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Annabell rain now

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Topic: Annabell rain now
Posted By: slang_poetry
Subject: Annabell rain now
Date Posted: May 05 2008 at 19:22
César Espino Barros plays Korg's combi Annabell Rain at home. -

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: May 06 2008 at 16:21
Are you proposing Cesar Espino Barros for addition to the archives based on that clip?  What albums has he made?

I'm looking back on your older posts on this artist (CE) as I remembered you posting about him before, to glean more.

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By member_profile.asp?PF=5843 - slang_poetry , May 13 2007 at 00:16
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May 13 2007 at 07:14 get_last_post.asp?TID=37894&KW=">View%20Last%20Post
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forum_posts.asp?TID=37103&KW= - -CE
By member_profile.asp?PF=5843 - slang_poetry , April 20 2007 at 22:47
2 39 By member_profile.asp?PF=5843 - slang_poetry
April 21 2007 at 08:31 get_last_post.asp?TID=37103&KW=">View%20Last%20Post
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forum_posts.asp?TID=37089&KW= - -CE on youtube
By member_profile.asp?PF=5843 - slang_poetry , April 20 2007 at 17:28
1 78 By member_profile.asp?PF=5843 - slang_poetry
April 20 2007 at 18:21 get_last_post.asp?TID=37089&KW=">View%20Last%20Post
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By member_profile.asp?PF=5843 - slang_poetry , December 02 2005 at 18:38
0 55 By member_profile.asp?PF=5843 - slang_poetry
December 02 2005 at 18:38 get_last_post.asp?TID=15329&KW=">View%20Last%20Post

Found your blog (are you Cesar Espino Barras?): - propuesta: de César Espino Barros

Is the artist signed?  I'd suggest a myspace page for the musician.

Posted By: slang_poetry
Date Posted: May 06 2008 at 18:22
I'm not proposing anything.
He doesn't deserve to be in the archives cause he doesn't really have any records in the market. As a matter of fact he's not even a musician. He's a writer who had some kind of enlightment, some kind of awakening while listening to this prog music. He's not searching for musicians or a record label, he's more like a hacker having fun with the intellect. He composes themes for any combi of the sinthesizer. He thougt he could participate in this forum that way, just letting you know what he's doing right now and maybe read a comment about his sounds or whatever...
regards -

Posted By: slang_poetry
Date Posted: May 06 2008 at 18:31
I'm the same guy. I have this proposal
h - ttp://
the banning of that lethal weapon, the car.
I used to listen a lot of prog when younger, I'm more into electronic now, you know, the Kraftwerk route. I appeared in public under the name of
-CE, minus ce e. I'm also known as César Espino Barros jazz band.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: May 06 2008 at 18:54
Okay, ocurred to me that it might be a mistake.  This has just been misplaced in the wrong forum.  This forum is meant for bands/ artists that are being proposed for ProgArchives inclusion.

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