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3rd Collage: Time for the underrated

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: 3rd Collage: Time for the underrated
Posted By: darksideof
Subject: 3rd Collage: Time for the underrated
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 10:43

Big%20smile Hey Fellas!I am done with my 3rd Collage and as always, I like to share with you guys first...Embarrassed This time!  I wanted to used bands and musicians albums that AREN'T MUCH LOVE HERE !  and can be consider underrated at PA and everywhere else!. I kown...I know....Let me not start a huge argument here..Big%20smile Not all are obscure(Bruford isn't underrated or either an obscure musician..), ,but  Hey most are...........Embarrassed 

I wanted to give some love to bands that were as good as "prog's world most popular ones". I also have to mention that I used a lot fusion albums this time basically because those albums are very progressive and I thought the album cover were fantastic and great.....



and again lets play the Puzzle game or whatever it is call..I have no idea what to call it...LOL.. I having sooo much fun.. Come one kids start doing some heavy duty Progressive gonna be dificut.... 


Warning: Some of the albums are extremely obscure so  will take some time and effort..Tongue 

Name the albums and bands that I used in the collage this time. this time I used over 50 albums Wacko..I know I went nuts.....Wacko 


Good Luck! LOL...


Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 10:56
Well, the moment I'll live to see Magma being underrated...I'll convert to Kobaianism. LOL

It looks superb, darksideof, heavy congratulations! Big%20smileClap
Might I say, out of the three so far, this is my favorite by far. It's more minute, I wouldn't dare to try to discover every album that's sampled in it. Clap


Posted By: Luke. J
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 11:23

To start it..

Vangelis - Odes (With Irene Papas)
Vangelis - Spiral
Santana - Caravanserai
Frank Zappa - Hot Rats
Frank Zappa - Waka/Jawaka
Area - Crack!
Tangerine Dream - Stratosfear
Bill Bruford - One of a Kind
Camel - Mirage
Queensryche - Hear in the Now Frontier (?)
Mike Oldfield - Earth Moving (?)
Van der Graaf Generator - Aerosol Grey Machine (?)
Banco - Io sono nato libro
Hatfield and the North - The Rotter's Club
Semiramis - Dedicato a Frazz
Eloy - Ocean 2
Focus - Hamburger Concerto
Can - Future Days
Caravan - In the Land of Grey and Pink
Can - Ege Bamyasi
Kraftwerk - Die Mensch-Maschine
Return to Forever - Hymn of the Seventh Galaxy
Return to Forever - Light as a Feather
Return to Forever - Self titled (?)
Henry Cow - One of those, there is a sock and that is all that matters LOL
To be continued..
Btw., that one is the greatest! (up to now? Smile)

Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 11:28
Noice!! I think I'll agree that one is the best yet

more to come I hope!

Posted By: Statutory-Mike
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 11:35
It is truly amazing Thumbs%20Up. Great job darksideof


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 12:39
And As Always Thank You!
I think it come out quiet amazing!! I like it very much too.I can see that so far it is your guys favorite. I have 2 more to come and after that I might take a break!LOL for......... awhile....Embarrassed
Next one  is going to be about Floyd albums ( Ultimate favorite band since I was 13. it has been 25 years later and I still love the blokes)
And the other is going to be with fusion/Jazz bands.  I am a huge fusion fan too.
 Thank again Fellas! you guys keep encouraging to keep going and going and going!!


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 12:56
Originally posted by Luke. J Luke. J wrote:

To start it..

Vangelis - Odes (With Irene Papas) Thumbs%20Up
Vangelis - SpiralThumbs%20Up
Santana - CaravanseraiThumbs%20Up
Frank Zappa - Hot RatsThumbs%20Up
Frank Zappa - Waka/JawakaThumbs%20Up
Area - Crack!Thumbs%20Up
Tangerine Dream - StratosfearThumbs%20Up
Bill Bruford - One of a Kind Thumbs%20Up
Camel - MirageThumbs%20Up
Queensryche - Hear in the Now Frontier (?)Thumbs%20Down sorry nop queensryche, with one did you confuse it with? and sorry to say but I don't consider Queenryche to be a prog band and their records aren't my cup of tea.
Mike Oldfield - Earth Moving (?)Thumbs%20Down sorry
Van Der Graaf Generator - Aerosol Grey Machine (?)Thumbs%20Down nop!
Banco - Io sono nato libroThumbs%20Up
Hatfield and the North - The Rotter's ClubThumbs%20Up
Semiramis - Dedicato a FrazzThumbs%20Up
Eloy - Ocean 2Thumbs%20Up
Focus - Hamburger ConcertoThumbs%20Up
Can - Future DaysThumbs%20Down nop!
Caravan - In the Land of Grey and Pink! man how in the world did you find that one? I think that is the hardest to recognize wow!!! very good!! Thumbs%20Up
Can - Ege BamyasiThumbs%20Up
Kraftwerk - Die Mensch-MaschineThumbs%20Up
Return to Forever - Hymn of the Seventh GalaxyThumbs%20Up
Return to Forever - Light as a Feather another great one!!
Return to Forever - Self titled (?)Thumbs%20Up yeap!! the bird from the album cover wow!! Thumbs%20Up
Henry Cow - One of those, there is a sock and that is all that matters LOL........LOL
 LOLLOLLOL yop! you  are right about that. I think HW were a band that weren't concern about their album covers. most of then look pretty much the same. very tasteless.
To be continued..
Btw., that one is the greatest! (up to now? Smile)
 Thanks kid for the effort!! you did great!!! wasn't  that fun or what?Tongue


Posted By: Luke. J
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 14:19

It was fun to google myself through Kraftwerk-discography for I could not remember the cover. Plus, there was a bit of boredom involved LOL

Let's correct the Future Days one into Monster Movie, that shall be right..
The Queensryche one I thought were the ears in the glass, and by the way I have seen the egg and the circus before..

Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 15:42
Originally posted by Luke. J Luke. J wrote:

It was fun to google myself through Kraftwerk-discography for I could not remember the cover. Plus, there was a bit of boredom involved LOL

Let's correct the Future Days one into Monster Movie, that shall be right..
The Queensryche one I thought were the ears in the glass, and by the way I have seen the egg and the circus before..
 I am glad you did!!  Big%20smile
Oh I see.. true. it is a bit similar, that album cover reminds of one of Salvador Dali painting, -
 but that album is National Health"s Of Queues and Cures. A powerful prog/fusion. check it out and I think it is their best. if you like Bruford 2 first solo album national health is for you. -


Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 15:50
Well, since Luke didn't mentioned it, there's a Franco Battiato - Sulle Corde di Aries in the center. I love that album, from Battiato's repertoire. Wink


Posted By: moreitsythanyou
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 15:56
That looks amazingly cool. Great work!

<font color=white>butts, lol[/COLOR]

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 16:12
Holdsworth  Sand
Triumvirat  Illusions on a Double Dimple
FM  Black Noise

Posted By: song_of_copper
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 16:51
This is lovely!  Well done! Clap

Lots has been identified already, but to add to the list, I spy Dün, 'Eros' in there...

Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 17:14
Originally posted by Ricochet Ricochet wrote:

Well, since Luke didn't mentioned it, there's a Franco Battiato - Sulle Corde di Aries in the center. I love that album, from Battiato's repertoire. Wink
Approve yeap you got it! great album indeed.. my fav of his.


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 17:28
Thumbs%20UpHoldsworth  Sand Thumbs%20Up love this Allan album it was my very first fusion albums.
Triumvirat  Illusions on a Double DimpleThumbs%20Up great one by of their best.
FM  Black NoiseThumbs%20Up FM is an extremely Underated band. I think this is their most progressive and best.
This is lovely!  Well done! ClapEmbarrassed Thanks...

Lots has been identified already, but to add to the list, I spy Dün, 'Eros' in there...  LOL goooood eye!


Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 19:22

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 19:26
Is that Point Of Know Return I spy??

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 19:43
Yep! You done it! I barely know 2 or 3!! Damn!

Good one, though somewhat crazy, and as I don't know many of them, it doesn't seem a Prog Collage, odd isn't it?

Posted By: avestin
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 19:46

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanging Sounds" rel="nofollow - PA Index of prog music vendors

Posted By: The Prognaut
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 21:41
Dunno if it's already been mentioned, but I spy Le Orme's "Felona e Sorona" as well Tongue
Btw, great work darksideof! You're truly a fine artist!!! Clap

break the circle

reset my head

wake the sleepwalker

and i'll wake the dead

Posted By: tszirmay
Date Posted: July 28 2008 at 21:57
Congratulations  , you Daliesque progster ! Wunderbar, magnifique, fabuloso, gyonyoru, bravissimo, obrigado! May you continue to be inspired !

I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.

Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 09:50
Originally posted by King By-Tor King By-Tor wrote:

Is that Point Of Know Return I spy??
Yeah! YOU ARE RIGHT!Big%20smile there is another Kansas album in the collage. How did you miss that? it is larger than Point" Embarrassed look at closely this time....LOL


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 09:54
Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

Yep! You done it! I barely know 2 or 3!! Damn!

Good one, though somewhat crazy, and as I don't know many of them, it doesn't seem a Prog Collage, odd isn't it?
 Shame on you!!Embarrassed and sadly! I'll tell later who those artist are( I want the guys to guess) and make sure to check them out. 99% of those albums that I selected are their best are quiet awesome.... as good as the  popular prog albums..


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 09:55
Originally posted by tszirmay tszirmay wrote:

Congratulations  , you Daliesque progster ! Wunderbar, magnifique, fabuloso, gyonyoru, bravissimo, obrigado! May you continue to be inspired !
Gracias,gracias, Thank you!!!EmbarrassedEmbarrassedEmbarrassed............Ok I will continue....


Posted By: omri
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 10:16
Just a small note. The album of Henry cow is "Western culture".
I'm not very good at those things. I still can't find Caravan or Kansas (and I have them both).


Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 10:34
Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by King By-Tor King By-Tor wrote:

Is that Point Of Know Return I spy??
Yeah! YOU ARE RIGHT!Big%20smile there is another Kansas album in the collage. How did you miss that? it is larger than Point" Embarrassed look at closely this time....LOL

ah yes, I did see Song for America - just didn't think to mention it for some reason.

This is turning into an "I Spy - prog edition" book, isn't it? LOL

[Edit] - Did anyone mention Can's Monster movie yet?

Posted By: Luke. J
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 10:44
Yes, me LOL
Also now I see..
Soft Machine - Bundles and am also surprised nobody mentioned Magma - Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandöh (or Wurda Itah or 1001° Centigrades..)

Posted By: memowakeman
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 12:15

Great job, fantastic!

There are Caution Radiation Area and Storia di un Minuto, i think nobody mentioned them, i think haha..


Follow me on twitter @memowakeman

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 12:28
Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

Yep! You done it! I barely know 2 or 3!! Damn! Good one, though somewhat crazy, and as I don't know many of them, it doesn't seem a Prog Collage, odd isn't it?

Shame on you!!Embarrassed and sadly! I'll tell later who those artist are( I want the guys to guess) and make sure to check them out. 99% of those albums that I selected are their best are quiet awesome.... as good as the popular prog albums..

remember I'm just 14 now, I expanding my collection with lot of stuff, but first what comes first, right?

From those I got Hot Rats, amazing album indeed. From the rest

Good job, again! Maybe you could make one of Hard Rock and Heavy Prog, Deep Purple In Rock would be great within some many others like the Zeppelin of Zeppelin's debut, and many more! Tell me if you're gonna do that

EDIT: Oh yeah, there I see Soft Machine Bundles, Santana's Caravanserai, Magma MDK(I think), Eloy's Ocean 2(?), Camel Mirage, Return to Forever Hymn of something.., Triumvirat's Illusions on a Double Dimple, Focus Hamburger Concerto, is that Caravan In the Land of Grey and Pink very little?, two from Kansas mentioned my Mike and Micky's Avatar.

I know many after all..don't I? hehe

Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 18:20
Originally posted by Cloud Zero Cloud Zero wrote:

Dunno if it's already been mentioned, but I spy Le Orme's "Felona e Sorona" as well Tongue
Btw, great work darksideof! You're truly a fine artist!!! Clap
 YES YES YES !! that it Le Orme felona E Sorona Fantastic album that is... and Thank you very much for calling me a Fine Artist. if you seen my face I turned Red.. Thank you!Embarrassed


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 18:35
Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

Yep! You done it! I barely know 2 or 3!! Damn! Good one, though somewhat crazy, and as I don't know many of them, it doesn't seem a Prog Collage, odd isn't it?

Shame on you!!Embarrassed and sadly! I'll tell later who those artist are( I want the guys to guess) and make sure to check them out. 99% of those albums that I selected are their best are quiet awesome.... as good as the popular prog albums..

remember I'm just 14 now, I expanding my collection with lot of stuff, but first what comes first, right?

From those I got Hot Rats, amazing album indeed. From the rest

Good job, again! Maybe you could make one of Hard Rock and Heavy Prog, Deep Purple In Rock would be great within some many others like the Zeppelin of Zeppelin's debut, and many more! Tell me if you're gonna do that

EDIT: Oh yeah, there I see Soft Machine Bundles, Santana's Caravanserai, Magma MDK(I think), Eloy's Ocean 2(?), Camel Mirage, Return to Forever Hymn of something.., Triumvirat's Illusions on a Double Dimple, Focus Hamburger Concerto, is that Caravan In the Land of Grey and Pink very little?, two from Kansas mentioned my Mike and Micky's Avatar.

I know many after all..don't I? hehe
 I am soooooo Sorry KID! I have a lot respect for the young progger of this generation!! I was 13 almost 14 when I first got into prog!( and I am from a land that is extremely rare to find someone that is into this type of msuci these days) Dominican Republic) wow!! 24 years later and I still going strong! also you are a super blessed kid that you are alive and able to be experiencing the a new wave of prog So many new band come out every year...incredible!!!
.  that is cool that you got FZ hot rats.  the rest it might take years for you to get into but it is possible. One album that i pretty much dislike when I first heard it was Felona e Serona By Le Orme ( Le Orme is an classic  prog Italian Band heavily influenced by ELP and genesis ) and Now that album is of favorite in my whole entire collection.
and Yes you do know more cool...Smile yeah that is Caravan. it had been mentioned by someone all ready but,  good eye toooo. Your other question if I might do others with hard rock bands sound cool tooo. I might. but  right Now I am in the process of doing 2 more... one for My beloved band Pink Floyd and another dedicated to Fusion and jazz.,,,, I am sooo busy!.....
Thank you guys all for all the great encouraging and kind words..Embarrassed


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 29 2008 at 18:44
I am soooo Surprised that nobody had mentioned GURU GURU" Don't call us we Call you". that is the largest and most obvious image in the entire collage ( the Phone with the hand). I guess you guys aren't into this great Jam German Band. I might also say that " Don't call Us We Call  you" it 'sn't their greatest achievement, but quiet good album. Don't forget to check their other albums as well.Tongue -  here it is...


Posted By: Luke. J
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 00:55
Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

remember I'm just 14 now
That is absolutely no excuse, for I am just 15 Wink
darksideoff, when will you tell us what albums you used or are we supposed to guess all 50? Tongue

Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 10:39
Originally posted by Luke. J Luke. J wrote:

Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

remember I'm just 14 now
That is absolutely no excuse, for I am just 15 Wink
 LOLLOLLOLLOL good kid...................................LOL
darksideoff, when will you tell us what albums you used or are we supposed to guess all 50? Tongue


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 11:41
Tongue Ok..... I start from the top at the left
Crusis: los Delirios del Mariscal.


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 12:15
I only used the yellow Planet.
I only used the Birds.....
I only used the man figure,,
only The Bird
  Semiramis Dedicato a Frazz  damn ugly face LOL but I made scarier...LOL

happy the Man: Happy the Man.">
Clearlight: Clearlight
 kind of tiny but it is there...
Kansas Point of Know Return...
Franco Battiato - Sulle Corde di Aries
right next to franco Portrait.
Right inside the Phone.
Guru guru: Dont call us we  call you.

Renaissance Live at Carnegie hall
I only used the paper bird right by the phone cable...
 Henry Cow Legend
Kraan Dancing in the shade.


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: July 30 2008 at 13:34

I told you guys  it was A lot...

right next to Area Crac !
Here you have them all.. man that was a lot work 52 in total!..... now you guys do the same...
all are awesome albums. some are better than other and some are very hard to find...


Posted By: The Prognaut
Date Posted: August 05 2008 at 21:50
Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by Cloud Zero Cloud Zero wrote:

Dunno if it's already been mentioned, but I spy Le Orme's "Felona e Sorona" as well Tongue
Btw, great work darksideof! You're truly a fine artist!!! Clap
 YES YES YES !! that it Le Orme felona E Sorona Fantastic album that is... and Thank you very much for calling me a Fine Artist. if you seen my face I turned Red.. Thank you!Embarrassed
Glad you blushed! By taking the compliment you're aware of the heart you put into your creativeness.
Cheers again! Clap

break the circle

reset my head

wake the sleepwalker

and i'll wake the dead

Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: August 06 2008 at 10:57
awn, that sucks! i was going to point ou a LOT of bands / albums that were still unmentioned. YOU RUINED ALL THE FUN!!!! Cry

On the bright side, GREAT collage Clap, i thought this tread was about some 3rd remake Le Orme's album Collage LOL. i think i will steal it and store it in my hard drive.LOL


Posted By: Traveller Grey
Date Posted: August 06 2008 at 16:44
Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

FM  Black NoiseThumbs%20Up FM is an extremely Underated band. I think this is their most progressive and best.
Yes! Glad to know there are others that think this.
The only ones in the collage I recognized off the bat were Magma, Camel, and IQ.
Shame on me.

Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: August 06 2008 at 17:01
Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

Yep! You done it! I barely know 2 or 3!! Damn! Good one, though somewhat crazy, and as I don't know many of them, it doesn't seem a Prog Collage, odd isn't it?

Shame on you!!Embarrassed and sadly! I'll tell later who those artist are( I want the guys to guess) and make sure to check them out. 99% of those albums that I selected are their best are quiet awesome.... as good as the popular prog albums..
remember I'm just 14 now, I expanding my collection with lot of stuff, but first what comes first, right? From those I got Hot Rats, amazing album indeed. From the rest Good job, again! Maybe you could make one of Hard Rock and Heavy Prog, Deep Purple In Rock would be great within some many others like the Zeppelin of Zeppelin's debut, and many more! Tell me if you're gonna do that EDIT: Oh yeah, there I see Soft Machine Bundles, Santana's Caravanserai, Magma MDK(I think), Eloy's Ocean 2(?), Camel Mirage, Return to Forever Hymn of something.., Triumvirat's Illusions on a Double Dimple, Focus Hamburger Concerto, is that Caravan In the Land of Grey and Pink very little?, two from Kansas mentioned my Mike and Micky's Avatar. I know many after all..don't I? hehe

I am soooooo Sorry KID! I have a lot respect for the young progger of this generation!! I was 13 almost 14 when I first got into prog!( and I am from a land that is extremely rare to find someone that is into this type of msuci these days) Dominican Republic) wow!! 24 years later and I still going strong! also you are a super blessed kid that you are alive and able to be experiencing the a new wave of prog So many new band come out every year...incredible!!!

. that is cool that you got FZ hot rats. the rest it might take years for you to get into but it is possible. One album that i pretty much dislike when I first heard it was Felona e Serona By Le Orme ( Le Orme is an classic prog Italian Band heavily influenced by ELP and genesis ) and Now that album is of favorite in my whole entire collection.

and Yes you do know more cool...Smile yeah that is Caravan. it had been mentioned by someone all ready but, good eye toooo. Your other question if I might do others with hard rock bands sound cool tooo. I might. but right Now I am in the process of doing 2 more... one for My beloved band Pink Floyd and another dedicated to Fusion and jazz.,,,, I am sooo busy!.....

Thank you guys all for all the great encouraging and kind words..Embarrassed

No prob. Cool one from the Floyd! That was my favorite band when I started listening to good music, hehe. Though I didn't know it was called Prog, just rock and that The Wall was a Rock Opera. The movie with some pre-listen albums, got me into Floyd. The Wall was my first beloved album. Then it passed to The Division Bell, then Saucerful of Secrets and finally to Meddle and Obscured by Clouds.
BTW: my all-time favorite song is Echoes.

Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: August 07 2008 at 15:40
Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

Originally posted by darksideof darksideof wrote:

Originally posted by cacho cacho wrote:

Yep! You done it! I barely know 2 or 3!! Damn! Good one, though somewhat crazy, and as I don't know many of them, it doesn't seem a Prog Collage, odd isn't it?

Shame on you!!Embarrassed and sadly! I'll tell later who those artist are( I want the guys to guess) and make sure to check them out. 99% of those albums that I selected are their best are quiet awesome.... as good as the popular prog albums..
remember I'm just 14 now, I expanding my collection with lot of stuff, but first what comes first, right? From those I got Hot Rats, amazing album indeed. From the rest Good job, again! Maybe you could make one of Hard Rock and Heavy Prog, Deep Purple In Rock would be great within some many others like the Zeppelin of Zeppelin's debut, and many more! Tell me if you're gonna do that EDIT: Oh yeah, there I see Soft Machine Bundles, Santana's Caravanserai, Magma MDK(I think), Eloy's Ocean 2(?), Camel Mirage, Return to Forever Hymn of something.., Triumvirat's Illusions on a Double Dimple, Focus Hamburger Concerto, is that Caravan In the Land of Grey and Pink very little?, two from Kansas mentioned my Mike and Micky's Avatar. I know many after all..don't I? hehe

I am soooooo Sorry KID! I have a lot respect for the young progger of this generation!! I was 13 almost 14 when I first got into prog!( and I am from a land that is extremely rare to find someone that is into this type of msuci these days) Dominican Republic) wow!! 24 years later and I still going strong! also you are a super blessed kid that you are alive and able to be experiencing the a new wave of prog So many new band come out every year...incredible!!!

. that is cool that you got FZ hot rats. the rest it might take years for you to get into but it is possible. One album that i pretty much dislike when I first heard it was Felona e Serona By Le Orme ( Le Orme is an classic prog Italian Band heavily influenced by ELP and genesis ) and Now that album is of favorite in my whole entire collection.

and Yes you do know more cool...Smile yeah that is Caravan. it had been mentioned by someone all ready but, good eye toooo. Your other question if I might do others with hard rock bands sound cool tooo. I might. but right Now I am in the process of doing 2 more... one for My beloved band Pink Floyd and another dedicated to Fusion and jazz.,,,, I am sooo busy!.....

Thank you guys all for all the great encouraging and kind words..Embarrassed

No prob. Cool one from the Floyd! That was my favorite band when I started listening to good music, hehe. Though I didn't know it was called Prog, just rock and that The Wall was a Rock Opera. The movie with some pre-listen albums, got me into Floyd. The Wall was my first beloved album. Then it passed to The Division Bell, then Saucerful of Secrets and finally to Meddle and Obscured by Clouds.
BTW: my all-time favorite song is Echoes.
 meeee tooooo! and it is still after all those years....EmbarrassedClap


Posted By: LinusW
Date Posted: August 12 2008 at 19:50
Great to see the Italian stuff in there Tongue. Excellent work - as always!

Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: August 12 2008 at 21:32
Originally posted by LinusW LinusW wrote:

Great to see the Italian stuff in there Tongue. Excellent work - as always!

hey I sure love my Italian bands!!1


Posted By: darksideone2003
Date Posted: December 22 2008 at 16:48
MAMA MIA!!!!Clap
I think it quietly awesome as well.
what I like about this one that you used many albums of obscure albums that many prog fans don't know.
bands like:
Crucis Los delirios De Marical a superb band from Argentina and on the best albums
FM Black Noise. a great band from Canada anf the best album too.
wow fusion bands too wow!!
Passport: Infinity Machine of their most progressive Jazz album out there.
Kitaro Oasis
and the extremely underrated Italian band Erti mestieri: Tilt.
and Semiramis Dedicato a Frazz what a masterpiece. and super scary...LOL
Dun Eros wow!!!!
Sole COrde Di Aries another masterpiece and you viisuality is quiet amazing....
is that tangerine Dream Cyclone next to it that I can Spy? wow
RTF Hym of the Seventh galaxy?
PFM, GURU GURU  Don't call us we call you?, Renaissance Live at carneige hall?
you work simply deserve an around applause from all the prog fans from all around the world..
Thanks for sharing you love for this type of music that we also have in common...

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: December 22 2008 at 19:15
Dude, you're an awesome artist- I love your work.

Anyway, off the top of my head I only saw one that I recognized.

Good job!Thumbs Up


Check out my YouTube channel!" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: December 23 2008 at 11:40
Originally posted by darksideone2003 darksideone2003 wrote:

MAMA MIA!!!!Clap
I think it quietly awesome as well.
what I like about this one that you used many albums of obscure albums that many prog fans don't know.
bands like:
Crucis Los delirios De Marical a superb band from Argentina and on the best albums
FM Black Noise. a great band from Canada anf the best album too.
wow fusion bands too wow!!
Passport: Infinity Machine of their most progressive Jazz album out there.
Kitaro Oasis
and the extremely underrated Italian band Erti mestieri: Tilt.
and Semiramis Dedicato a Frazz what a masterpiece. and super scary...LOL
Dun Eros wow!!!!
Sole COrde Di Aries another masterpiece and you viisuality is quiet amazing....
is that tangerine Dream Cyclone next to it that I can Spy? wow
RTF Hym of the Seventh galaxy?
PFM, GURU GURU  Don't call us we call you?, Renaissance Live at carneige hall?
you work simply deserve an around applause from all the prog fans from all around the world..
Thanks for sharing you love for this type of music that we also have in common...
wow you have an excellent eye to recognize the bands and albums wow!!!
thanks alot for such amazing overwhelming comment. yeah prog is my passion...


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: December 23 2008 at 11:42
Originally posted by progrocker2244 progrocker2244 wrote:

Dude, you're an awesome artist- I love your work.

Anyway, off the top of my head I only saw one that I recognized.

Good job!Thumbs Up
Thanks you......Cry . I am so happy that my collages had impressed so many fans.. I am so honor...
Don't we all love this music or what??/


Posted By: darksideof
Date Posted: February 18 2009 at 12:11
Hello fellows Prog heads and fans of my collages.!
I want to  cordially invite you guys to my Collage Blog that i just created Yesterday.
You can periodically check the blog to found out what I am up to with any of recent collages or Art work.. I see you guys there.
here is the link for the Blog
thanks in advance for the support. -


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