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Fripp's Vista Soundscapes?

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: Fripp's Vista Soundscapes?
Posted By: ProgBagel
Subject: Fripp's Vista Soundscapes?
Date Posted: March 12 2008 at 14:41
I saw the video a while back of him doing them. When I went on my friends computer that had vista I had no luck finding it. I found little snippets of sounds that the GI uses when boxes are open/closed and other crap, but it certainly didn't sound like Fripp or his soundscapes.

Anybody have an idea where they can be found?

Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: March 13 2008 at 08:11
I've been wondering this too.

Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: March 13 2008 at 22:42
It's there, just don't expect a prog miracle for all there is, is a short 4 note melody which has nothing to do with actual music. I guess if wanting you can acces the source of the music, but really there's nothing to see or hear, move on  and forget Fripp ever wasted his time on something as trivial as this. I guess he got payed, but IMO he didn't deliver, so forget his paux pas and move on.
but where to actually acces the music I'm at a blanc, for indeed the upstart music could be his, but I can't find the source at my computer.

Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: March 14 2008 at 20:51
So there's nothing more than the small sounds here and there? In that case I've heard it.

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: March 15 2008 at 02:55
Think I heard a Windows 4 seconds clip by Fripp once, I didn't know of anything done for Vista, but, in case there is, I guess it's normal. Anyway, tux's right, there's no reason to think anything is special because it's made by Fripp or it has to do with a style or anything (soundscapes), it's a promotional sound and nothing more.

Incidentally, I remember that a member added once that 4 seconds clip I mentioned as "The Soundtrack to Windows XP's new opening music" or something, calling it studio album. He even reviewed it! LOL


Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: March 15 2008 at 14:35
the Microsoft session is on youtube, 10 minutes of airey soundscapes, halfway he's asked to do some powercords, well those didn't make it to Vista, but those 'notes'  can be heard in the intro.

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

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