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Weekly PA Feed (mailing)

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Topic: Weekly PA Feed (mailing)
Posted By: M@X
Subject: Weekly PA Feed (mailing)
Date Posted: April 20 2008 at 14:39
This thread will be the place to discuss it: improvements, suggestions, bugs,...

Prog On !

Posted By: Fargue
Date Posted: April 29 2008 at 13:29
very useful... thanks a lot!

Posted By: Atkingani
Date Posted: April 29 2008 at 13:56
mailto:M@x - M@x , maybe it'll be useful to have "Last Week 2008 Albums or DVDs/Videos Added" instead of only the "Last 10 Added".



Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: April 30 2008 at 01:01
Originally posted by Atkingani Atkingani wrote:

mailto:M@x - M@x , maybe it'll be useful to have "Last Week 2008 Albums or DVDs/Videos Added" instead of only the "Last 10 Added".

Nice but the database does not allow that for now, mayeb later ,

Great suggestion

Prog On !

Posted By: Tormato
Date Posted: May 02 2008 at 12:49
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!  This is a great idea and a great service. I appreciate it a lotSmile.
.....uh-uh. You've made me procastinate my workLOL

I like Tormato, so shoot me! Every person in the world can't think the same.

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: May 12 2008 at 09:17
There's been a error last week , some may have received the weekly-feed a seconde time during the week on thursday. Sorry , I think I have fixed it, and it won't occurs again.

Thanks for all your suggestions we are continuously working to improve the weekly-feed.


Prog On !

Posted By: Peter Pan
Date Posted: June 24 2008 at 01:31
Cancelling doesn't work. Can you check please? I cancelled the feed two times with the link at the bottom of the message. But the feed keeps on coming in.

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: June 24 2008 at 02:28
Originally posted by Peter Pan Peter Pan wrote:

Cancelling doesn't work. Can you check please? I cancelled the feed two times with the link at the bottom of the message. But the feed keeps on coming in.

I've manually unsubscribe you from the list. But according to the list of unsubscribers, the system works for some ??!!

Sorry about that Peter.

Prog On !

Posted By: spitz
Date Posted: July 14 2008 at 21:53
It's impossible to unsubscribe from you weekly PA.
Every time after I completed process to unsubscribe and got the confirmation I got the weekly PA again. Confused

Please solve this problem because I don't need to get newsletters like this.

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: July 15 2008 at 03:46

I've updated your profile Spitz, they should stop now.

Posted By: Silver Rainbow
Date Posted: July 22 2008 at 14:27
Please unsubscribe me because I also fail to do that via the system.

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: July 22 2008 at 17:13
Welcome to the forum SR, they should stop for you now.

Posted By: BerndO
Date Posted: September 23 2008 at 01:46
I want to deactivate the following link[email protected] -[email protected]

but it don`t works. I tried it several times. Every time i receive the mail-newsletter again.
Can you help me?

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: September 23 2008 at 05:51
BerndO, unsubscribed !

Prog On !

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: September 23 2008 at 10:02
Most of you having problems unsubscribing is because you don't receive and reply the 2nd confirmation email of the removal process of the list.

Only some users have problems with this ...

So please report trouble unsubscribing here.


Prog On !

Posted By: gotroot801
Date Posted: November 18 2008 at 10:57
Same problem - keep clicking unsubscribe, "Request received successfully", then next week it comes in like clockwork.  I have never received a confirmation e-mail.

Posted By: VocariDei
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 18:14
I too have the unsubscribe problem.  The strange thing is that last time I tried to unsubscribe (a month and a half ago maybe?) I DID get the confirmation email and was finally free from these feeds.  Until now.  Now they're back.

Posted By: gotroot801
Date Posted: November 24 2008 at 20:57
I got the unsubscribe last week, confirmed the request, and now the e-mails are back again.  What gives?!

Posted By: Gpack
Date Posted: November 25 2008 at 13:39
I have the same problem as you, I tried to unsubscribe two times and the second time I received the confirmation. But I still receive the newsletter each week! Can you unsuscribe me manually please ?


Posted By: VocariDei
Date Posted: December 01 2008 at 17:14
Please sir, make it stop.  Just received another.  

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: December 01 2008 at 20:32
I've manually unsubscribe you all requesting in this thread.

Prog On !

Posted By: rileydog22
Date Posted: December 05 2008 at 22:18
I unsubscribed three times a couple of months ago, and just when it finally stopped I get another one a couple days ago.  I tried unsubscribing again, but who knows if that's gonna work.  


Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: December 10 2008 at 21:40
I will unsubscribe manually rileydog22

Prog On !

Posted By: Coya
Date Posted: December 18 2008 at 05:26
Please, unsucribe me too, I really don't need your newsletter and I have tried several times to unsuscribe myself. You should really fix this problem, it doesn't speak well of a serious website.
How can I cancel my account? I have been looking for the link but I can't find it.

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: December 18 2008 at 09:57
I will remove you manually COYA.

Sorry about that.

Prog On !

Posted By: Coya
Date Posted: December 22 2008 at 08:08
How do I cancel my account? I want to cancel it, but i cannot find where.

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: December 23 2008 at 19:08
I will remove manually your weekly PA feed account

Prog On !

Posted By: carlostarkus
Date Posted: January 12 2009 at 17:48
Juda's priest last album, Nostradamus, is the best prog metal album from the last 15 years. operatic and monumental.

Posted By: galliardprogrockman
Date Posted: January 19 2009 at 17:08
Esoteric Records are re releasing both Galliard albums at once. Strange Pleasure (1969)
and New Dawn (1970). -

Both albums were produced by Phil Wainman, drummer and future Bay City Rollers manager. These are two of the best, most powerful, most vibrant albums of the era.

The band were phenomenally creative, spending hours on brass arrangements. They had to be as at one time there were 12 members in the band of which 6 were brass players. The first album Strange Pleasure, was in some ways, a journey through dark and light, and happiness and sorrow.

The songs speak for themselves and are presented now in greater clarity than ever before, following careful re-mastering. Listening to the albums now, it’s remarkable how influential they’ve become.

The second album, New Dawn, is the worthy successor of Strange Pleasure. It is more adventurous than the first album. New dawn has a schizophrenic quality as half the tracks are pure brass-rock, but the other half is completely eclectic.

Strange Pleasure

Galliard were truly innovators of the Jazz Rock genre, alongside greats such as Blood Sweat & Tears and Chicago Transit Authority, who, ironically, had a heavy influence on Galliard. These influences are almost crystal clear in their flawless debut "Strange Pleasure". This phenomenal piece of funky art opens up with one of the bands classics "Skillet", a rhythmic song with some great use of dissonance in the brass section, some really soulful solos from Dave Caswell and John Smith, the two virtuoso trumpet and saxophone players of the band, and a memorable riff running through, courtesy of guitarist Richard Pannell.

Among the highlights of this album are the progressive Pastorale, the pop number I Wrapped Her In Ribbons (of which was published as a single), the hefty psychedelic Children Of The Sun, the folky Frog Galliard, the King Crimson-esque Hear The Colours and the rock’n’roll influenced I Wanna Be Back Home, all of which are included in the 2009 re-release  album.

Throughout you can hear influences from The Beatles, Chicago, Blood Sweat & Tears, King Crimson and maybe even a few avant-garde classical elements. However, in this great mix of tunes there are many original moments never seen before, mainly to do with the merging of all these influences. This is a truly great release, with astounding musicianship from all members, groundbreaking drumming and melodic hooks and turns that will keep you entertained throughout the entirety of this work.

New Dawn

Although Strange Pleasure was an all round excellent album, it does not even compare to the wonderfully progressive New Dawn. This album truly marked the bands signature sound that had matured greatly over the years in professional complexity, smooth arrangements and avant-garde harmonies. All songs here are short and sweet, but pack a lot inside. The opener "New Dawn Breaking" is a prime example of what Galliard stood for and achieve in their music: exciting and diverse changes in the music, rhythmic complexity and a very well composed brass section. This track goes through many changes in time and tempo, with some fantastic dissonance (one of the bands pivotal attributes) and a great jazz saxophone improvisation in the centre section, the climax of the piece. Probably one of the bands best and most progressive works, this is jazz rock at its very finest.

Although their greatest work, it is probably the least commercial. This is due to the lengthier suites such as Winter-Spring-Summer and Ask For Nothing, but also due to the uncommon arrangements and the overblown improvisational parts, e.g. the song Premonition is simply one 5 minute impro piece. Fans of jazz will find this album essential. The highlights are Open Your Mind, the very lengthy, atmospheric Ask For Nothing, the suite Winter-Spring-Summer (which shows the true proggy tendencies of the band), the Bach/Jazz combined Open Up Your Mind, the rockier Something’s Goin’ On and the heavy jazz number Premonition. All of these songs are included on the re-release and are masterpieces in their own right, stretching from mainstream pop to jazz-rock classics. If you like jazz, then you should own this album. If you’re a drummer you should own this album. If you are a fan of lengthy improvisation you should own this album. If you are intrigued by the complex arrangements you should also own this album. Generally, if you like good music without being fussed by the production values, then you should own this album. A true, underrated gem of the 70s prog-rock scene.



Posted By: AnneGrahamPortraits
Date Posted: March 10 2009 at 04:56
Apart from the newsletter I received a separate email report "(weekly-pa-feed-bot)" telling me there are 16303 recipients. Was I the only one or did everyone receive this? And why? Something amiss maybe?

Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: March 10 2009 at 07:45
Originally posted by AnneGrahamPortraits AnneGrahamPortraits wrote:

Apart from the newsletter I received a separate email report "(weekly-pa-feed-bot)" telling me there are 16303 recipients. Was I the only one or did everyone receive this? And why? Something amiss maybe?

I received this as well.

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: March 10 2009 at 12:56
Thanks for reporting , a system error occur and around 3000 member received it.

Sorrya about that.


Prog On !

Posted By: angel-guardian
Date Posted: April 28 2009 at 07:04

thanks for the messages sent and i have been of great interest and hope to meet soon and go to forums

Posted By: angel-guardian
Date Posted: April 28 2009 at 07:07

menssa i will respond and give my comments in spanish because my english is not good,to say no more for now angel guardian!!!!!Clap

Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: June 02 2009 at 13:51
suggestion about feed content:  how about a first reviews section, containing last week's reviews that are the first for their respective albums?  Or pick one or two reviews of the week for each subgenre.  Or have a brief interview with a collaborator - it could be just standard questions that the collaborator answers

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: June 23 2009 at 00:13
Thanks for the suggestions KEN !

For now we will continue to have content automatically, review selection is a hard job since we have 1000/month and more. 

Interview with collaborator is a GREAT suggestion and I will try to have it in process, be patient ;-)


Prog On !

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: June 23 2009 at 00:13
Sorry all for the WEEKLY FEED PROBLEMS today , it is fixed now. Next week feed will be ok.

Prog On !

Posted By: Rip Van ProgWinkle
Date Posted: September 21 2009 at 17:49
I have a question about the weekly updates.  I am a relatively new member and I posted a review (of more than 100 words) several weeks ago (of Magnification by Yes).  While it showed up on the site under the album, it was not listed on the weekly e mail.  Was that correct?  I was under the impression that all album reviews were listed on the e mail.  Please let me know.  Thanks.


Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: September 21 2009 at 18:04
Originally posted by Rip Van ProgWinkle Rip Van ProgWinkle wrote:

I have a question about the weekly updates.  I am a relatively new member and I posted a review (of more than 100 words) several weeks ago (of Magnification by Yes).  While it showed up on the site under the album, it was not listed on the weekly e mail.  Was that correct?  I was under the impression that all album reviews were listed on the e mail.  Please let me know.  Thanks.


Hi and welcome to the site.

The only reviews highlighted in the email are reviews of current albums (i.e., 2009 albums).

Hope this helps.  I'll check out your review.  Smile

-------------" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Rip Van ProgWinkle
Date Posted: September 23 2009 at 00:52
Thanks for explaining the rules to me.  I think I read your review of Magnification when I posted mine.

By the way, I have listened to some of your new album, which I liked.  Good luck with that. 

Posted By: kplloyd
Date Posted: November 01 2010 at 20:00
What's with the "You can not vote in this poll" thing?
That's all I'm getting today.
Yes, I was logged-in when it told me that, poll after poll.

Posted By: alanterrill
Date Posted: November 08 2010 at 13:51
Yes me too, every single poll - is it because I don't agree with the majority :) ?

Posted By:
Date Posted: November 08 2010 at 16:32
Some people have created multiple accounts to cheat in polls, so you need to reach 40 forum posts before you can vote. But I don't see why use this thread for that issue...

Posted By: irrelevant
Date Posted: November 21 2010 at 04:44
Is the weekly PA feed still going? I haven't received one since June. 

-------------" rel="nofollow - New album!" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: November 21 2010 at 06:13
You are marked as a subscribers, I suspect your ANTI-SPAM policy blocking it.

Prog On !

Posted By: Bitterblogger
Date Posted: November 22 2010 at 18:32
What's the policy on using slang? I used the term sl*g. and it was assumed to be referring to the rauchy connotation of coitus, so an asterisk substituted for the "a".  However, in the Emerson Lake Palmer thread discussion, it was pointed out that the term means to insult or criticize. I even made a point about how this had evidently been corrected by Admin, but my comment was censored as before.

Posted By: friso
Date Posted: November 23 2010 at 01:46
Hey there. I wonder why my reviews never appear in the newsletter. Could some-one answer that question?

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: November 23 2010 at 06:03
^ it's the reviews made from 2009-2010 releases, possible ?

Prog On !

Posted By: cacha71
Date Posted: December 07 2010 at 03:44
Could someone unsubscribe me from the weekly newsletter please?  The link to unsubscribe doesn't work.  I visit the site regularly so  I don't really need it.  I don't know how I'm getting it because I didn't subscribe to it.


Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: December 07 2010 at 04:49
Will unsubscribe you, please tell me why the link does not work ? Error message ?

Prog On !

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: December 07 2010 at 05:08
^ unsubscribed

Prog On !

Posted By: Paul&drum
Date Posted: January 11 2011 at 18:05
My profile displays that I have no subsciptions, yet I keep getting the weekly feed... and I'm not Thick as a Brick as far as I know. You may stop the feed... Please!

Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: January 11 2011 at 19:02
the unsubscribe button just takes me to my edit profile page, where there is nothing even about the mailing list

I've also gotten 3 in the last 3 days

Posted By: TheGazzardian
Date Posted: January 12 2011 at 07:03
I just got one from2008 and another that said:

Hello weekly-feed-admin (bot)

Your message with the subject

Weekly PA feed (2008-5-26 to 2008-6-1)

was accepted for the list


Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: January 12 2011 at 07:10
I am aware of this issue, thanks for reporting. I stopped the mailing server so  this should be fixed now.

Prog On !

Posted By: Novo
Date Posted: January 12 2011 at 08:23
and I thought I have made some kind of impression (got that same message) even I am not regular guy down here ;)" rel="nofollow - Juha


Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: January 12 2011 at 19:35
You know, I haven't gotten a feed in awhile is this something I'm doing or a technical difficulty?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: February 26 2011 at 13:55
Newsletter is offline.

Replaced by a better integration of the new content of PA on the facebook page" rel="nofollow -

- New releases reviews (2010, 2011 and up)
- New topics (with a least 2 replies)
- Poll (with at least 2 replies)
- Interviews
- News
- new mp3 tracks
- new online videos
- new releases added 

Coming soon: 
- Book reviews
- Live performances reviews

I will open a new TOPIC related to the facebook page for comments and suggestion


Prog On !

Posted By: Norman Kiddie
Date Posted: March 22 2011 at 08:01
You are my favourite site. For some reason I no longer receive my weekly updates.
Can you enlighten me on this.
Norman Kiddie

Posted By: M@X
Date Posted: March 22 2011 at 13:31

Use the Facebook fan page for similar real-time updates" rel="nofollow -

or Twitter!/progarchives" rel="nofollow -!/progarchives

Prog On !

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