Since late last year I started to buy Peter Hammill and VdGG albums from Amazon. I am doing this chronologically. The first shipment included only "Fool's Mate" and "Chameleon in the Shadow of the Night" since I had absolutely no idea what he would sound like so I didn't want to spend too much money for something I would later just give away. In fact the only reason I took this chance was because of a Wikipedia article on Fish/Marillion that mentioned they were influenced by Peter Hammill among others. I always knew of the Genesis and Pink Floyd influences, and knew their music well, but this Peter fellow was a mystery.
Well I can tell you that I'm now up to his 6th solo album "Over" and VdGG's 5th album "Godbluff", which is an amazing 11 albums in less than 7 years. I agree with the original poster that it takes a little time for the music to grip you, but man once it does it doesn't let you go, long after you've turned the system off. I find myself humming the songs constantly to the point that I'm beginning to question my sanity! Every time I go back I discover something new in the kaleidoscope of sound and vocals that make up every track.
It's funny because I was born into Marillion, and in 1983 whenever they played "He Knows You Know" and "Garden Party" on the radio, I kept hearing the DJ's and critics say that they were a ripoff of original prog-rock bands, I was so insulted, to the point of even hating Genesis, Yes, and Pink Floyd! I loved my Marillion then, like I do to this day. But now I realize that if I was born 12 years earlier, I may have fallen in love with Peter Hammill in the same way (or Genesis, etc.) and then when Marillion came along I would feel jealous and cheated hearing them borrow from my beloved Peter Hammill!
In any event, my huge appreciation of Hammill/VdGG of recent months has made me lurk here and rediscover other bands like Genesis, but also new ones that I never even knew existed. There is such an immense library of amazing prog rock that one need never worry about running out of music to enjoy, and that's good because new bands don't attract me much.
Don't you just envy me that I still have to discover the other 44, yes that's FORTY-FOUR, albums that Peter Hammill/VdGG have created? Yikes I just realized by the time I'm through I'll have spent about $1,200 for it all!!!