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Oldfield vs Lifeson vs Livgren vs Petrucci

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Topic: Oldfield vs Lifeson vs Livgren vs Petrucci
Posted By: Yorkie X
Subject: Oldfield vs Lifeson vs Livgren vs Petrucci
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 00:53
This should be interesting,  remember vote for the individual not the band they are from.     Was originally meant to be a oldfield verses lifeson poll but I thought I`d spice it up a bit 

Posted By: puma
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 01:36
Livgren, come on. Amazing guitar player and keyboard player AND songwriter

Posted By: iguana
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 05:51
apples vs. oranges vs. peaches vs. cherries ...

progressive rock and rural tranquility don't match. true or false?

Posted By: febus
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 07:28

Good pollThumbs%20Up least something different !! no best of GENESIS or YES for once

OLDFIELD and LIVGREN go to the finals  and the winner is........
......MIKE OLDFIELD as he is very ''useful'' for a man working in one man-band doing 100% of the chores.Big%20smile


Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 10:57
Well they're all great players but I would want Alex Liefson in my band. Not the most technical player in your list but he always has a great sound, well most of the time and is pretty versatile.

Posted By: ProgBagel
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 12:45
I don't get this, but i'll pick Oldfield.

Posted By: riversdancing
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 12:53
Long live King Lerxst!

Posted By: Zargus
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 15:45
Oldfield is the master of multi instument is there anything he cant play? And a great songwriter.


Posted By: Man Overboard
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 16:19
Livgren.  Check out the first Proto-Kaw album, the demos from 71-73.  Mind-bogglingly good!

-------------" rel="nofollow - Bedroom guitarist". Composer, Arranger, Producer. Perfection may not exist, but I may still choose to serve Perfection.

Commissions considered.

Posted By: Dim
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 18:50
 it's true! Lifeson is in second place, and should technically be in last.
Pentatonic, thats all he plays, every solo is sloppy (except la villa strangiato), and not well thought.


Posted By: Barla
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 19:07
Originally posted by schizoid_man77 schizoid_man77 wrote:

 it's true! Lifeson is in second place, and should technically be in last.
Pentatonic, thats all he plays, every solo is sloppy (except la villa strangiato), and not well thought.

What's the problem with the pentatonic??

Jimmy Page and Stevie Ray Vaughan, just to name a few were KINGS of the pentatonic!

And, BTW, I vote for PETRUCCI! The best guitarist I've heard to come out on the 90s, IMO. Clap


Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 19:09
Originally posted by schizoid_man77 schizoid_man77 wrote:

 it's true! Lifeson is in second place, and should technically be in last.
Pentatonic, thats all he plays, every solo is sloppy (except la villa strangiato), and not well thought.

yeah, right...Unhappy

Posted By: Bastille Dude
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 20:01
Originally posted by schizoid_man77 schizoid_man77 wrote:

 it's true! Lifeson is in second place, and should technically be in last.
Pentatonic, thats all he plays, every solo is sloppy (except la villa strangiato), and not well thought.

You jest, right?


Posted By: Dim
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 21:16
Tony, I'm probably giving you the wrong impression that I am some rush basher by now, I actually like rush, not as much as I used to, but they are a corner stone band.
Barla, I respect Jimi's influence, but dont really respect his guitar playing, which also seems very sloppy to me.
I find Stevei ray Vaughn much more skilled because he's playing a BLUES scale on a, you know... BLUES SONG!!!
Guitar players like Young, Lifeson, Paige and most of the "guitar virtusos" of the seventies dont yeild much respectfrom me because they actually do not show much skill.


Posted By: tardis
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 21:43
Out of the choices...Alex Lifeson. Petrucci seems obsessed with copying Metallica riffs as opposed to helping the band "progress". Stern%20Smile

Posted By: rileydog22
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 21:46
Originally posted by schizoid_man77 schizoid_man77 wrote:

 it's true! Lifeson is in second place, and should technically be in last.
Pentatonic, thats all he plays, every solo is sloppy (except la villa strangiato), and not well thought.

That's cause sevenths sound like sh*t in guitar solos. 


Posted By: rileydog22
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 21:54
In what way would Oldfield be considered a "useful" musician; I can only think of one time that he actually COLLABORATED with anybody, and that was pretty obscure.  I would consider him to be a good musician and a good composer, but I wouldn't call him a good bandmate or even anybody's bandmate at all.  


Posted By: stonebeard
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 21:55
This poll is so odd (stupid), I don't even wat to vote.
I just don't get these polls.

-------------" rel="nofollow - My soundcloud. Please give feedback if you want!

Posted By: Failcore
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 22:38
Livgren in last, as per usual. 

Posted By: WaywardSon
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 22:57
It´s between Oldfield and Livgren,
I voted Kerry Livgren.

Posted By: ClemofNazareth
Date Posted: August 30 2007 at 23:30
Originally posted by iguana iguana wrote:

apples vs. oranges vs. peaches vs. cherries ...

Livgren's a peach?!?

"Peace is the only battle worth waging."

Albert Camus

Posted By: cookieacquired
Date Posted: August 31 2007 at 18:28
lifeson all the way!!!


Posted By: progadicto
Date Posted: August 31 2007 at 23:53
Mike Oldfield, one of the most amazing multi instrumentist and composer that I've heard!!!

... E N E L B U N K E R...

Posted By: Flucktrot
Date Posted: September 01 2007 at 00:09
Livgren just for fun

Thank you, God of Rock, for this chance to kick ass

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 01 2007 at 00:16
of the topic an amazing thing if all these guys got together and did a Transatlantic though wonder who would be the drummer ? probably OIdfield hes good at playing anything can Petrucci sing ?  gonna need a singer Know Lifeson can sing but  ....

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 01 2007 at 00:26
Very strange poll:
  1. Mike Oldfield: The worst thing you can have in a band is a one man orchestra, he will spend all the time trying to teach you how to play your own instrument and very rarely this guys are virtuoso players or maybe in one instrument. Only a person who never played in a band will want one guy like Mike or Vangelis at your side. They were born to play alone.
  2. Alex Lifeson: Not the best guitar player you can have.
  3. Petrucci: Wow a big ego in a band is not also the best you can get, uinless the rest of the band is so lame that you need 27 guitar solos per song to cover the rest..
  4. Kerry Livegren: Good but not amazing performer, used to be a great songwriter, but now he has a religious agenda so not the best for a band that wants to play about any issue, unless you are hired by the 700 Club.



Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 01 2007 at 00:33
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

very strange poll:
  1. Mike Oldfield: The worst thing you can have in a band is a one man orchestra, he will spend all the time trying to teach how to play your own instrument and very rarely this guys are virtuoso players or maybe in one instrument. 
  2. Alex Lifeson: Not the best guitar player you can have.
  3. Petrucci: Wow a big ego in a band is not also the best you can get, unless the rest of the band is so lame that you need 27 guitar solos per song to cover the rest..
  4. Kerry Livgren: Good but not amazing performer, used to be a great songwriter, but now he has a religious agenda so not the best for a band that wants to play about any issue, unless you are hired by the 700 Club.


Agreed Ivan its a strange poll ..  was never really aimed at being a poll to take seriously , it started with me reading glowing comments about Lifeson in another thread about Lifeson being the most creative member of Rush ?  so I thought I`d put him up against Mike Oldfield just to test out the claim ...  then I thought hey I think Livgren has produced some fine stuff wonder if I put Livgren up against Oldfield since they are both composers and multi instrumentalists...  then I looked at Lifeson kinda being all alone and Petrucci entered the picture ...   its a poll that kind of unraveled as it went along , Ultimately what we have here is two very good multi instrumentalists up against two  very good players of their chosen instrument . Only one thing in commen exists with each of these mentioned , they all play the guitar either as the main instrument or at some point.   Smile

Posted By: The T
Date Posted: September 01 2007 at 00:37
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

very sdtrange poll:
  1. Mike Oldfield: The worst thing you can have in a band is a oneman orchestra, he will spend all the timet rying to teach how to play your own instrument and very rarely this guys are virtuoso players or maaybe in one instrument. Only a person who never played in a band will want one gyuy like Miike or Vangelis at your side. They were born to play alone.
  2. Alex Lifeson: Not the best guitar player you can have.
  3. Petrucci: Wow a big ego in a band is not also the best you can get, uinless the rest of the band is so lame that you need 27 guitar solos per song to cover the rest..
  4. Kerry Livegren: Good but not amazing performer, used to be a great songwritter, but now he has a religious agenda so not the best for a band that wants to play about any issue, unless you are hired by the 700 Club.


Disagree with Ivan here... Let me say:
1. Well, actually agree on this one...ConfusedLOL
2. Maybe not the absolute virtuoso but very "useful" (weird term chosen here) for Rush, I'd say perfect for the music...
3. I actually think Petrucci has a normal ego, just like all in DT (maybe Portnoy has a bigger one)... The 27 solos mentioned are just part of the music...yes, THIS is how the music is intended to be in DT.
4. Sadly, religion stole a good musician from us.... when you mix deep beliefs with something that should be as free as music (which are just SOUNDS, they shouldn't be use to change the world), the results suffer...
Guess I didn't disagree that much after all, only 50% LOL

Posted By: markosherrera
Date Posted: September 01 2007 at 18:05
Mike Oldfield

Posted By: Dim
Date Posted: September 01 2007 at 19:46
Originally posted by stonebeard stonebeard wrote:

This poll is so odd (stupid), I don't even wat to vote.
I just don't get these polls.
I agree, Oldfield is probably who I would vote, but he's not THAT good.
everyone else is a pentatonic playing sloppy player im(not so humble)O.


Posted By: chessman
Date Posted: September 02 2007 at 09:58
Without a doubt, my vote goes to Alex.
In a trio, he has a lot to do, yet never tries to dominate proceedings. He is underrated simply because the other two are so highly rated. But he can match them.
Oldfield, on the other hand, though he was in bands before Tubular Bells, wouldn't fit well in a band now. His ego wouldn't allow it methinks. He is better as a solo artist.
Not keen on t'other two, so no point in discussing them. Wink

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