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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Unsigned Bands
Forum Description: For new prog bands with no official releases
Printed Date: March 03 2025 at 05:33
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.01 -

Topic: Imaginaria
Posted By: andrea
Subject: Imaginaria
Date Posted: February 23 2008 at 08:20

Italian prog band from Milan... -


Posted By: Angelo
Date Posted: February 25 2008 at 17:12
Interesting mix of styles and sounds - violin, piano, keyboards, guitar. Sometimes quiet, sometimes floating, sometimes as bombastic as Pennelli di Vermeer or ELP. The female singer is not the best I've heard, but certainly far from bad. I think I can take a liking to this if I hear it often enough.

What is bothering me is that there seems to be a lot of energy in tracks like Sciamano and Lisa dei Coriandoli (with soprano, which is not my taste at all), yet the spark doesn't find me. Is it because I write this on first listen, or because the energy is spread over too many changes in tempo, style and volume?

Difficult to get into, and therefor promising for the future - I'll need a few more listens to get a real opinion on this one. Let's see.....

-------------" rel="nofollow - ISKC Rock Radio
I stopped blogging and reviewing - so won't be handling requests. Promo's for ariplay can be sent to [email protected]

Posted By: avestin
Date Posted: February 25 2008 at 17:50
Great music, liked it instantly.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanging Sounds" rel="nofollow - PA Index of prog music vendors

Posted By: Angelo
Date Posted: February 25 2008 at 18:06
Hehe, we must have different brand ears, Assaf Wink

-------------" rel="nofollow - ISKC Rock Radio
I stopped blogging and reviewing - so won't be handling requests. Promo's for ariplay can be sent to [email protected]

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