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The Other Three

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Top 10s and lists
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Topic: The Other Three
Posted By: anoah
Subject: The Other Three
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 20:37
So I'm doing a project about prog for my school. (You can imagine the persuading I had to do to get this topic.)  So as part of the progject (hehe), I'm gonna do biographies on ten of the most influential "classic" prog groups.  So, I started by using the 7 that were made in a post a while back.  For those who don't know what I'm talking about, they are:

King Crimson
Jethro Tull
Pink Floyd

But I need three more. I'm going for the classic groups here, so nothing contemporary or obscure (I know there's a lot of great contemporary/obscure stuff out there, but I need to limit my project a little.  So I need suggestions.  The ones I've come up with so far as candidates are:

Gentle Giant
Uriah Heep
Atomic Rooster
Soft Machine
The Moody Blues

I just need three.  Any more suggestions?


Posted By: moreitsythanyou
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 20:39
Frank Zappa would be a good one.
I'd say FZ, the Moody Blues, and Gentle Giant based mostly on popularity, but also on signifigance

<font color=white>butts, lol[/COLOR]

Posted By: sean
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 20:40
VdGG must be one

Posted By: Quantum Tuba
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 20:40
The Mahavishnu Orchestra
Frank Zappa

What can you do against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your arguments a fair hearing and then simply persists in his lunacy?
-- George Orwell

Posted By: sean
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 20:41
I was just about to add Zappa to that

Posted By: sean
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 20:42
Rush would also be a good choice

Posted By: sean
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 20:43
Oh, and Pink Floyd. Why couldn't I remember these in my initial post?

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 20:43
The Moodys, VDGG, and Caravan

shame on all of you for not thinking of Caravan.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: cuncuna
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 20:44
VDGG is a must. Then Gentle giant and I guess soft machine.

¡Beware of the Bee!

Posted By: Rocktopus
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 20:50
Out of the bands you've suggested I think these 10 are the most influentual/important. (I know you've decided on your first seven so thethree in bold are the three I'd choose to include).

King Crimson
Pink Floyd
Gentle Giant
Soft Machine
The Moody Blues

Over land and under ashes
In the sunlight, see - it flashes
Find a fly and eat his eye
But don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
Don't believe in me

Posted By: KeleCableII
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 20:59
I don't know the purpose or intentions behind the project, but taking Pink Floyd out might be a good idea since most people know them anyway. Or I guess they can be used as an entry point.

But I'd say add VDGG, Moody Blues and Gentle Giant.

Posted By: martinn
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 21:04
Gentle Giant, VdGG and Caravan


Posted By: kiwi
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 21:07
Take a look at the top 50 or 100 albums on the front page. Great idea for a projectSmile


We, verily, have made music as a ladder for your souls, a means whereby they may be lifted up unto the realm on high.. (Baha'u'llah)


Posted By: anoah
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 21:10
I think I should include VDGG. It's really hard because there's about 5 or 10 that different people say must be included.  I sort of cover proto/early prog as a separate topic so the early band (Pink Floyd/Soft Machine/Moody Blues) will be talked about a little, and I do talk about some of the "movements" like Canterbury scene so I will mention Gong/Soft Machine (again)/Caravan. So I guess those are out.  I'm debating on whether or not to keep Floyd. They were so important to the developement of space rock, though.  Frank Zappa and Gentle Giant are maybe's.


Posted By: bhikkhu
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 21:43
Guys, don't forget that Soft Machine is often credited as being one of the original prog bands. Sometimes even ahead of King Crimson. For history's sake, that might be a must.

a.k.a. H.T." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: ClassicRocker
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 21:46
Originally posted by moreitsythanyou moreitsythanyou wrote:

Frank Zappa would be a good one.
I'd say FZ, the Moody Blues, and Gentle Giant based mostly on popularity, but also on signifigance

ditto that


Posted By: Run Home Slow
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 21:51
Zappa, VdGG and Gentle Giant... then, choose beteween Soft Machine or Gong and remove Rush

If you got ears, you gotta listen — Captain Beefheart

Posted By: kiwi
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 22:22
Definately keep Pink Floyd. Dark side of the Moon was in the album charts for over 25 years. A true classic.  
"According to the December 1, 2001 issue of Billboard, Pink Floyd's - Dark Side of the Moon has been on the charts for an astounding 1,285 weeks. That's just under 25 years! Its closest rival is James Taylor's - Greatest Hits , checking in at 573 weeks on the chart. James can expect to reach Pink Floyd's record number in about 13 1/2 years."


We, verily, have made music as a ladder for your souls, a means whereby they may be lifted up unto the realm on high.. (Baha'u'llah)


Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 22:41
Gentle Giant, Frank Zappa, Soft Machine

Posted By: keiser willhelm
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 22:59
agree with the moody blues, great proto prog and could help introduce the other bands. Gentle Giant MUST be one, and i cant decide whether to chose Zappa or VdgG. . . 

-------------" rel="nofollow - What im listening to

Posted By: ClassicRocker
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 23:40
Originally posted by bhikkhu bhikkhu wrote:

Guys, don't forget that Soft Machine is often credited as being one of the original prog bands. Sometimes even ahead of King Crimson. For history's sake, that might be a must.

LOL I'm sorry, but that's just a funny phrase to me. It's like "possibly essential"


Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: January 28 2008 at 23:51
VDGG, FZ, and the Giant.

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 00:09
Besides Rush (who are Canadian) your list is mostly British so since Kansas is Americas premier progressive Rock band who in their past were hugely successful your list should include them just to look balanced and even  and perhaps a little more original than most lists that get posted on this site.   

Posted By: Crimson King420
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 00:09
I can't believe no one has suggested Camel yet.  I feel they are a definite must, they are extremely classical oriented.  Many of their albums use classical form and structure and can even be considered as symphonies, at least in my opinion.  I feel that Camel as well as the Moody Blues need to be added to that list since we can clearly see the classical influences in the Moody Blues with the Days of Future Passed album.

Sing hymns, make love, get high, fall dead.

Posted By: purpleblues1
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 00:23
for what it's worth, I'd put Hawkind, Pink Floyd and Camel in.
Hawkwind for their space rock pedigree and the influence they had.
pink Floyd because without them, any work on "Classic" "Prog" is going to be like a car without wheels.everyone knows what they do,without them, it goes nowhere.
Camel for the sheer beauty of their music

Posted By: puma
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 00:31
Camel, Van der Graaf, and it's a toss up between Hawkwind or Soft Machine.

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 02:53
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

The Moodys, VDGG, and Caravan

shame on all of you for not thinking of Caravan.

That's my darlingHeart....

Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 05:25
Rush does in my opinion not belong with the others, because they did not enter the game before 1974, when all the others had been around for a few years already. so kick out Rush and throw in Gentle Giant, Van der Graaf Generator, Gong and Amon Düül 2. Soft Machine, Guru Guru, Magma or Embryo would be good choices too. Embryo is definitely the most underrated band out there; they were one of the very first Krautrock bands, are still around and highly original. they deserve a lot more attention and are in my opinion up with bands like Gong, Magma or VdGG


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: Norbert
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 08:39
 Frank Zappa, VDGG, Gentle Giant, PFM, Le Orme, Banco,Magma, Caravan woud be all good.
  You may get rid of Rush to create one more free place..

Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 13:56
Remove Rush for the reasons Jean provided.


Soft Machine or Caravan
Tangerine Dream (WinkEmbarrassed)

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Posted By: ES335
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 14:36
I'd replace Rush with Zappa, then ask yourself why it has to be ten. Does it have to be ten, or did you decide you want ten?

Posted By: efoman
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 16:11
I would say VDGG for sure. The probably Camel and Gentle Giant. But if you wanted to lend some perspective you could include Marillion as the next generation.

Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 16:21
Originally posted by efoman efoman wrote:

I would say VDGG for sure. The probably Camel and Gentle Giant. But if you wanted to lend some perspective you could include Marillion as the next generation.

for next generation I would rather choose the Ozric Tentacles. but that's just my personal taste


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: MusicalSalmacis
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 16:32
Zappa is a must, and then i'd say Camel, VdGG and Gentle Giant are also important

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 16:47
I would just write about Rush and forget the other 9 pseudo prog bands. OuchWinkLOL


Posted By: anoah
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 16:58
I think I am going to remove Rush (sorry rushfan4). So that leaves me space for four others.  The choice of using ten is somewhat arbitrary, but it's a nice round number and I do want to limit myself a little.  It's a 45 minute report on the whole of prog. I have to condense every word on this website down to 45 minutes, so I'm choosing 10.  I am gonna' mention neo-prog and krautrock, giving examples of the bands, etc., so I'm hesitant to use bands like Ozric Tentacles or Amon Duul II.  I know they were both very important, but, compared to Yes or Pink Floyd...
I know, someone's going to argue that they're more important, or that my choices were based on popularity, but let's face it.  I can only choose 10. Unhappy 


Posted By: MusicalSalmacis
Date Posted: January 29 2008 at 18:24
If you remove Rush, bring in Zappa, and possibly Camel, VdGG, Caravan, Magma or Gentle Giant, maybe even Dream Theater (as an example of the progmetal movement)

Posted By: TGM: Orb
Date Posted: January 30 2008 at 13:52
Camel and VDGG would seem to be the obvious ones, much as I'd love to suggest Colosseum or Supertramp or something more fusiony, Gentle Giant or Zappa should fill the final slot. I think Rush are pretty vital though.

Posted By: ghost_of_morphy
Date Posted: February 01 2008 at 12:58
This poll should be of interest to you. - =

It looks from this that Camel, VDGG, and Gentle Giant are the ones that stirred up the most interest.
Please note that I did not forget about Caravan when I was coming up with candidates.  Big%20smile

Posted By: Philip
Date Posted: February 02 2008 at 12:44
I think Gentle Giant must be one of those bands. They explored obscured territories that any other band ever explored.
Camel, because I just love their music.
Dream Theater. Not my favourite style but the main representers of Prog metal.
The fourth band , i really can't decide between Frank Zappa (no presentation needed) or Premiata Forneria Marconi as the best representers of Italian prog Rock, in my opinion.

Posted By: el böthy
Date Posted: February 04 2008 at 20:44
jajaja Ah, we have all mezmerized, bored, stupified our classmates with Prog, haven´t we? jejeje good times

"You want me to play what, Robert?"

Posted By: acelxpro
Date Posted: February 05 2008 at 21:49
I'd say start with the big names: Yes, Genesis, King Crimson, then move onto some bands from other countries like Eloy or Focus or PFM and finally move onto the neo prog: Marillion, Spock's beard, Flower kings.

Posted By: progrules
Date Posted: February 12 2008 at 02:18
It all depends on what the ultimate goal of the top 10 is. You say it will have to be the classic ones, in that case they have all been mentioned. You could also measure the 10 greatest so far on progarchives. Not too long ago I did a small investigation and added all ratings of all the great progressive bands (studio albums) and this is the top 13 of that research project (you could say: the 13 most popular progbands according to the visitors of this site):
1. Pink Floyd
2. Genesis
3. Yes
4. Dream Theater
5. King Crimson
6. Rush
7. Porcupine Tree
8. Jethro Tull
9. Camel
10. Marillion
11. Gentle Giant
12. ELP
13. VDGG
I mention 13 because of two reasons: 1) They stick out compared to no.14 and the rest (1108/672)
2) If you really want the classic bands you will have to omit DT, PT and Marillion and you have the top 10.

A day without prog is a wasted day

Posted By: The Pessimist
Date Posted: February 13 2008 at 07:09
Van Der Graaf Generator, Gentle Giant and Supertramp would be my suggestions. Good luck with your project.

"Market value is irrelevant to intrinsic value."

Arnold Schoenberg

Posted By: StyLaZyn
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 12:32
Originally posted by Rocktopus Rocktopus wrote:

Out of the bands you've suggested I think these 10 are the most influentual/important. (I know you've decided on your first seven so thethree in bold are the three I'd choose to include).

King Crimson
Pink Floyd
Gentle Giant
Soft Machine
The Moody Blues
You took Rush out. Without Rush, there would be no Dream Theater.


Posted By: moodyxadi
Date Posted: February 19 2008 at 14:59
Man, don't put Zappa in your list. Only in prog territories Zappa is considered a prog musician/ artist. Never saw a bad review of zappa in any of the magazines/places where prog rock is burn in a stake.
VdGG is a must. if you write a historic report, you should include Soft Machine and the Moodies. If you want to be a patriot, put Kansas in the bag. If you want to attract attention of future listeners, put DT and other pseudoprog band of nowadays (PT, e.g.).
Good luck. Be careful with emos and hip-hoppers reaction.

Bach, Ma, Bros, Déia, Dante.

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