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Shameles promotion

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Topic: Shameles promotion
Posted By: el böthy
Subject: Shameles promotion
Date Posted: February 13 2008 at 18:08
In just a few weeks the Ep from my and martinn´s band "Secuencia Fibonacci" will be "released"... or something like that. Right now it´s about to enter the mixing process and if everything goes smooth it will be "out" on the "strees" in just a couple of weeks.

The Ep will have 5 songs, pretty good for an Ep, but way too short for an album. The Ep´s name will (probably) be "Frecuencia Fetuccini" in honor of absolutly nothing.

The song list shall be...

  1. Overture - a 5 min song full melodic and modern symphonic rock
  2. Uter - a 3 min rhythm jazzy salsa polka in honor or Uter (the german kid from the Simpsons)
  3. Chats ( a.k.a. "Si querés verlo a Istvan comerse 4 platos de ravioles con fileto andá a la página 54" ...which means "If you wish to see Istvan eat 4 plates of ravioli with fileto go to page 54"... Istvan is a freind of ours) - a under 3 min cut back from what once was a 8 min bad song
  4. Secuencia Fibonacci - a 8 min complex rhythm patterns smash with enough math rock to get you in the mood to start talking about vectors and integrals... there is a 11/8 part, uhhhhh fancy sh*t!
  5. Bosques, los - our first and by far most melodic and soon to be smash hit (yeah right) with more hook that a pitates hand, it´s about 4 min long
So, as you can see, the Ep will be pretty good... or not, I guess it´s somewhere in between

Oh, and why do I publish this if I have nothing to give you guys to listen to?... shameless promotion...

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: February 13 2008 at 18:31
Good luck with this Matias, there's nothing shameless in a bit of self-promotion Wink 


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: February 13 2008 at 18:32
cool... hope we get a chance to hear what you have got there.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: avestin
Date Posted: February 13 2008 at 19:53
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

cool... hope we get a chance to hear what you have got there.
What Micky said

-------------" rel="nofollow - Hanging Sounds" rel="nofollow - PA Index of prog music vendors

Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: February 13 2008 at 21:33
Originally posted by avestin avestin wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

cool... hope we get a chance to hear what you have got there.
What Micky said

ok... but it will cost youLOL

nah, I probably upload them to purevolume

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: aurelz
Date Posted: March 03 2008 at 20:01

I'd like to hear what you have as well... should be good

Posted By: ES335
Date Posted: March 05 2008 at 23:21
Sounds interesting to me. Do ;em up

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