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Topic: Thesis
Posted By: fabien
Subject: Thesis
Date Posted: May 14 2008 at 20:48

Hi everybody! I'm not sure if it's the right place to post this but anyway, I 'm writing a thesis about progressive rock and prog archives has been and is still a great source. I wondered if some of you would be interested to read it. I 've just finished to write my introduction, if I'm not too lazy I would probably write my conclusion right away, I've also written some stuffs appearing in my first part. The great thing about the archives is that it's developed by fans. It's been probably a more important source that academic studies even if it won't be obvious, it's something hard to express, the more concrete help from that site is that it enabled me to discover al lot of bands, but reading diffrent or common opinion about prog rock has also been rewarding. If I had to choose where to put the website in my sources I'd be well embarassed cause it's both a primary and a secondary source. In a a few words I develop the fact that progressive rock is not just a 70s music(I know this is brief!!), that even if it came to a slack, it is nowdays argueably at its peak of creativity. Well I hate to sum up like that but ... Tell me if you're interested
Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: May 15 2008 at 04:38
Well, you could always publish it in our blogs section.