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Your progressive reactions

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Topic: Your progressive reactions
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Your progressive reactions
Date Posted: December 19 2007 at 15:41
Whad do you say to someone when he/she asks you: what's kind of music do you listen to? Is it worth saying "prog"? If yes, do you get irritated when he/she replies: what's that? Or you simply smile and say: it's a kind of food... Anything else about "progressive reactions" is welcomed...

Posted By: progismylife
Date Posted: December 19 2007 at 15:43
I say prog then proceed to show them the wide range of music that can mean. So far only 5 people have asked me what music I listen to though, so I don't get a chance to show off the amazing music I listen to.

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: December 19 2007 at 20:50
I'd say prog, but I don't get asked often.
I really don't expect people to know what I'm talking about so if I get blank stares its all good with me. 

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: Mikerinos
Date Posted: December 19 2007 at 21:57
Depends on the person asking and how I'm feeling at the time.  Sometimes I give a vague, generic answer, sometimes I recite several of my favorite genres and usually get a bewildered response.  Most people that I've talked to know what prog is, but they only associate it with a limited number of bands, usually Dream Theater and Rush. Cry


Posted By: Proletariat
Date Posted: December 19 2007 at 22:03
depends, If they are an openminded friend I say here and hand them an earbud from my Ipod, let the music do the talking. If I don't know them I say "crazy hippie sh*t" its true and they get interested, but are not really sure what to expect.

who hiccuped endlessly trying to giggle but wound up with a sob

Posted By: jimmy_row
Date Posted: December 20 2007 at 00:58
"prog" is such a funny word to say out loud...I type it all the time but I just can't say it without giggling. If someone asked, I guess I'd say progressive music or just rock/classic rock.  If it's someone who seems to care about music, I'll also talk about blues, folk, classical, and a little jazz as well.

Signature Writers Guild on strike

Posted By: Vibrationbaby
Date Posted: December 20 2007 at 10:54
I just say a lot of crap that you`ve probably never heard of. Which is the case 99 % of the time.


Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: December 20 2007 at 11:04
Originally posted by Vibrationbaby Vibrationbaby wrote:

I just say a lot of crap that you`ve probably never heard of. Which is the case 99 % of the time.

Same here.  Saying "I listen to progressive rock/music" or "I like prog" will usually just yield blank stares.

Posted By: Jim Garten
Date Posted: December 20 2007 at 11:47
I find if I say Britney Spears, they just go away...


Jon Lord 1941 - 2012

Posted By: magnus
Date Posted: December 20 2007 at 15:55
"weird sh*t"

The scattered jigsaw of my redemption laid out before my eyes
Each piece as amorphous as the other - Each piece in its lack of shape a lie

Posted By: laplace
Date Posted: December 20 2007 at 16:14
I go a little blank, and my eyes go very small and my lips go very firm and I start to perspire at an accelerated pace. When that turns out not to be sufficiently off-putting for the inquirer I tend to shout "G-REG LAKE-U~!" and run away as quickly as possible


Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: December 20 2007 at 19:11
Depends on my mood and the situation. Lately though I have gotten fed up with endless genres and subgenres, so from now on I'm just going to reply "music", or namedrop some very obscure band no one's ever heard of. 

Posted By: YesFan72
Date Posted: December 20 2007 at 21:49
"Good music."


Posted By: Abstrakt
Date Posted: December 21 2007 at 05:59
I say "progressive rock". Most people my age doesn't know anything about it.
But some adults think that means that i like 80-90's Genesis&Yes Angry Kind of pisses me off!

Posted By: Bj-1
Date Posted: December 22 2007 at 08:54

I just say I listen to Jazz, Metal, Experimental music, and various 70's bands like Genesis, Yes and King Crimson. That's the best method I have come up with so far.

RIO/AVANT/ZEUHL - The best thing you can get with yer pants on!

Posted By: Forgotten Son
Date Posted: December 22 2007 at 10:02
I just say Prog Rock, Metal and Alternative Rock. If they ask me what Prog is I'll do my best to explain until they either understand or get a glazed look in their eyes.

Posted By: Chicapah
Date Posted: December 22 2007 at 10:30
While I'm way too old to care what people think of my taste in music anymore, if they give me a blank stare at the mention of prog rock I just say "it's okay, you wouldn't understand" and leave it at that.

"Literature is well enough, as a time-passer, and for the improvement and general elevation and purification of mankind, but it has no practical value" - Mark Twain

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: December 22 2007 at 11:54
I tell them I listen to anything that appeals to my ears. If they really want a conversation about it - which is not often - I will list some bands; some prog, some not.

Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: January 01 2008 at 04:44
I just say jazz and rock, that gives a random person a good enough impression. If I get to talking to the person more deeply and find out what they like more too then I'll get into the whole description of the prog scene.

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