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The Musical Box in Rome

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Topic: The Musical Box in Rome
Posted By: CANterbury
Subject: The Musical Box in Rome
Date Posted: September 24 2007 at 13:47

Saturday 10 november The Musical Box will perform the Black Selling Show...who will be there???I have already take the tickets!!!

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: September 24 2007 at 16:01
I saw those guys in Atlanta, lots of fun for someone who wasn't able to see the classic Genesis lineup live and in person.  Genesisomania!

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: KeleCableII
Date Posted: September 24 2007 at 17:23
I'm seeing them in Milwaukee in December.

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 24 2007 at 17:26
Originally posted by CANterbury CANterbury wrote:

Saturday 10 november The Musical Box will perform the Black Selling Show...who will be there???I have already take the tickets!!!

I know there is no crying in prog... but ...


The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Dick Heath
Date Posted: September 24 2007 at 17:30

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Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: September 24 2007 at 17:55
My biggest disappointment in prog is that I have never seen Peter Gabriel-era Genesis, my biggest progrock dream that came close to true is ... The Musical Box (I have seen the Foxtrot, Selling and The Lamb tour), what a mindblowing tribute, I was flooded by wet eyes and goose bumps, so compelling and exciting Clap

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 24 2007 at 17:59
I don't even like Genesis... and would love to see The Musical Box LOL  Especially in Rome Cry

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: September 24 2007 at 18:07
Progheads who don't like Peter Gabriel era Genesis should be banned from Prog Archives as Non Prog Barbarians or be forced to attend an Extensive Progrock Education Course Evil%20Smile

Posted By: jimmy_row
Date Posted: September 24 2007 at 18:12
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

I don't even like Genesis... and would love to see The Musical Box LOL  Especially in Rome Cry
Shockedfirst you suggest VdGG for the category "Bad Prog" and now thisAngry....why I ougttta......bah, I'll let this one slide being that you're my RPI mentorLOL....but for future reference: be carefulWink
About the Musical Box, I've caught some bad luck because they're going to be in Philadelphia (about 4-5 hour drive from my home) just before my final exams in DecemberCry...if only they'd waited another two weeks to hit the Pennsylvania/Maryland area....I sooooo want to see them!

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: September 24 2007 at 20:57
Originally posted by erik neuteboom erik neuteboom wrote:

Progheads who don't like Peter Gabriel era Genesis should be banned from Prog Archives as Non Prog Barbarians or be forced to attend an Extensive Progrock Education Course Evil%20Smile
Yes, yes, arrgh, arrgh,LOL kill all the barbarians!Angry

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: CANterbury
Date Posted: September 25 2007 at 07:39
Seems that there aren't italian in Progarchives...i can't wait for the concert!!!!

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: September 25 2007 at 08:44
You bet there are! And I live in Rome tooWink...
 Seriously, I can't decide now, because my life is a bit hectic. I'm not a big Genesis fan anyway, but I might convert and decide to drop in...

Posted By: Lady In Black
Date Posted: September 25 2007 at 12:04
Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

You bet there are! And I live in Rome tooWink...
 Seriously, I can't decide now, because my life is a bit hectic. I'm not a big Genesis fan anyway, but I might convert and decide to drop in...
A Prog concert is always an event! It doesn't matter if hated the Prog Metal and under house plays a Prog Metal band! Because If you love Prog Music... All Prog Rock genre is in your heart!
I prefer the Heavy side of Prog... and Genesis isn't in this category. But For history and music is a great band. And this fact suffice to love any band have to that to do with them.

It's dark... I've fear... I have strong pains... A serpent is being born... That badly I did, I?

Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: September 25 2007 at 14:39
                    Well Lady In Black and other progheads, just watch this: -                               

Posted By: progcabaretdoll
Date Posted: September 26 2007 at 06:34
I WISH I COULD GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: ZowieZiggy
Date Posted: September 26 2007 at 10:20
Hi Guys,
Well, I won't be in Rome, but what about Amsterdam on October, 20th (a Saturday) for the "Foxtrot" show (I already asked this to Erik but got no reply) ? Or on November 3rd (another Saturday) featuring the "Selling" black show. as well in Brussels ? I even have two spare tickets for the latter concert (1st class tickets, eight row or so - face value of course : 52,50 €).
And actually the most thrilling concert of all will take place in Duisbourg (Germany) on the night of the 31st of October (a Wednesday). That night, the Musical Box will play a concert that Genesis hs never played (nor The Musical Box).
That night a BEST OF Genesis will be played. Yes, sir ! This concert is organized by the German Genesis fan club. I still have to buy my ticket but I 'll definitely go there.
After these three concerts, I will have accumulated nine "The Musical Box" concerts of which two at the Royal Albert Hall (the White Selling + The Lamb), one in Strasbourg (The Lamb) and five in Brussels.
If someone leaves from Brussels, maybe we could share my car to do so (I 'm living in Wavre, about 30 KM south-east from Brussels).

Everything you have read from the band is true. They are really amazing.


Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: September 26 2007 at 12:00

Sorry ZowieZiggy for not answering but this time I am not attending The Musical Box their gigs, I have seen them five times and the tickets are quite expensive. But that gig in Germany sounds thrilling!

It looks or you are an even more early Genesis freak than me, 9 times The Musical Box, wow Shocked ! Lots of pleasure and I hope to read about your The Musical Box stories.

Posted By: ZowieZiggy
Date Posted: September 26 2007 at 14:19
Hi Erik,
Actually I'm in Genesis since I'am forteen (in 1973). I saw "The Lamb" tour in Brussels (April 75) and three times while they were four : in 76 with Brufford (another great experience) and twice in 77. Since they were very popular in Belgium (their first concert ever out of the UK took place in Brussels in March 71), they played two consecutive nights at Forest National (Brussels) n June 77. I was there twice, first row (well actually there were no row since I was just sitting on the floor).
Nice souvenirs. A friend of mine had even a great recording of the second night but it all burned with his house some four years ago. I never recalled he had this, so I had no copy. I will never forgive me this.
Anyway (they say she comes on a pale horse, but I'm sure I hear a train,...ooops), yes I do love Genesis even if I wasn't there for their "reunion" (but is this Genesis) ?
But I am almost sure that we will get one TRUE Genesis reunion. SInce the announcement of the Led Zep one (in another style, but they also are an integrant part of my youth back to ...1970) it proves that nothing is impossible.
So, let's be confident. It is now just a matter of when it will occur.
Best regards. And I will definitely report these concerts if I find the time. These reviewings are really eating me up.


Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: September 26 2007 at 14:46
I am not jealous ZowieZiggy on you having seen all those early Genesis gigs, not at all ............CryOuchUnhappyCensored!
But seriously, you should have been on the Symforce After Party at my home, we have watched very rare early Genesis footage on DVD, you can PM me about that Wink And about that Genesis reunion of the classical line-up, even if they will perform on Antartica or Eastern Island, I will go, money is no item, I will try to get a ticket!

Posted By: ZowieZiggy
Date Posted: September 27 2007 at 13:14
I'm sure they'll come closer; but as far as money is concerned, I guess it won't be cheap. But we'll be there whatever the price I guess ? We could already start our savings.
I have also read that you  went to some sort of prog conference lately (September 15th). Actually I saw the information about the event too late because getting Focus, Riverside, Pendragon and Flower Kings on the same day must have been quite an experience.
It might be interesting to share this sort of happening on PA. I read about it on the Pendragon web-site but also when I was reviewing the last "Riverside" EP. You mention that you were going to that gig. How was it ?
It reminds me that fantastic afternoon during which I saw "Knight Area", "La Mascherra Di cera" and "Riverside" some two years ago in Verviers (Spirit of 66).
Take care,


Posted By: erik neuteboom
Date Posted: September 27 2007 at 15:44

ZowieZiggy, I opened a thread entitled "Any PA members to go to the Symforce Festival?" in order to organise a kind of PA meeting and I have to say that it worked out well with members from the UK, Portugal, France and Holland, we had a good chat and a good beer Thumbs%20Up

I enjoyed the Symforce Festival very much, great gigs by Riverside, Focus, Beardfish and Bootcut (Hammond walhalla Approve ).

In December I will go to the Riverside concert in De Boerderij in Zoetermeer (near my hometown The Hague), this weekend I will receive the special Riverside 2-CD (including the video footage) at our two-monthly Progwalhalla evening, fellow PA members Angelo, Dutch Tony and Dirk will also join the party, it's wonderful to listen to lesser and unknown new prog with a good beer .. and some wine Wink
A few years ago I attended a small Progrock Festival in Zoetermeer featuring Knight Area, Moongarden and Riverside, almost similar to your Verviers experience. One of my main goals next year is to visit Verviers, we keep in touch, OK?

Posted By: ZowieZiggy
Date Posted: September 27 2007 at 18:47
Hi Erik,
That would be great ! Actually, the Spirit of 66 is rather similar to The Boerderij (but smaller). Riverside will also be there mid December (two days after Mostly Autum). I should attend both.
In the meantime (October 29) there will be an EXCEPTIONAL moment there.  "Fragile" , one of the best "Yes" cover band will play. But not alone. There will a special guest. A VERY special guest.
Mister Steve HoweSmile will be on stage for a full concert with them. It will be the occasion to see him from a distance of ...two meters since I always try (and achieve) to be in the first line.
Another good news concerning "The Musical Box" concert in Brussels. The excellent (IMO) Italian band, "The Watch" will open the show. I am thrilled about that great night.
The Symforce Festival idea sounds great. Since Belgium is really close, I would surely be interested to attend the next one if agenda / health allow. Share music and some good wine and beers is a great way to spend some time between music freaks...Clap
We'll be definitely in touch.
Take care,


Posted By: oddentity
Date Posted: September 28 2007 at 01:24
Originally posted by progcabaretdoll progcabaretdoll wrote:

I WISH I COULD GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're both stuck in the backwaters of nowhere, never to see these wonderful bands.


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