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Steeleye Span - any prog credentials?

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Topic: Steeleye Span - any prog credentials?
Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Subject: Steeleye Span - any prog credentials?
Date Posted: July 11 2008 at 08:15
I can't really answer that question myself because I have only heard two albums by them so far. Anyone here know them? Are they prog- related? Any recomendations for specific albums? Apparantly Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull produced one of their albums.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: July 11 2008 at 09:30
They a electric-folk/folk-rock with little or no prog, though that's not to say a Prog-Folk fan wouldn't enjoy them. The Anderson produced album is "Now We Are Six" and is one I'd recommend since it is my personal favourite, and (again personally), I'd avoid the two Mike Batt produced albums.
For something with a prog-flavour you could try The King Of Elfland's Daughter by Peter Knight and Bob Johnson - a concept album based on the book by Lord Dunsany - though it is an extremely rare find.


Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: July 11 2008 at 09:56
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

They a electric-folk/folk-rock with little or no prog, though that's not to say a Prog-Folk fan wouldn't enjoy them. The Anderson produced album is "Now We Are Six" and is one I'd recommend since it is my personal favourite, and (again personally), I'd avoid the two Mike Batt produced albums.
Thanks for the advice, Dean!! I actually ordered Now We Are Six a while back, but apparantly it takes forever to get here Angry   My choice fell on that one because of Ian Andersons involvement and also that syntezisers are included in the list of instruments used Smile   Apparantly David Bowie plays sax on the album as well!!! Shocked  (wouldn't it be fun to watch Ian Anderson and David Bowie working together in the studio? LOL)
Since then I also bought the album All Around My Hat because I found it really cheap and yesterday I downloaded Parcel of Rouges as well. I'm certainly not blown away by any of these but I'm still looking forward to hearing Now We Are Six (soon I hope!!) which I hope will be a bit more proggy.
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

For something with a prog-flavour you could try The King Of Elfland's Daughter by Peter Knight and Bob Johnson - a concept album based on the book by Lord Dunsany - though it is an extremely rare find.
Interesting! I'll remeber that. Thanks!

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: July 11 2008 at 10:12
David Bowie isn't renowned for his saxophony LOL - it's a disposable fun track really.
also, I take back what I said about the Mike Batt produced albums - Rocket Cottage features Span's finest moment - Fighting For Strangers - a traditional anti-war folk song (previously recorded by Shirley & Dolly Collins as A Forsaking - Our Captain Cried) sung over the Vaughan Williams' tune to To Be A Pilgrim, with lots of military percussion overdubbing.


Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: July 11 2008 at 10:16
Great band, co-founded by Ashley Hutchings once of Fairport Convention. I always think of the two bands as following broadly similar paths, and thus would be comfortable with them being listed as prog related. I seem to recall though in past discussions I was in the minority.

Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: July 11 2008 at 11:36
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

Great band, co-founded by Ashley Hutchings once of Fairport Convention. I always think of the two bands as following broadly similar paths, and thus would be comfortable with them being listed as prog related. I seem to recall though in past discussions I was in the minority.
I have been listening a bit to Fairport Convention lately actually. My favourite album by them is Babbacombe Lee, a very good concept album or "rock opera", though not very proggy. The earlier Sandy Denny period didn't impress me much though, but I like some of Full House and Angel Delight.
Judging from what I've heard so far Steeleye Span is no less prog than Fairport, which is to say not very much. But there are other even less proggy bands on the archives.

Posted By: tszirmay
Date Posted: July 11 2008 at 18:10
I sort of remember that drummer Rod Coombes of Strawbs fame played first in Steeleye Span. Perhaps we need Easy Livin' to substantiate that claim with his encyclopedic knowledge (aka search engineLOL) Dick?

I never post anything anywhere without doing more than basic research, often in depth.

Posted By: Chris S
Date Posted: July 13 2008 at 00:48
Steeleye Span instantly remind me of Fairport Convention so no coincidence of the connection. I would also agree with prog related or even Prog Folk inclusion.

<font color=Brown>Music - The Sound Librarian

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Posted By: Einsetumadur
Date Posted: September 24 2008 at 11:29
Hi there,

at first I'd like to apologize for my much too formal and sometimes very clumsy English, for I'm a German student  who is greatly interested in Progressive Rock music - and in those great Progressive Rock pages in which I'd like to participate.

I'm listening to the Steeleyes for a couple of years already  and always missed them here ...  

Of course, only "progressive" bands should be here,   I don't think the Village People would fit here - I think nobody does.  LOL

In my humble opinion  Steeleye Span  were (are?)  progressive, even in two ways:  

With their combination of psychedelic, folk und rock music  they created - with their partner-band Fairport Convention -  the Folk Rock,  a genre which still is very modern (just listen to those Pagan Metal artists like Korpiklaani and their Scandinavian neighbors Wink.)  

Especially  Steeleye's first four albums were very unconventional,  for example the hypnotic, driving beat in "Lowlands of Holland" and the colorful instrumentation of Banjo, Dulcimer, Concertina, Mandolin and all those instruments,  or the psychedelic-spacy guitar sounds on TEN MAN MOP (where the distorted guitars crash and wail in "Gower Wassail" and "Captain Coulston")  or the BELOW THE SALT album, where we have kind of an epic in the polyphonic and multi-parted (does that word exist? Ouch)   "King Henry" .

And now we get to the *prog*  that we usually mean,  with the somewhat strange rhythms,  complicated structures and epics -  and that can be heard on NOW WE ARE SIX  where drummer Nigel Pegrum  brings the Progressive Rock in the music.
(Off topic -  those three fun numbers with David Bowie and the ST.EELEYE-Primary-School-Choir ...   I think theyre quite funny LOL).

Especially as a "newbie" in this music pages  I don't want to dictate anyone to get this band in the list ...  Wink
But as a lover of that music  I just wanted to put in my twopenn'orth.  I hope you don't mind. Smile

Kind regards,

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: September 24 2008 at 11:35
Well said sir!Clap

Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: September 24 2008 at 14:01
Hi, its funny that you should revive this old topic at this specific moment since I have been listening to Steeleye Span these last couple of days. I have finally recieved Now We Are Six now and I like it more than All Around My Hat and Parcel of Rouges.
What do you think should be the next step for me in the Steeley discography? I'm thinking Commoners Crown or Rocket Cottage, but you seem to like the early ones better, is that right? From what I've heard the early albums are more traditional sounding and less rock. I prefer rockier stuff.

Posted By: Einsetumadur
Date Posted: September 24 2008 at 14:05
Aah I'm very sorry, but I don't possess the CC and the RC-albums ...
what about a little "aperitif" for TEN MAN MOP?

Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: September 24 2008 at 15:06
Thanks anyway!
Another related band is The Albion Band. I am listening to Rise Up Like The Sun and I like it! It is just at prog-releated as Now We Are Six and the proggiest moments of Fairport Convention.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 24 2008 at 17:54
love this band, so under-appreciated and misunderstood  ..absolutely progressive over the course of several albums - Parcel of Rogues, NWAS, All Around My Hat, Rocket Cottage - excellent, progressive Celtic rock.. like a more refined and musically learned Tull

ProgRelated?  Well, OK, but frankly I think that's inaccurate and does not do this gifted ensemble justice

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 24 2008 at 18:00
I agree, they have a Folk Prog connection, not enough for a full genre, but OK for Prog Related.


Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: September 24 2008 at 19:20
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

love this band, so under-appreciated and misunderstood  ..absolutely progressive over the course of several albums - Parcel of Rogues, NWAS, All Around My Hat, Rocket Cottage - excellent, progressive Celtic rock.. like a more refined and musically learned Tull

ProgRelated?  Well, OK, but frankly I think that's inaccurate and does not do this gifted ensemble justice

I don't see Steeleye as overtly Celtic myself - I've always regarded them and quintessentially English, yet following a fully British path by blending music from all corners of the Kingdom, of which Scottish and Irish forms a part. Unlike bands such as Planxty and Runrig who played 100% Celtic Rock or modern Prog bands like Mostly Autumn and Bluehorses who are heavily influenced by it.
While I'll happily go along with the PR suggestion (as I would for any band that was closely associated with the Prog movement during the 70s) - as I said before, they were  Folk Rock, sticking fairly rigidly to traditional folk structures and arrangement with little or no Prog in the music.


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 24 2008 at 20:38
 ^ that may apply to their career overall, but my perspective is of their prog period which was a clear fusion of traditional musics and hard rock

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: September 25 2008 at 03:51
Anyone want to take on the addition? If so, let me know and I'll ask the Admin Team if they will approve for PR.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 25 2008 at 04:15
I could give it a go I suppose, unless SouthSide had hoped to do the bio

Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: September 25 2008 at 04:41
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

 ^ that may apply to their career overall, but my perspective is of their prog period which was a clear fusion of traditional musics and hard rock

Which period is it exactly that you consider their prog period?

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 25 2008 at 04:43
see my post about six up.. as regards to a bio, go ahead and write it if you feel you know their history well and I can add them if approved

Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: September 25 2008 at 04:45
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

Anyone want to take on the addition? If so, let me know and I'll ask the Admin Team if they will approve for PR.
Sure, let's bring the Steeleyes to the archives Smile
How does the process work? You suggest to the team, they approve/disaprove and then what?

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 25 2008 at 04:47
they will be voted on for ProgRelated, then someone will add them

Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: September 25 2008 at 04:51
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

I could give it a go I suppose, unless SouthSide had hoped to do the bio

Well, I don't know the band very well, but I could give it a go I guess. There is plenty of info on the net.

Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: September 25 2008 at 04:53
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

see my post about six up..
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

as regards to a bio, go ahead and write it if you feel you know their history well and I can add them if approved


Posted By: Einsetumadur
Date Posted: September 25 2008 at 11:32
Yes, prog related fits very well ...    nice that they will probably find their way into the archives.  Clap

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: September 28 2008 at 15:48
Steeleye Span now approved by the Admin Team for prog related.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 28 2008 at 16:12

Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: September 28 2008 at 16:19



Its funny, what I thought was Parcel Of Rouges was in fact Commoners Crown mislabelled! And I downloaded it from a fully legitimate source -

BTW, Commoners Crown is very good!
I will write a bio and some reviews soon

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: September 28 2008 at 16:31
great SSotS, I'll expect it later this week (?)    Smile

Posted By: Einsetumadur
Date Posted: September 30 2008 at 09:45
Great ...   Clap
As soon as I have translated my German Steeleye Span reviews into English  I'll set some reviews in the archives. Smile

All in all each man in all men

Posted By: Axe/Hatchet/Saw
Date Posted: November 05 2008 at 23:43

I have all their studio and live albums and there are several favorite tunes on each of them. I also love it when Gay Wood was in the band during the very early days and recently. The prog connection that I could think of is that Maddy Prior sang on the adaptation of Hiawatha's poem on Mike Oldfield's Incantations and Exposed albums.

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: November 18 2008 at 11:17
Just saw this!!!!!!!!!AngryCensoredNukePigDead
The least was to ask the prog folk team their advice, even if it was for prog related..... but this was carefully avoidedOuchThumbs Down

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Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: November 18 2008 at 11:54
If you just saw that Steeleye Span has been added to the archives, how come you ahve already written reviews for most of their albums?

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: November 18 2008 at 12:05
Originally posted by SouthSideoftheSky SouthSideoftheSky wrote:

If you just saw that Steeleye Span has been added to the archives, how come you ahve already written reviews for most of their albums?
I just saw this thread that lead to the inclusion. I hadn't seen it before. That's what I meant
Antway it's over with!! They're in and that's it!!

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: SouthSideoftheSky
Date Posted: November 18 2008 at 12:20
Would you not want them included, or would you like to have them included in Prog Folk? Or would you just like to have taken part in the process?

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: November 19 2008 at 05:53
Originally posted by SouthSideoftheSky SouthSideoftheSky wrote:

Would you not want them included, or would you like to have them included in Prog Folk? Or would you just like to have taken part in the process?
My original idea was to leave them out completely out of the database as was for Fairport as well.
this was in order to make a real line between the groups that were indeed prog folk (as Pentangle with the torrid fusion of jazz, folk & blues) and those groups sticking with traditional folk or when, they got experimental, they electrified their trad folk, making it folk rock >> such as SS and FC.
But Fairport got added a bit ruthlessly against my wishes three years back, and now SS.... But i suppose that having FC in and SS not was inconsistant.
I'll just have to deal with it

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: November 19 2008 at 10:24
Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Just saw this!!!!!!!!!AngryCensoredNukePigDead
The least was to ask the prog folk team their advice, even if it was for prog related..... but this was carefully avoidedOuchThumbs Down
The thread was here for all to see ST, time to let it go and move on.Wink

Posted By: Mandrakeroot
Date Posted: November 19 2008 at 11:08
Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Originally posted by SouthSideoftheSky SouthSideoftheSky wrote:

Would you not want them included, or would you like to have them included in Prog Folk? Or would you just like to have taken part in the process?
My original idea was to leave them out completely out of the database as was for Fairport as well.
this was in order to make a real line between the groups that were indeed prog folk (as Pentangle with the torrid fusion of jazz, folk & blues) and those groups sticking with traditional folk or when, they got experimental, they electrified their trad folk, making it folk rock >> such as SS and FC.
But Fairport got added a bit ruthlessly against my wishes three years back, and now SS.... But i suppose that having FC in and SS not was inconsistant.
I'll just have to deal with it
Is just my opinion but I find that FC are more Prog of SS. In fact FC wrote personal songs that are particular fusion about Rock and Folk with other mix of genres (not in all songs). Vice versa SS... Simply use personal arrengements (in POP way) for new versions of traditionals.
SS and FC are great band... But in a certain sense... In this type of fusion I prefer (about PA's bands) Amazing Blondel!


Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: November 19 2008 at 11:12
Originally posted by Easy Livin Easy Livin wrote:

Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Just saw this!!!!!!!!!AngryCensoredNukePigDead
The least was to ask the prog folk team their advice, even if it was for prog related..... but this was carefully avoidedOuchThumbs Down
The thread was here for all to see ST, time to let it go and move on.Wink
Actually I had.....Smile
until I found this threadLOL
which means I'll have to retry to forget about it.Tongue

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Abrawang
Date Posted: December 11 2008 at 23:14
I liked the band, saw them in concert once, but I don't think of them as prog.  They seemed to me to try an updated folk-rock sounds for a lot of middle ages/renaissance era music.  Still. as someone said, many proggers would enjoy them.

Casting doubt on all I have to say...

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: December 12 2008 at 04:17
Originally posted by Abrawang Abrawang wrote:

I liked the band, saw them in concert once, but I don't think of them as prog.  They seemed to me to try an updated folk-rock sounds for a lot of middle ages/renaissance era music.  Still. as someone said, many proggers would enjoy them.
Can someone close this thread, so I can get over their inclusion????AngryOuchWinkTongue

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Chris S
Date Posted: December 12 2008 at 04:45
^ Just don't click your mouse on the thread ST.......simple as flipping a switch to getting the kettle to ' boil' or not.

<font color=Brown>Music - The Sound Librarian

...As I venture through the slipstream, between the viaducts in your dreams...[/COLOR]

Posted By: AlbertMond
Date Posted: December 28 2008 at 03:03
Not Prog, but still an amazing band.

Posted By: Bob Greece
Date Posted: April 08 2009 at 03:28
Great band. Prog-related would be OK.


Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: April 08 2009 at 07:56
Bob, Steeleye Span were added months agoWink.... -

Posted By: Mandrakeroot
Date Posted: April 08 2009 at 08:35
Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

Bob, Steeleye Span were added months agoWink.... -
And sure one of my preferred bands on PA!!!


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: April 08 2009 at 08:54
ahhhh....  love that avatar Mandy...   now I can stop having dreams about guitar w**king and using copious amounts of hairspray...

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Mandrakeroot
Date Posted: April 09 2009 at 04:42
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

ahhhh....  love that avatar Mandy...   now I can stop having dreams about guitar w**king and using copious amounts of hairspray...
For my avatar see these links: - - - - = - - - -


Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: June 23 2009 at 14:04
I'm not sure that the first reply really does justice to the question and the music that this band put together ...
And a lot of it has to do with the definition of "prog" ... and someone is basically comparing this to Genesis and ELP and it will fail ...
But this is progressive music, when you consider that it is taking an idiom that is notoriously known for not changing and adding other dimentions to it ... not just electric stuff. Now, does this mean that they can not do traditionals differently and because of it they are not considered progressive in any way?
I disagree. In my terms they brought a lot of folk music out in the open for your generation and mine ... and that is ... ELECTRIC MUSIC ... and as such, there are things they did that pushed the medium that other wise would not have happened with just an accoustic guitar and voice ... the traditional medium for a lot of folk music.
And this is where the definition of progressive fails ... groups that do some things that are so different and help the medium instead of killing it ... and yet, we can not find a spot in our hearts to appreciate someone's vision and attempt. We could say the same thing for Fairport Convention ... and many other bands around these guys ... it started with Pentangle a long time ago, btw!!!

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: June 25 2009 at 20:21
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

I'm not sure that the first reply really does justice to the question and the music that this band put together ...
And a lot of it has to do with the definition of "prog" ... and someone is basically comparing this to Genesis and ELP and it will fail ...
You are reading things in there I never said nor intended to imply, but that is the nature of interpretation and assumption. Wink
The definition of "prog" is nebulous at best and can be bent to fit a myriad of different styles of music, folk being one of them - how far you push that definition depends upon your own personal pain threshold - mine is quite high, I can perceive "Prog" in some bands that would cause many to physically wince at the mere mention of. LOL
Of course it would be unwise to compare Steeleye Span to Genesis or ELP and only a muppet would think of such a comparison. To ascertain whether fit into a our definition of "prog" one would have to compare them to bands that we classify as Progressive Folk (Pentangle, Quintessence, Third Ear Band, etc), the Folk Rock bands we classify as Prog Related (Fairport Convention, Magna Carta, etc.) and Folk (Rock) bands that have no discernible Prog connection or relationship (Albion Band, Jack The Lad, ...erm, The Pogues?). Of course that would be our interpretation - neither right nor wrong, just an opinion.
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

But this is progressive music, when you consider that it is taking an idiom that is notoriously known for not changing and adding other dimentions to it ... not just electric stuff. Now, does this mean that they can not do traditionals differently and because of it they are not considered progressive in any way?
I disagree. In my terms they brought a lot of folk music out in the open for your generation and mine ... and that is ... ELECTRIC MUSIC ... and as such, there are things they did that pushed the medium that other wise would not have happened with just an accoustic guitar and voice ... the traditional medium for a lot of folk music.
And this is where the definition of progressive fails ... groups that do some things that are so different and help the medium instead of killing it ... and yet, we can not find a spot in our hearts to appreciate someone's vision and attempt. We could say the same thing for Fairport Convention ... and many other bands around these guys ... it started with Pentangle a long time ago, btw!!!
There is a world of distinction between Progressive the noun and progressive the verb. The genre of "Progressive Rock" took is name from the verb "to progress" but it does not mean that artists have to progress anything to be Progressive (n), similarly artists who are progressive (v) in their chosen field of music are not automatically making Progressive (n) Rock music. However there are artists who are progressive (v) and Progressive (n). We define Progressive Rock as a noun - i.e. a name for a genre of music, not progressive Rock, which would be a description of music that progresses; by that same inference, we define Progressive Folk as the name of a specific form of Folk music (and not exclusively Folk Rock), not as a description of all Folk music that has progressed away from the traditional form of the original Folk genre.
To be specific about Steeleye Span - they were not the first Folk band to go electric and they did not progress (v) the Folk Rock or Electric Folk genres as far as other bands either before or since. Personally (in as much as I am a fan of the Span) I don't believe they pushed the Folk genre into new directions or doing anything radically differently at the time, but were following conventions set by bands like The Pentangle and Fairport Convention and made "standard" Electric Folk, in most cases just recording electrified songs from traditional sources such as the Child Ballads or the Roud Folk Song Index and did not develop the structure or composition of those songs in the same way that other more progressive (v & n) bands had done (with the possible exceptions of King HenryThomas The Rhymer and Fighting For Strangers - but a few progish songs out of nearly 200 does not a Prog (n) band make Wink).


Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: June 25 2009 at 20:34
Love Steeleye Span, their versionopf Gaudette is the best by far.
But if they are not going to be added to Folk Prog (what I doubt), better not to add them.
Not Prog or Prog Related IMHO.


Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: June 25 2009 at 20:37
Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

Bob, Steeleye Span were added months agoWink.... -


Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: June 25 2009 at 20:39
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

Bob, Steeleye Span were added months agoWink.... -
Well, then as usual will shut my mouth now.
At least I like their music.


Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 26 2009 at 06:01
I actually disagreed with their addition, but could see the point of having them here - since Pentangle and Fairport Convention were already in the DB. Anyway, unlike many people here, I would never raise a stink because of any addition - in my opinion, there are much more important things in life to get upset about.

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: June 26 2009 at 07:39
Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Originally posted by Abrawang Abrawang wrote:

I liked the band, saw them in concert once, but I don't think of them as prog.  They seemed to me to try an updated folk-rock sounds for a lot of middle ages/renaissance era music.  Still. as someone said, many proggers would enjoy them.
Can someone close this thread, so I can get over their inclusion????AngryOuchWinkTongue
Can someone close this thread, so I can get over their inclusion????AngryOuchDeadOuch
ThanksStern Smile

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

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