How much do you listen to your fave bands overall?
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Topic: How much do you listen to your fave bands overall?
Posted By: Zitro
Subject: How much do you listen to your fave bands overall?
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 09:19
This poll is basically like this:
list your top 3 bands, and vote how much do you think you spend listening to their music compared to how much time you listen to music overall.
me: _The flower Kings _Genesis _Opeth
I guess between 20-30%
Posted By: proggy
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 09:37
Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, Steve Hackett....... 20% - 30%.......
Posted By: TGM: Orb
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 10:02
Genesis, King Crimson, ELP
20-30% (optimistic)
Posted By: dAJaro
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 10:11
genesis, van der graaf generator, marillion (or pink floyd, porcupine tree)
i only listen to those when i'm outside and if they're currently on my ipod. i guess that would be under 5% of all the time i spend on music.
Posted By: The Quiet One
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 10:12
Deep Purple - Pink Floyd - Supertramp 20% 30%
Posted By: The Pessimist
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 10:29
VDGG The Mars Volta Pink Floyd/ Pendragon
A lot basically, mostly TMV and VDGG though
------------- "Market value is irrelevant to intrinsic value."
Arnold Schoenberg
Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 10:59
I'd say about 10-20% to be honest, I tend to listen to as many different bands as I can but PoS is in the CD player regularly, but I wouldnt really know what my other two favourit bands are, not that it would make much difference.
------------- Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005
Posted By: Chicapah
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 11:04
I had to think about this for a moment. During my daily commute I usually listen to the newest prog I've purchased, trying to wrap my head around the music so I can formulate an intelligent review. At home or on the weekends I usually listen to one of my faves that I've been neglecting like Yes, Porcupine Tree or Genesis (although not limited to just those three since Flower Kings, Dream Theater and several others are included in my "faves" category).
------------- "Literature is well enough, as a time-passer, and for the improvement and general elevation and purification of mankind, but it has no practical value" - Mark Twain
Posted By: Karbo
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 11:08
Porcupine Tree, King Crimson and The Mars Volta
At least 30-40%.
But to choose three band is hard! Rush, Frank Zappa, VDGG and Talk Talk are all very close runner-up for third place. If I add those, my percentage raise to at least 60-70%.
But I try to keep my ears open and I make time for other great bands. There is so much to hear!
------------- « Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen. » Ludwig Wittgenstein
Posted By: Evans
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 11:18
Libertines, and all the time.
'Let's give it another fifteen seconds..'
Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 11:40
Led Zeppelin
0 - 10%. So not that much really. The thing is I've listened to them so much in the last 30 years that I'm so familiar with the material that most of the time I preffer to listen to less familiar stuff. Of course I have to dig them out from time to time and if we get a new release then that gets plenty of play.
Posted By: ProgBagel
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 11:40
Porcupine Tree
Pain of Salvation
Little less then half, thanks to Porcupine Tree.
Posted By: Queen By-Tor
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 12:00
Rush being my favorite...
I'll always listen to at least one of their albums per day, and usually if that happens I'll listen to another. I'd say about 30-40% for my time is Rushly time.
Posted By: laplace
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 12:03
When I'm at home, almost never at all, since I have access to albums I need to spend more time with. But when I'm outside I just have my mp3 player with a handful of albums to choose from, so... almost all the time, then. The last few times I went out I listened to Art Bears' "The World as it is Today" because apart from that, everything on my mp3 player is non-media data. =P
Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 12:24
King Crimson - Yes - Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
about 30%
------------- "You want me to play what, Robert?"
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 12:28
My listening time is split in three at the moment. I'm listening to Porcupine Tree, VDGG and and TMV and not much else, although The Stranglers and Black Sabbath got a spin at the weekend..
Posted By: Revan
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 12:53
Pink Floyd, Ulver, Blind Guardian
about 10%
Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 13:19
------------- "The wind is slowly tearing her apart"
Posted By: Lofcaudio
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 15:46
Favorite three (right now):
Neal Morse
Pain of Salvation
Devin Townsend
20% - 30% these days
Posted By: Urs Blank
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 16:40
Genesis, Marillion, King Crimson, VdGG, Pink Floyd, Anekdoten, The Mahavishnu Orchestra, Return to Forever, PT, Opeth, Arcturus... The fact is that I have so many favourite bands, all together it must represent about 60-70% of the time.
------------- Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.
Salvador Dali.
Posted By: memowakeman
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 17:42
I try to listen to all my music, i would say 20 - 30% my fav bands
Follow me on twitter @memowakeman
Posted By: bruin69
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 18:42
Manfred Mann's Earth Band
Probably 20% or so
------------- A dog is for lunch and not just for breakfast
Posted By: heyitsthatguy
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 18:45
lately its been a lot but my "favorite bands" includes a looot of different bands oh favorite 3 probably about 20% ish
Posted By: JROCHA
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 18:50
I can' t pick three favorites but these are the bands i listen to the most
Rush TOOL The Mars Volta Isis Genesis Porcupine Tree
Posted By: Kord
Date Posted: February 13 2008 at 17:19
floyd, porcupine tree and crimson...about prog rock
but i have lots of other bands that i love to listen to...0-10%
i hardly listen to something of floyd now that i know everything of them..
------------- [IMG]" border">
Posted By: Philip
Date Posted: February 14 2008 at 07:13
I think it's something about 30-40% of the total listening time.
Posted By: Norbert
Date Posted: February 14 2008 at 08:21
I think this must be Yes, VDGG and Gentle Giant, for today, about 15-20%.
Posted By: acelxpro
Date Posted: February 14 2008 at 14:08
Genesis, King Crimson and VDGG. I'd say 20% on average.
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: February 14 2008 at 14:12
the hell if I know .. I guess I'll break out a stop watch and figure that out hahhaha. Let's say 15% of the time but like most of I us I assume . unless you are a gold card carrying member of the PA's geek squad... that is just a guess.
------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: Rocktopus
Date Posted: February 14 2008 at 15:02
My four - five faves, probably about 4-5%.
------------- Over land and under ashes
In the sunlight, see - it flashes
Find a fly and eat his eye
But don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
Posted By: Sckxyss
Date Posted: February 14 2008 at 18:23
King Crimson: 4.095%
Univers Zero: 2.840%
Magma: 2.566%
Total: 9.5014%
Calculated using statistics 
Posted By: micky
Date Posted: February 14 2008 at 18:27

------------- The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
Posted By: Oceansizzle
Date Posted: February 14 2008 at 21:24
Floyd, Zeppelin, Oceansize
Posted By: Proletariat
Date Posted: February 14 2008 at 22:10
Pink Floyd - 10%
Tool - 10%
(they are high because you can listen to them with non-proggers)
GYBE! - 1%
(you really have to want to listen to it, it never can be background)
------------- who hiccuped endlessly trying to giggle but wound up with a sob
Posted By: Jimbo
Date Posted: February 15 2008 at 02:52
I'm pretty sure it's 0-10 % for me.