good place to buy prog vinyl in Chicago
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Topic: good place to buy prog vinyl in Chicago
Posted By: vikingyouth
Subject: good place to buy prog vinyl in Chicago
Date Posted: August 15 2007 at 15:21
any ideas on a good place in Chicago to buy prog vinyl?
what about a good place on the internet?
Posted By: Easy Money
Date Posted: August 15 2007 at 15:40
vikingyouth wrote:
any ideas on a good place in Chicago to buy prog vinyl?what about a good place on the internet?
| I don't know about Chicago, but ebay is a decent scource on the internet. I have also bought things over the phone from Grooves in San Francisco, 415 436 9933
Posted By: Easy Money
Date Posted: August 15 2007 at 15:43
vikingyouth wrote:
any ideas on a good place in Chicago to buy prog vinyl?what about a good place on the internet?
| Also, you can sometimes get good prog for cheap at thrift stores, garage sales etc, but you need to know how to look at records and judge the quality, otherwise you might get something scritchy.
Posted By: Floydian42
Date Posted: August 16 2007 at 00:19
Think chicago's bad? Try anywhere in upstate in new york.
Posted By: rileydog22
Date Posted: August 16 2007 at 00:36
Why do they call it the windy city?
Sorry, couldn't resist.

Posted By: EricDraven
Date Posted: August 17 2007 at 12:42
Prog music, like electronic music, in chicago is non-exsistant. The few shops that are left, even when there where a plethora of them, never stocked prog/electronic music. Oh, you may be lucky and find an odd title here and there or they MIGHT stock the more well known artists but, all you'll find is indie,[c]rap and hip hop sh*te. I'll tell you, thank god for the internet, because if I had to rely on scouring the local shops, I'd never find a tenth of what I've purchased off the web.