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Joe Satriani albums

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Topic: Joe Satriani albums
Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Subject: Joe Satriani albums
Date Posted: April 01 2008 at 21:21
Just listening to Satch's new album, "Professor Satchafunkilus And The Musterion Of Rock" for the first time and loving it. In celebration of the new album I thought I'd just poll the PA on which album you think was this dude's best.

Hopefully I'm not the only Satch fan here!

Posted By: WaywardSon
Date Posted: April 01 2008 at 21:42
I wasn´t sure whether it was out yet, I´ve only heard the one song "I wanna rock" I think it was called
For me his best album is The Extremist
Is there love in space? is great as well, and of course Surfing with the alien (which will probably get the most votes)
At first I wasn´t too keen on Super Colossal, but now I really like it a lot
So, my vote is for The Extremist

Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: April 02 2008 at 11:35
Sweet! One taker on the poll!


No one else?

Posted By: Seltzer
Date Posted: April 04 2008 at 06:26
I don't know why Satriani gets downcasted as just another shredder because I think he's really quite a good songwriter. Strange Beautiful Music was an awesome album... he can really create moods.

Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: April 04 2008 at 06:59
I never saw Satriani as a shredder, to be honest


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: WaywardSon
Date Posted: April 04 2008 at 09:25
Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

I never saw Satriani as a shredder, to be honest
I agree, Satriani can play fast but he is more melodic and experimental. He also knows when to hold back and doesn´t have the need to deliver blistering fast solos in every song, like Malmsteen for example

Posted By: aapatsos
Date Posted: April 04 2008 at 13:34

Posted By: Petrovsk Mizinski
Date Posted: April 06 2008 at 22:18
I'm having trouble deciding here. Surfing With The Alien was simply a landmark in virtuoso instrumental guitar history. Without it, I probably wouldn't be proficient on guitar as I am today. But given that, some of my favorite songs are on The Extremist and Flying In A Blue Dream.
Flying had a few songs that I think are just filler, but it does have my 4 of my favorite tracks consecutively: The Forgotten (Part One)
The Forgotten (Part Two)
The Bells of Lal (Part One)
The Bells of Lal (Part Two).
He never seems to play those tracks live, nor are they really popular songs with many of Satriani's fans, but those are seriously emotive and beautiful tracks IMO, very underrated too.
Given those tracks a listenThumbs%20Up


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: April 06 2008 at 22:24
if the rest of Time Machine was as good as the title cut, it would win easily   ..that's not the case, so Engines of Creation for me

Posted By: Petrovsk Mizinski
Date Posted: April 11 2008 at 05:27
Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

I never saw Satriani as a shredder, to be honest
Joe Satriani is a shredder, whether someone likes to use the term or not. Shred/Shredder are not derogatory terms, they simply terms that describe virtuosic playing.
It is a just a question of whether you think a guitarist is a tasteful shredder or not. If you listen to Buckethead, you will notice he has written heaps of songs that don't even have guitar solos in them, yet he is still in the text book defintion of a shredder.
The term shredder is and can also be applied to virtuoso bass players.
Some talk about keyboardists being shredder's, but that's questionable usage of the term IMO, I think it's correct to say 'they are shredding on the keyboard', but keyboardists are not shredders as such, best left to call them virtuosos.
Joe pretty much defined the whole shred instrumental rock genre, and it just so happened he shreds only when he needs to communicate emotions that can't be done otherwise.


Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: April 11 2008 at 10:39

Listening to Surfing With The Alien the other day I can really see where the shredder label comes in. His later work (from about Engines Of Creation to now) is a lot more meditated and thought out... but I suppose the shredder label could still apply simply because of the nature of the music - ie. albums filled with guitar-based instrumental music

Posted By: Icedog
Date Posted: June 24 2008 at 06:25

A newbie here. I'm enjoying Professor Satchafunkilus And The Musterion Of Rock as I type. A Satriani concert in my city in two weeks so it will be interesting to see which tracks make the play list. It took Joe 9 years to return to Adelaide in November 2006 and since then he was part of a fantastic Petrucci, Vai and Satriani concert. What more could you ask when the bass players were Dave LaRue and Billy Sheehan?! So with this concert, three Satriani's live in 18 months!!! Would love to see a Steve Morse, Steve Vai and Joe Satriani G3 line up.

For me the tracks Flying in A Blue Dream, Crush of Love and If I Could Fly top my current very long list of Satriani's favourites.

Keep well,


Posted By: BroSpence
Date Posted: June 24 2008 at 10:10
I reckon Surfing is as it has "Midnight" which is his best work.

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