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Let's hear some love for Flash!!

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: Let's hear some love for Flash!!
Posted By: ghost_of_morphy
Subject: Let's hear some love for Flash!!
Date Posted: November 06 2007 at 21:26
Surely I'm not alone in appreciating the work that Banks, Hough, Kaye, Bennet, and Carter did on the original Flash album,   In particular, Dreams of Heaven is a revolutionary work, anticipating what Yes would do on CTTE as well as looking back to
A Time and a Word.  Let's hear some love!!!

Posted By: ghost_of_morphy
Date Posted: November 06 2007 at 22:02
Maybe I am alone.  What a shame.   This is the best prog discovery I've made since I heard PFM.

Posted By: Shakespeare
Date Posted: November 06 2007 at 22:04

Posted By: ghost_of_morphy
Date Posted: November 06 2007 at 22:05
That does not cheer me up.

Posted By: Shakespeare
Date Posted: November 06 2007 at 22:12
Describe this project for me , post a review, come on, persuade me to buy the album, damnit!

That will be hard because I'm not much a Yes fan. At least, not by the site's standards.

Posted By: The Doctor
Date Posted: November 06 2007 at 22:12
I love the album Flash.  You're not alone.  I also thought In the Can and Out of Our Hands were pretty good too, although not as great as their debut.  It's ashame they only put out three albums.  Cry

I can understand your anger at me, but what did the horse I rode in on ever do to you?

Posted By: ghost_of_morphy
Date Posted: November 07 2007 at 01:03
Originally posted by Shakespeare Shakespeare wrote:

Describe this project for me , post a review, come on, persuade me to buy the album, damnit!

That will be hard because I'm not much a Yes fan. At least, not by the site's standards.
LOL.  I don't know that I can.   A lot of people claim that it sounds like early Yes but, except for the epic Dreams of Heaven, I don't think so.  Peter has learned some restraint by this time, Kaye is at the height of his powers, Hough is very good drummer, Bennet is competent bassist, and Carter is a more conventional vocalist.  Children of the Universe, which is the second or third best track (depending on your opinion) of the first Flash album can be streamed freely here.  If you like that, you will definitely want the whole album.
Don't expect Close to the Edge, but expect something a lot more fun than A Time and a Word.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: November 07 2007 at 01:07
I was soured by In the Can, perhaps I should consider the first

Posted By: Dick Heath
Date Posted: November 07 2007 at 07:56
Originally posted by The Doctor The Doctor wrote:

I love the album Flash.  You're not alone.  I also thought In the Can and Out of Our Hands were pretty good too, although not as great as their debut.  It's ashame they only put out three albums.  Cry
There's a fourth, a  superior bootleg quality release of a live show (Voiceprint Records?). Don't like the third album - felt they had run out of steam. A  Pete Banks solo album released at the same time, and IMHO  is better - and if I remember correctly this had Jan Akkermann guesting plus a numbe rof the usual suspects??????. Always felt the first two Flash albums were in part a statement by Banks: "what ever Howe can do I can do better and longer"
Saw Flash as support to Beck Boggart Appice in 1974-ish at Loughborough University - remains the best gig by both lead and support bands, I've seen.

The best eclectic music on the Web,8-11pm BST/GMT THURS.
Host by PA's Dick Heath.

Posted By: dwill123
Date Posted: November 07 2007 at 09:04
Not to be a negative nancy but I got sick of Flash.  When they came out they seemed to open just about every concert I went to for about a year.  Barely average at best.  I was glad when they finally just went away.

Posted By: Philéas
Date Posted: November 07 2007 at 10:45
I haven't heard Flash, but I love Peter Banks' guitarwork on the first two Yes albums (he's highly underrated).

Posted By: jammun
Date Posted: November 07 2007 at 22:06
I'll give a thumbs up for the music on their first album, and the cover on the second.
I used to have both LP's, but they've gone missing over the years.  I probably should pick up the first on CD.  Doesn't look like In The Can is available at a decent price.

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