:04
New Millenium Cyanide Christ, Bleed, Gods of Rapture, Soul Burn, Neurotica, Elastic - Meshuggah.  Curse You All Men!, Grey - Emperor.  Seven - Necrophagist.  Death, I - Psyopus.  A Settling of Ways - Into The Moat.  So many to think

Lies, he only tells the truth, for he means it,
means, not anything he says, eyes unseen,
but everything is ........

So sincere, so sincere, so sincere, so sin.

Posted By: Andy Webb
Date Posted: August 13 2010 at 20:54
Dream Theater:
The Glass Prison
In The Name of God
Pull me Under

The Grand Conuration
Death Whispered a Lullaby
The Ghost of Perdition

Symphony X:
Paradise Lost
The Odyssey
The Divine Wings of Tragedy
The Walls of Babylon

The World is Born of Flame/The End is Begun

March of Mephisto

In Death-- Is Life
Dancers to a Discordant System

Icarus Lives!

And so many more... those are just the ones that come to mind

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